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FormuLog: Datalog for static analysis involving logical formulae

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 Added by Aaron Bembenek
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Datalog has become a popular language for writing static analyses. Because Datalog is very limited, some implementations of Datalog for static analysis have extended it with new language features. However, even with these features it is hard or impossible to express a large class of analyses because they use logical formulae to represent program state. FormuLog fills this gap by extending Datalog to represent, manipulate, and reason about logical formulae. We have used FormuLog to implement declarati

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Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solving has become a critical part of many static analyses, including symbolic execution, refinement type checking, and model checking. We propose Formulog, a domain-specific language that makes it possible to write a range of SMT-based static analyses in a way that is both close to their formal specifications and amenable to high-level optimizations and efficient evaluation. Formulog extends the logic programming language Datalog with a first-order functional language and mechanisms for representing and reasoning about SMT formulas; a novel type system supports the construction of expressive formulas, while ensuring that neither normal evaluation nor SMT solving goes wrong. Our case studies demonstrate that a range of SMT-based analyses can naturally and concisely be encoded in Formulog, and that -- thanks to this encoding -- high-level Datalog-style optimizations can be automatically and advantageously applied to these analyses.
Variability-aware computing is the efficient application of programs to different sets of inputs that exhibit some variability. One example is program analyses applied to Software Product Lines (SPLs). In this paper we present the design and development of a variability-aware version of the Souffl{e} Datalog engine. The engine can take facts annotated with Presence Conditions (PCs) as input, and compute the PCs of its inferred facts, eliminating facts that do not exist in any valid configuration. We evaluate our variability-aware Souffl{e} implementation on several fact sets annotated with PCs to measure the associated overhead in terms of processing time and database size.
330 - Derek Dreyer 2011
Appel and McAllesters step-indexed logical relations have proven to be a simple and effective technique for reasoning about programs in languages with semantically interesting types, such as general recursive types and general reference types. However, proofs using step-indexed models typically involve tedious, error-prone, and proof-obscuring step-index arithmetic, so it is important to develop clean, high-level, equational proof principles that avoid mention of step indices. In this paper, we show how to reason about binary step-indexed logical relations in an abstract and elegant way. Specifically, we define a logic LSLR, which is inspired by Plotkin and Abadis logic for parametricity, but also supports recursively defined relations by means of the modal later operator from Appel, Melli`es, Richards, and Vouillons very modal model paper. We encode in LSLR a logical relation for reasoning relationally about programs in call-by-value System F extended with general recursive types. Using this logical relation, we derive a set of useful rules with which we can prove contextual equivalence and approximation results without counting steps.
R is a popular language and programming environment for data scientists. It is increasingly co-packaged with both relational and Hadoop-based data platforms and can often be the most dominant computational component in data analytics pipelines. Recent work has highlighted inefficiencies in executing R programs, both in terms of execution time and memory requirements, which in practice limit the size of data that can be analyzed by R. This paper presents ROSA, a static analysis framework to improve the performance and space efficiency of R programs. ROSA analyzes input programs to determine program properties such as reaching definitions, live variables, aliased variables, and types of variables. These inferred properties enable program transformations such as C++ code translation, strength reduction, vectorization, code motion, in addition to interpretive optimizations such as avoiding redundant object copies and performing in-place evaluations. An empirical evaluation shows substantial reductions by ROSA in execution time and memory consumption over both CRAN R and Microsoft R Open.
Verification of concurrent data structures is one of the most challenging tasks in software verification. The topic has received considerable attention over the course of the last decade. Nevertheless, human-driven techniques remain cumbersome and notoriously difficult while automated approaches suffer from limited applicability. The main obstacle for automation is the complexity of concurrent data structures. This is particularly true in the absence of garbage collection. The intricacy of lock-free memory management paired with the complexity of concurrent data structures makes automated verification prohibitive. In this work we present a method for verifying concurrent data structures and their memory management separately. We suggest two simpler verification tasks that imply the correctness of the data structure. The first task establishes an over-approximation of the reclamation behavior of the memory management. The second task exploits this over-approximation to verify the data structure without the need to consider the implementation of the memory management itself. To make the resulting verification tasks tractable for automated techniques, we establish a second result. We show that a verification tool needs to consider only executions where a single memory location is reused. We implemented our approach and were able to verify linearizability of Michael&Scotts queue and the DGLM queue for both hazard pointers and epoch-based reclamation. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to verify such implementations fully automatically.
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