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Bayesian spectral density estimation using P-splines with quantile-based knot placement

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 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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This article proposes a Bayesian approach to estimating the spectral density of a stationary time series using a prior based on a mixture of P-spline distributions. Our proposal is motivated by the B-spline Dirichlet process prior of Edwards et al. (2019) in combination with Whittles likelihood and aims at reducing the high computational complexity of its posterior computations. The strength of the B-spline Dirichlet process prior over the Bernstein-Dirichlet process prior of Choudhuri et al. (2004) lies in its ability to estimate spectral densities with sharp peaks and abrupt changes due to the flexibility of B-splines with variable number and location of knots. Here, we suggest to use P-splines of Eilers and Marx (1996) that combine a B-spline basis with a discrete penalty on the basis coefficients. In addition to equidistant knots, a novel strategy for a more expedient placement of knots is proposed that makes use of the information provided by the periodogram about the steepness of the spectral power distribution. We demonstrate in a simulation study and two real case studies that this approach retains the flexibility of the B-splines, achieves similar ability to accurately estimate peaks due to the new data-driven knot allocation scheme but significantly reduces the computational costs.

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In this article, we consider a non-parametric Bayesian approach to multivariate quantile regression. The collection of related conditional distributions of a response vector Y given a univariate covariate X is modeled using a Dependent Dirichlet Process (DDP) prior. The DDP is used to introduce dependence across x. As the realizations from a Dirichlet process prior are almost surely discrete, we need to convolve it with a kernel. To model the error distribution as flexibly as possible, we use a countable mixture of multidimensional normal distributions as our kernel. For posterior computations, we use a truncated stick-breaking representation of the DDP. This approximation enables us to deal with only a finitely number of parameters. We use a Block Gibbs sampler for estimating the model parameters. We illustrate our method with simulation studies and real data applications. Finally, we provide a theoretical justification for the proposed method through posterior consistency. Our proposed procedure is new even when the response is univariate.
We present a new Bayesian nonparametric approach to estimating the spectral density of a stationary time series. A nonparametric prior based on a mixture of B-spline distributions is specified and can be regarded as a generalization of the Bernstein polynomial prior of Petrone (1999a,b) and Choudhuri et al. (2004). Whittles likelihood approximation is used to obtain the pseudo-posterior distribution. This method allows for a data-driven choice of the number of mixture components and the location of knots. Posterior samples are obtained using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, and mixing is improved using parallel tempering. We conduct a simulation study to demonstrate that for complicated spectral densities, the B-spline prior provides more accurate Monte Carlo estimates in terms of $L_1$-error and uniform coverage probabilities than the Bernstein polynomial prior. We apply the algorithm to annual mean sunspot data to estimate the solar cycle. Finally, we demonstrate the algorithms ability to estimate a spectral density with sharp features, using real gravitational wave detector data from LIGOs sixth science run, recoloured to match the Advanced LIGO target sensitivity.
Graphical models are ubiquitous tools to describe the interdependence between variables measured simultaneously such as large-scale gene or protein expression data. Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) are well-established tools for probabilistic exploration of dependence structures using precision matrices and they are generated under a multivariate normal joint distribution. However, they suffer from several shortcomings since they are based on Gaussian distribution assumptions. In this article, we propose a Bayesian quantile based approach for sparse estimation of graphs. We demonstrate that the resulting graph estimation is robust to outliers and applicable under general distributional assumptions. Furthermore, we develop efficient variational Bayes approximations to scale the methods for large data sets. Our methods are applied to a novel cancer proteomics data dataset wherein multiple proteomic antibodies are simultaneously assessed on tumor samples using reverse-phase protein arrays (RPPA) technology.
198 - Linglong Kong , Ivan Mizera 2013
The use of quantiles to obtain insights about multivariate data is addressed. It is argued that incisive insights can be obtained by considering directional quantiles, the quantiles of projections. Directional quantile envelopes are proposed as a way to condense this kind of information; it is demonstrated that they are essentially halfspace (Tukey) depth levels sets, coinciding for elliptic distributions (in particular multivariate normal) with density contours. Relevant questions concerning their indexing, the possibility of the reverse retrieval of directional quantile information, invariance with respect to affine transformations, and approximation/asymptotic properties are studied. It is argued that the analysis in terms of directional quantiles and their envelopes offers a straightforward probabilistic interpretation and thus conveys a concrete quantitative meaning; the directional definition can be adapted to elaborate frameworks, like estimation of extreme quantiles and directional quantile regression, the regression of depth contours on covariates. The latter facilitates the construction of multivariate growth charts---the question that motivated all the development.
We propose an estimation methodology for a semiparametric quantile factor panel model. We provide tools for inference that are robust to the existence of moments and to the form of weak cross-sectional dependence in the idiosyncratic error term. We apply our method to daily stock return data.
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