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Current-induced motion of twisted skyrmions

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 Added by Chendong Jin
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Twisted skyrmions, whose helicity angles are different from that of Bloch skyrmions and Neel skyrmions, have already been demonstrated in experiments recently. In this work, we first contrast the magnetic structure and origin of the twisted skyrmion with other three types of skyrmion including Bloch skyrmion, Neel skyrmion and antiskyrmion. Following, we investigate the dynamics of twisted skyrmions driven by the spin transfer toque (STT) and the spin Hall effect (SHE) by using micromagnetic simulations. It is found that the spin Hall angle of the twisted skyrmion is related to the dissipative force tensor and the Gilbert damping both for the motions induced by the STT and the SHE, especially for the SHE induced motion, the skyrmion Hall angle depends substantially on the skyrmion helicity. At last, we demonstrate that the trajectory of the twisted skyrmion can be controlled in a two dimensional plane with a Gilbert damping gradient. Our results provide the understanding of current-induced motion of twisted skyrmions, which may contribute to the applications of skyrmion-based racetrack memories.

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Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale windings of the spin configuration that hold great promise for technology due to their topology-related properties and extremely reduced sizes. After the recent observation at room temperature of sub-100 nm skyrmions stabilized by interfacial chiral interaction in magnetic multilayers, several pending questions remain to be solved, notably about the means to nucleate individual compact skyrmions or the exact nature of their motion. In this study, a method leading to the formation of magnetic skyrmions in a micrometer-sized nanotrack using homogeneous current injection is evidenced. Spin-transfer-induced motion of these small electricalcurrent-generated skyrmions is then demonstrated and the role of the out-of-plane magnetic field in the stabilization of the moving skyrmions is also analysed. The results of these experimental observations of spin torque induced motion are compared to micromagnetic simulations reproducing a granular type, non-uniform magnetic multilayer, in order to address the particularly important role of the magnetic inhomogeneities on the current-induced motion of sub-100 nm skyrmions, for which the material grains size is comparable to the skyrmion diameter.
We demonstrate room-temperature stabilization of dipolar magnetic skyrmions with diameters in the range of $100$ nm in a single ultrathin layer of the Heusler alloy Co$_2$FeAl (CFA) under moderate magnetic fields. Current-induced skyrmion dynamics in microwires is studied with a scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy magnetometer operating in the photoluminescence quenching mode. We first demonstrate skyrmion nucleation by spin-orbit torque and show that its efficiency can be significantly improved using tilted magnetic fields, an effect which is not specific to Heusler alloys and could be advantageous for future skyrmion-based devices. We then show that current-induced skyrmion motion remains limited by strong pinning effects, even though CFA is a magnetic material with a low magnetic damping parameter.
149 - Muhammad Akram , Onur Erten 2020
Magnetic skyrmions in 2D chiral magnets are in general stabilized by a combination of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and external magnetic field. Here, we show that skyrmions can also be stabilized in twisted moire superlattices in the absence of an external magnetic field. Our setup consists of a 2D ferromagnetic layer twisted on top of an antiferromagnetic substrate. The coupling between the ferromagnetic layer and the substrate generates an effective alternating exchange field. We find a large region of skyrmion crystal phase when the length scales of the moire periodicity and skyrmions are compatible. Unlike chiral magnets under magnetic field, skyrmions in moire superlattices show enhanced stability for the easy-axis (Ising) anisotropy which can be essential to realize skyrmions since most van der Waals magnets possess easy-axis anisotropy.
77 - J. Chen , J. J. Liang , J. H. Yu 2018
In this work, we study the microscopic dynamics of distorted skyrmions in strained chiral magnets [K. Shibata et al., Nat. Nanotech. 10, 589 (2015)] under gradient magnetic field or electric current by Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert simulations of the anisotropic spin model. It is observed that the dynamical responses are also anisotropic, and the velocities of the distorted skyrmions are periodically dependent on the directions of the external stimuli. Furthermore, in addition to the uniform motion, our work also demonstrates anti-phase harmonic vibrations of the two skyrmions in nanostripes, and the frequencies are mainly determined by the exchange anisotropy. The simulated results are well explained by Thiele theory, which may provide useful information in understanding the dynamics of the distorted skyrmions in strained chiral magnets.
Skyrmions are nanoscale spin configurations with topological properties that hold great promise for spintronic devices. Here, we establish their Neel texture, helicity, and size in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayer films by constructing a multipole expansion to model their stray field signatures and applying it to magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images. Furthermore, the demonstrated sensitivity to inhomogeneity in skyrmion properties, coupled with a unique capability to estimate the pinning force governing dynamics, portends broad applicability in the burgeoning field of topological spin textures.
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