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The Mode of Computing

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 Added by Luis A. Pineda
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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The Turing Machine is the paradigmatic case of computing machines, but there are others such as Artificial Neural Networks, quantum computing, holography, and diverse forms of analogical computing, each based on a particular intuition of the phenomenon of computing. This variety can be captured in terms of system levels, re-interpreting and generalizing Newells hierarchy, which includes the knowledge level at the top and the symbol level immediately below it. In this re-interpretation the knowledge level consists of human knowledge and the symbol level is generalized into a new level that here is called The Mode of Computing. Natural computing performed by brains of humans and non-human animals with a developed enough neural system should be understood in terms of a hierarchy of system levels too. By analogy from standard computing machinery there must be a system level above the neural circuitry and directly below the knowledge level that is named here The mode of Natural Computing. A central question for Cognition is the characterization of this mode. The Mode of Computing provides a novel perspective on the phenomena of computing, interpreting, the representational and non-representational views of cognition, and consciousness.

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118 - Subhash Kak 2008
Stream computing is the use of multiple autonomic and parallel modules together with integrative processors at a higher level of abstraction to embody intelligent processing. The biological basis of this computing is sketched and the matter of learning is examined.
The World Wide Web continues to evolve and serve as the infrastructure for carrying massive amounts of multimodal and multisensory observations. These observations capture various situations pertinent to peoples needs and interests along with all their idiosyncrasies. To support human-centered computing that empower people in making better and timely decisions, we look towards computation that is inspired by human perception and cognition. Toward this goal, we discuss computing paradigms of semantic computing, cognitive computing, and an emerging aspect of computing, which we call perceptual computing. In our view, these offer a continuum to make the most out of vast, growing, and diverse data pertinent to human needs and interests. We propose details of perceptual computing characterized by interpretation and exploration operations comparable to the interleaving of bottom and top brain processing. This article consists of two parts. First we describe semantic computing, cognitive computing, and perceptual computing to lay out distinctions while acknowledging their complementary capabilities. We then provide a conceptual overview of the newest of these three paradigms--perceptual computing. For further insights, we focus on an application scenario of asthma management converting massive, heterogeneous and multimodal (big) data into actionable information or smart data.
The tile-based multiplayer game Mahjong is widely played in Asia and has also become increasingly popular worldwide. Face-to-face or online, each player begins with a hand of 13 tiles and players draw and discard tiles in turn until they complete a winning hand. An important notion in Mahjong is the deficiency number (a.k.a. shanten number in Japanese Mahjong) of a hand, which estimates how many tile changes are necessary to complete the hand into a winning hand. The deficiency number plays an essential role in major decision-making tasks such as selecting a tile to discard. This paper proposes a fast algorithm for computing the deficiency number of a Mahjong hand. Compared with the baseline algorithm, the new algorithm is usually 100 times faster and, more importantly, respects the agents knowledge about available tiles. The algorithm can be used as a basic procedure in all Mahjong variants by both rule-based and machine learning-based Mahjong AI.
Affective Computing is a rapidly growing field spurred by advancements in artificial intelligence, but often, held back by the inability to translate psychological theories of emotion into tractable computational models. To address this, we propose a probabilistic programming approach to affective computing, which models psychological-grounded theories as generative models of emotion, and implements them as stochastic, executable computer programs. We first review probabilistic approaches that integrate reasoning about emotions with reasoning about other latent mental states (e.g., beliefs, desires) in context. Recently-developed probabilistic programming languages offer several key desidarata over previous approaches, such as: (i) flexibility in representing emotions and emotional processes; (ii) modularity and compositionality; (iii) integration with deep learning libraries that facilitate efficient inference and learning from large, naturalistic data; and (iv) ease of adoption. Furthermore, using a probabilistic programming framework allows a standardized platform for theory-building and experimentation: Competing theories (e.g., of appraisal or other emotional processes) can be easily compared via modular substitution of code followed by model comparison. To jumpstart adoption, we illustrate our points with executable code that researchers can easily modify for their own models. We end with a discussion of applications and future directions of the probabilistic programming approach.
Along with the development of modern computing technology and social sciences, both theoretical research and practical applications of social computing have been continuously extended. In particular with the boom of artificial intelligence (AI), social computing is significantly influenced by AI. However, the conventional technologies of AI have drawbacks in dealing with more complicated and dynamic problems. Such deficiency can be rectified by hybrid human-artificial intelligence (H-AI) which integrates both human intelligence and AI into one unity, forming a new enhanced intelligence. H-AI in dealing with social problems shows the advantages that AI can not surpass. This paper firstly introduces the concept of H-AI. AI is the intelligence in the transition stage of H-AI, so the latest research progresses of AI in social computing are reviewed. Secondly, it summarizes typical challenges faced by AI in social computing, and makes it possible to introduce H-AI to solve these challenges. Finally, the paper proposes a holistic framework of social computing combining with H-AI, which consists of four layers: object layer, base layer, analysis layer, and application layer. It represents H-AI has significant advantages over AI in solving social problems.

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