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We give a new proof of an index theorem for fiber bundles of compact topological manifolds due to Dwyer, Weiss, and Williams, which asserts that the parametrized $A$-theory characteristic of such a fiber bundle factors canonically through the assembly map of $A$-theory. Furthermore our main result shows a refinement of this statement by providing such a factorization for an extended $A$-theory characteristic, defined on the parametrized topological cobordism category. The proof uses a convenient framework for bivariant theories and recent results of Gomez-Lopez and Kupers on the homotopy type of the topological cobordism category. We conjecture that this lift of the extended $A$-theory characteristic becomes highly connected as the manifold dimension increases.
In algebraic quantum field theory the spacetime manifold is replaced by a suitable base for its topology ordered under inclusion. We explain how certain topological invariants of the manifold can be computed in terms of the base poset. We develop a theory of connections and curvature for bundles over posets in search of a formulation of gauge theories in algebraic quantum field theory.
Associated to each finite dimensional linear representation of a group $G$, there is a vector bundle over the classifying space $BG$. We introduce a framework for studying this construction in the context of infinite discrete groups, taking into account the topology of representation spaces. This involves studying the homotopy group completion of the topological monoid formed by all unitary (or general linear) representations of $G$, under the monoid operation given by block sum. In order to work effectively with this object, we prove a general result showing that for certain homotopy commutative topological monoids $M$, the homotopy groups of $Omega BM$ can be described explicitly in terms of unbased homotopy classes of maps from spheres into $M$. Several applications are developed. We relate our constructions to the Novikov conjecture; we show that the space of flat unitary connections over the 3-dimensional Heisenberg manifold has extremely large homotopy groups; and for groups that satisfy Kazhdans property (T) and admit a finite classifying space, we show that the reduced $K$-theory class associated to a spherical family of finite dimensional unitary representations is always torsion.
We prove the formula $TC(Gast H)=max{TC(G), TC(H), cd(Gtimes H)}$ for the topological complexity of the free product of discrete groups with cohomological dimension >2.
We introduce a new homology theory of compact orbifolds called stratified simplicial homology (or st-homology for short) from some special kind of triangulations adapted to the orbifolds. In the definition of st-homology, the orders of the local groups of the points in an orbifold is encoded in the boundary map so that the theory can capture some structural information of the orbifold. We can prove that st-homology is an invariant under orbifold isomorhpisms and more generally under homotopy equivalences that preserve the orders of the local groups of all the strata. It turns out that the free part of st-homology of an orbifold can be interpreted by the usual simplicial homology of the orbifold and its singular set. So it is the torsion part of st-homology that can really give us new information of an orbifold. In general, the size of the torsion in the st-homology group of a compact orbifold is a nonlinear function on the orders of the local groups of the singular points which may reflect the complexity and the correlation of the singular points in the orbifold. Moreover, we introduce a wider class of objects called pseudo-orbifolds and develop the whole theory of st-homology in this setting.
The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and topological complexity are important invariants of manifolds (and more generally, topological spaces). We study the behavior of these invariants under the operation of taking the connected sum of manifolds. We give a complete answer for the LS-categoryof orientable manifolds, $cat(M# N)=max{cat M,cat N}$. For topological complexity we prove the inequality $TC (M# N)gemax{TC M,TC N}$ for simply connected manifolds.