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Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in the $p$-adic Dwork theory

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 Added by Jeehoon Park
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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The goal of this article is to develop BV (Batalin-Vilkovisky) formalism in the $p$-adic Dwork theory. Based on this formalism, we explicitly construct a $p$-adic dGBV algebra (differential Gerstenhaber-Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra) for a smooth projective complete intersection variety $X$ over a finite field, whose cohomology gives the $p$-adic Dwork cohomology of $X$, and its cochain endomorphism (the $p$-adic Dwork Frobenius operator) which encodes the information of the zeta function $X$. As a consequence, we give a modern deformation theoretic interpretation of Dworks theory of the zeta function of $X$ and derive a formula for the $p$-adic Dwork Frobenius operator in terms of homotopy Lie morphisms and the Bell polynomials.

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We study an equivariant extension of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for quantizing gauge theories. Namely, we introduce a general framework to encompass failures of the quantum master equation, and we apply it to the natural equivariant extension of AKSZ solutions of the classical master equation (CME). As examples of the construction, we recover the equivariant extension of supersymmetric Yang-Mills in 2d and of Donaldson-Witten theory.
We give a conceptual formulation of Kontsevichs `dual construction producing graph cohomology classes from a differential graded Frobenius algebra with an odd scalar product. Our construction -- whilst equivalent to the original one -- is combinatorics-free and is based on the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, from which its gauge-independence is immediate.
128 - Pavel Mnev 2017
Lecture notes for the course Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and applications in topological quantum field theory given at the University of Notre Dame in the Fall 2016 for a mathematical audience. In these lectures we give a slow introduction to the perturbative path integral for gauge theories in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and the associated mathematical concepts.
231 - Riccardo Iraso , Pavel Mnev 2018
In this paper we recover the non-perturbative partition function of 2D~Yang-Mills theory from the perturbative path integral. To achieve this goal, we study the perturbative path integral quantization for 2D~Yang-Mills theory on surfaces with boundaries and corners in the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism (or, more precisely, in its adaptation to the setting with boundaries, compatible with gluing and cutting -- the BV-BFV formalism). We prove that cutting a surface (e.g. a closed one) into simple enough pieces -- building blocks -- and choosing a convenient gauge-fixing on the pieces, and assembling back the partition function on the surface, one recovers the known non-perturbative answers for 2D~Yang-Mills theory.
264 - Benjamin L. Weiss 2014
We estimate several probability distributions arising from the study of random, monic polynomials of degree $n$ with coefficients in the integers of a general $p$-adic field $K_{mathfrak{p}}$ having residue field with $q= p^f$ elements. We estimate the distribution of the degrees of irreducible factors of the polynomials, with tight error bounds valid when $q> n^2+n$. We also estimate the distribution of Galois groups of such polynomials, showing that for fixed $n$, almost all Galois groups are cyclic in the limit $q to infty$. In particular, we show that the Galois groups are cyclic with probability at least $1 - frac{1}{q}$. We obtain exact formulas in the case of $K_{mathfrak{p}}$ for all $p > n$ when $n=2$ and $n=3$.
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