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Mode-locked lasers exhibit complex nonlinear dynamics. Precise observation of these dynamics will aid in understanding of the underlying physics and provide new insights for laser design and applications. The starting dynamics, from initial noise fluctuations to the mode-locking regime, have previously been observed directly by time-stretched transform-based real-time spectroscopy. However, the regime transition dynamics, which are essential processes in mode-locked lasers, have not yet been resolved because regime transition process tracking is very challenging. Here we demonstrate the first insight into the regime transition dynamics enabled by our design of a real-time programmable mode-locked fibre laser, in which different operating regimes can be achieved and switched automatically. The regime transition dynamics among initial noise fluctuations, Q-switching, fundamental mode-locking and harmonic mode-locking regimes have been observed and thoroughly analysed by both temporal and spectral means. These findings will enrich our understanding of the complex dynamics inside mode-locked lasers.
Physical systems with co-existence and interplay of processes featuring distinct spatio-temporal scales are found in various research areas ranging from studies of brain activity to astrophysics. Complexity of such systems makes their theoretical and experimental analysis technically and conceptually challenging. Here, we discover that radiation of partially mode-locked fibre lasers, while being stochastic and intermittent on short time scale, exhibits periodicity and long scale correlations over slow evolution from one round trip to another. The evolution mapping of intensity auto-correlation function allows us to reveal variety of spatio-temporal coherent structures and to experimentally study their symbiotic co-existence with stochastic radiation. Our measurements of interactions of noisy pulses over a time scale of thousands of non-linear lengths demonstrate that they have features of incoherent temporal solitons. Real-time measurements of spatio-temporal intensity dynamics are set to bring new insight into rich underlying nonlinear physics of practical active- and passive-cavity photonic systems.
We demonstrate ultra-low timing jitter optical pulse trains from free- running, 80 MHz repetition rate, mode-locked Yb-fiber lasers. Timing jitter of various mode-locking conditions at close-to-zero intra-cavity dispersion (-0.004 to +0.002 ps2 range at 1040 nm center wavelength) is characterized using a sub-20-attosecond-resolution balanced optical cross-correlation method. The measured lowest rms timing jitter is 175 attoseconds when integrated from 10 kHz to 40 MHz (Nyquist frequency) offset frequency range, which corresponds to the record-low timing jitter from free-running mode-locked fiber lasers so far. We also experimentally found the mode-locking conditions of fiber lasers where both ultra-low timing jitter and relative intensity noise can be achieved.
Higher repetition-rate optical pulse trains have been desired for various applications such as high-bit-rate optical communication, photonic analogue-to-digital conversion, and multi- photon imaging. Generation of multi GHz and higher repetition-rate optical pulse trains directly from mode-locked oscillators is often challenging. As an alternative, harmonic injection locking can be applied for extra-cavity repetition-rate multiplication (RRM). Here we have investigated the operation conditions and achievable performances of all-fibre, highly tunable harmonic injection locking-based pulse RRM. We show that, with slight tuning of slave laser length, highly tunable RRM is possible from a multiplication factor of 2 to >100. The resulting maximum SMSR is 41 dB when multiplied by a factor of two. We further characterize the noise properties of the multiplied signal in terms of phase noise and relative intensity noise. The resulting absolute rms timing jitter of the multiplied signal is in the range of 20 fs to 60 fs (10 kHz - 1 MHz) for different multiplication factors. With its high tunability, simple and robust all-fibre implementation, and low excess noise, the demonstrated RRM system may find diverse applications in microwave photonics, optical communications, photonic analogue-to-digital conversion, and clock distribution networks.
Ultrafast transient phenomena are the most important research field in nonlinear systems, and the mode-locking fiber laser provides an excellent research platform for ultrafast transient phenomena. We report on the experimental observation of multi-soliton asynchronous buildup dynamics in all-polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber laser. The build-up dynamics display several novel features. The different solitons in multi-soliton generation are produced asynchronously instead of simultaneously. Solitons generated at different time have different propagation speeds at metastable state and same speeds at stable state, indicating that different solitons have different energy at metastable state. The intra-cavity energy exhibits quantization property with respect to the build-up process. A proportion of background pulse vanished with respect to the birth of new pulse, which shows the jungle law in fiber laser system. The buildup dynamics may benefit the research of ultrafast pulse generation, interaction, regulation, energy improvement, and stability improvement.
We study the effect of noise on the dynamics of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers both experimentally and theoretically. A method combining analytical and numerical approaches for estimation of pulse timing jitter is proposed. We investigate how the presence of dynamical features such as wavelength bistability affects timing jitter.