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Fano resonance lineshapes in a waveguide-microring structure enabled by an air-hole

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose and demonstrate, by simply inserting an air-hole in the waveguide side-coupling with a microring resonator (MRR), the transmission spectrum presents Fano lineshapes at all of the resonant modes. Measured from the fabricated devices, Fano lineshapes with slope rates over 400 dB/nm and extinction ratios over 20 dB are obtained. We ascribe it to the air-hole-induced phase-shift between the discrete resonant modes of the MRR and the continuum propagating mode of the bus-waveguide, which modifies their interference lineshapes from symmetric Lorentzian to asymmetric Fano. From devices with varied locations and diameters of the air-hole, different Fano asymmetric parameters are extracted, verifying the air-hole-induced phase-shifts. This air-hole-assisted waveguide-MRR structure for achieving Fano resonance lineshapes has advantages of simple design, compact footprint, large tolerance of fabrication errors, as well as broadband operation range. It has great potentials to expand and improve performances of on-chip MRR-based devices, including sensors, switchings and filters.

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Microring resonators, as a fundamental building block of photonic integrated circuits, have been well developed into numerous functional devices, whose performances are strongly determined by microrings resonance lineshapes. We propose a compact structure to reliably realize Lorentzian, Fano, and electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) resonance lineshapes in a microring. By simply inserting two air-holes in the side-coupled waveguide of a microring, a Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance is involved to couple with microrings resonant modes, showing Lorentzian, Fano, and EIT lineshapes over one free spectral range of the FP resonance. The quality factors, extinction ratios, and slope rates in different lineshapes are discussed. At microrings specific resonant wavelength, the lineshape could be tuned among these three types by controlling the FP cavitys length. Experiment results verify the theoretical analysis well and represent Fano lineshapes with extinction ratios of about 20 dB and slope rates over 280 dB/nm. The reliably and flexibly tunable lineshapes in the compact structure have potentials to improve microring-based devices and expand their application scopes.
We present a detailed study of oscillating modes in a slab waveguide with air core and anisotropic metamaterial cladding. It is shown that, under specific dielectric configurations, slow and even stopped electromagnetic wave can be supported by such an air waveguide. We propose a linearly tapped waveguide structure that could lead the propagating light to a complete standstill. Both the theoretical analysis and the proposed waveguide have been validated by full-wave simulation based on finite-difference time-domain method.
119 - Yafeng Wang , Liming Liao , Tao Hu 2019
Angle-resolved second harmonic generation (SHG) spectra of ZnO microwires show characteristic Fano resonances in the spectral vicinity of exciton-polariton modes. The output SHG spectra after SHG interacting with exciton polariton shows a resonant enhancement peak accompanied by a suppression dip originating from the constructive and destructive interference respectively. It is demonstrated that the Fano line shape, and thus the Fano asymmetry parameter q, can be tuned by the phase-shift of the two channels. The phase-dependent q was calculated and the model describes our experimental results well. In particular, the phase-to-q relation unveil the crucial information about the dynamics of the system, e.g., defining the line shape of output SHG spectra in a superposition of quantum states.
215 - Jian-Qi Zhang , Yi Xu , Keyu Xia 2014
Observation of the Fano line shapes is essential to understand properties of the Fano resonance in different physical systems. We explore a tunable Fano resonance by tuning the phase shift in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based on a single-mode nano-optomechanical cavity. The Fano resonance is resulted from the optomechanically induced transparency caused by a nano-mechanical resonator and can be tuned by applying an optomechanical MZI. By tuning the phase shift in one arm of the MZI, we can observe the periodically varying line shapes of the Fano resonance, which represents an elaborate manipulation of the Fano resonance in the nanoscale optomechanics.
We present a simple yet elegant Mueller matrix approach for controlling the Fano interference effect and engineering the resulting asymmetric spectral line shape in anisotropic optical system. The approach is founded on a generalized model of anisotropic Fano resonance, which relates the spectral asymmetry to two physically meaningful and experimentally accessible parameters of interference, namely, the Fano phase shift and the relative amplitudes of the interfering modes. The differences in these parameters between orthogonal linear polarizations in an anisotropic system are exploited to desirably tune the Fano spectral asymmetry using pre- and post-selection of optimized polarization states. Experimental control on the Fano phase and the relative amplitude parameters and resulting tuning of spectral asymmetry is demonstrated in waveguided plasmonic crystals using Mueller matrix-based polarization analysis. The approach enabled tailoring of several exotic regimes of Fano resonance including the complete reversal of the spectral asymmetry. The demonstrated control and the ensuing large tunability of Fano resonance in anisotropic systems shows potential for Fano resonance-based applications involving control and manipulation of electromagnetic waves at the nano scale.
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