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There is a dichotomy in the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum many body systems. In the presence of integrability, expectation values of local operators equilibrate to values described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble, which retains extensive memory about the initial state of the system. On the other hand, in generic systems such expectation values relax to stationary values described by the thermal ensemble, fixed solely by the energy of the state. At the heart of understanding this dichotomy is the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH): individual eigenstates in nonintegrable systems are thermal, in the sense that expectation values agree with the thermal prediction at a temperature set by the energy of the eigenstate. In systems where ETH is violated, thermalization can be avoided. Thus establishing the range of validity of ETH is crucial in understanding whether a given quantum system thermalizes. Here we study a simple model with confinement, the quantum Ising chain with a longitudinal field, in which ETH is violated. Despite an absence of integrability, there exist rare (nonthermal) states that persist far into the spectrum. These arise as a direct consequence of confinement: pairs of particles are confined, forming new `meson excitations whose energy can be extensive in the system size. We show that such states are nonthermal in both the continuum and in the low-energy spectrum of the corresponding lattice model. We highlight that the presence of such states within the spectrum has important consequences, with certain quenches leading to an absence of thermalization and local observables evolving anomalously.
We study the quantum dynamics of a simple translation invariant, center-of-mass (CoM) preserving model of interacting fermions in one dimension (1D), which arises in multiple experimentally realizable contexts. We show that this model naturally displays the phenomenology associated with fractonic systems, wherein single charges can only move by emitting dipoles. This allows us to demonstrate the rich Krylov fractured structure of this model, whose Hilbert space shatters into exponentially many dynamically disconnected subspaces. Focusing on exponentially large Krylov subspaces, we show that these can be either be integrable or non-integrable, thereby establishing the notion of Krylov-restricted thermalization. We analytically find a tower of integrable Krylov subspaces of this Hamiltonian, all of which map onto spin-1/2 XX models of various system sizes. We also discuss the physics of the non-integrable subspaces, where we show evidence for weak Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) restricted to each non-integrable Krylov subspace. Further, we show that constraints in some of the thermal Krylov subspaces cause the long-time expectation values of local operators to deviate from behavior typically expected from translation-invariant systems. Finally, we show using a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation that such models naturally appear as effective Hamiltonians in the large electric field limit of the interacting Wannier-Stark problem, and comment on connections of our work with the phenomenon of Bloch many-body localization.
The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is a successful theory that provides sufficient criteria for ergodicity in quantum many-body systems. Most studies were carried out for Hamiltonians relevant for ultracold quantum gases and single-component systems of spins, fermions, or bosons. The paradigmatic example for thermalization in solid-state physics are phonons serving as a bath for electrons. This situation is often viewed from an open-quantum system perspective. Here, we ask whether a minimal microscopic model for electron-phonon coupling is quantum chaotic and whether it obeys ETH, if viewed as a closed quantum system. Using exact diagonalization, we address this question in the framework of the Holstein polaron model. Even though the model describes only a single itinerant electron, whose coupling to dispersionless phonons is the only integrability-breaking term, we find that the spectral statistics and the structure of Hamiltonian eigenstates exhibit essential properties of the corresponding random-matrix ensemble. Moreover, we verify the ETH ansatz both for diagonal and offdiagonal matrix elements of typical phonon and electron observables, and show that the ratio of their variances equals the value predicted from random-matrix theory.
We study a system of interacting triplons (the elementary excitations of a valence-bond solid) described by an effective interacting boson model derived within the bond-operator formalism. In particular, we consider the square lattice spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model, focus on the intermediate parameter region, where a quantum paramagnetic phase sets in, and consider the columnar valence-bond solid phase. Within the bond-operator theory, the Heisenberg model is mapped into an effective boson model in terms of triplet operators $t$. The effective boson model is studied at the harmonic approximation and the energy of the triplons and the expansion of the triplon operators $b$ in terms of the triplet operators $t$ are determined. Such an expansion allows us to performed a second mapping, and therefore, determine an effective interacting boson model in terms of the triplon operators $b$. We then consider systems with a fixed number of triplons and determined the ground-state energy and the spectrum of elementary excitations within a mean-field approximation. We show that many-triplon states are stable, the lowest-energy ones are constituted by a small number of triplons, and the excitation gaps are finite. For $J_2=0.48 J_1$ and $J_2=0.52 J_1$, we also calculate spin-spin and dimer-dimer correlation functions, dimer order parameters, and the bipartite von Neumann entanglement entropy within our mean-field formalism in order to determine the properties of the many-triplon state as a function of the triplon number. We find that the spin and the dimer correlations decay exponentially and that the entanglement entropy obeys an area law, regardless the triplon number. Moreover, only for $J_2=0.48 J_1$, the spin correlations indicate that the many-triplon states with large triplon number might display a more homogeneous singlet pattern than the columnar valence-bond solid.
Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We demonstrate emergent irreversible behavior, such as the approach to thermal equilibrium, by quantum simulating the fundamental unitary dynamics of a U(1) symmetric gauge field theory. While this is in general beyond the capabilities of classical computers, it is made possible through the experimental implementation of a large-scale cold atomic system in an optical lattice. The highly constrained gauge theory dynamics is encoded in a one-dimensional Bose--Hubbard simulator, which couples fermionic matter fields through dynamical gauge fields. We investigate global quantum quenches and the equilibration to a steady state well approximated by a thermal ensemble. Our work establishes a new realm for the investigation of elusive phenomena, such as Schwinger pair production and string-breaking, and paves the way for more complex higher-dimensional gauge theories on quantum synthetic matter devices.
After a sudden disruption, weakly interacting quantum systems first relax to a prethermalized state that can be described by perturbation theory and a generalized Gibbs ensemble. Using these properties of the prethermalized state we perturbatively derive a kinetic equation which becomes a quantum Boltzmann equation in the scaling limit of vanishing interaction. Applying this to interaction quenches in the fermionic Hubbard model we find that the momentum distribution relaxes to the thermal prediction of statistical mechanics. For not too large interaction, this two-stage scenario provides a quantitative understanding of the time evolution leading from the initial pure via a metastable prethermal to the final thermal state.