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Background field method and nonlinear gauges

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 Added by Breno Giacchini
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We present a reformulation of the background field method for Yang-Mills type theories, based on using a superalgebra of generators of BRST and background field transformations. The new approach enables one to implement and consistently use non-linear gauges in a natural way, by using the requirement of invariance of the fermion gauge-fixing functional under the background field transformations.

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160 - Andrea Quadri 2021
We show that in a spontaneously broken effective gauge field theory, quantized in a general background $R_xi$-gauge, also the background fields undergo a non-linear (albeit background-gauge invariant) field redefinition induced by radiative corrections. This redefinition proves to be crucial in order to renormalize the coupling constants of gauge-invariant operators in a gauge-independent way. The classical background-quantum splitting is also in general non-linearly deformed (in a non gauge-invariant way) by radiative corrections. Remarkably, such deformations vanish in the Landau gauge, to all orders in the loop expansion.
We use the background field method to systematically derive CFT data for the critical $phi^6$ vector model in three dimensions, and the Gross-Neveu model in dimensions $2leq d leq 4$. Specifically, we calculate the OPE coefficients and anomalous dimensions of various operators, up to next-to-leading order in the $1/N$ expansion.
We construct explicitly the canonical transformation that controls the full dependence (local and non-local) of the vertex functional of a Yang-Mills theory on a background field. After showing that the canonical transformation found is nothing but a direct field-theoretic generalization of the Lie transform of classical analytical mechanics, we comment on a number of possible applications, and in particular the non perturbative implementation of the background field method on the lattice, the background field formulation of the two particle irreducible formalism, and, finally, the formulation of the Schwinger-Dyson series in the presence of topologically non-trivial configurations.
151 - Shoichi Ichinose 2013
A new field theory formulation is presented for the analysis of the CMB power spectrum distribution in the cosmology. The background-field formalism is fully used. Stimulated by the recent idea of the {it emergent} gravity, the gravitational (metric) field $g_mn$ is not taken as the quantum-field, but as the background field. The statistical fluctuation effect of the metric field is taken into account by the path (hyper-surface)-integral over the space-time. Using a simple scalar model on the curved (dS$_4$) space-time, we explain the above things with the following additional points: 1) Clear separate treatment of the classical effect, the statistical effect and the quantum effect; 2) The cosmological fluctuation comes not from the quantum gravity but from the unkown microscopic movement; 3) IR parameter ($ell$) is introduced for the time axis as the periodicity. Time reversal(Z$_2$)-symmetry is introduced in order to treat the problem separately with respect to the Z$_2$ parity. This procedure much helps both UV and IR regularization to work well.
Non-Abelian gauge theories with composite fields are examined in the background field method. Generating functionals of Greens functions for a Yang--Mills theory with composite and background fields are introduced, including the generating functional of vertex Greens functions (effective action). The corresponding Ward identities are obtained, and the issue of gauge dependence is investigated. A gauge variation of the effective action is found in terms of a nilpotent operator depending on the composite and background fields. On-shell independence from the choice of gauge fixing for the effective action is established. In the study of the Ward identities and gauge dependence, finite field-dependent BRST transformations with a background field are introduced and utilized on a systematic basis. On the one hand, this involves the consideration of (modified) Ward identities with a field-dependent anticommuting parameter, also depending on a non-trivial background. On the other hand, the issue of gauge dependence is studied with reference to a finite variation of the gauge Fermion. The concept of a joint introduction of composite and background fields to non-Abelian gauge theories is exemplified by the Gribov--Zwanziger theory and by the Volovich--Katanaev model of two-dimensional gravity with dynamical torsion.
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