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We study the quantum dynamics of a simple translation invariant, center-of-mass (CoM) preserving model of interacting fermions in one dimension (1D), which arises in multiple experimentally realizable contexts. We show that this model naturally displays the phenomenology associated with fractonic systems, wherein single charges can only move by emitting dipoles. This allows us to demonstrate the rich Krylov fractured structure of this model, whose Hilbert space shatters into exponentially many dynamically disconnected subspaces. Focusing on exponentially large Krylov subspaces, we show that these can be either be integrable or non-integrable, thereby establishing the notion of Krylov-restricted thermalization. We analytically find a tower of integrable Krylov subspaces of this Hamiltonian, all of which map onto spin-1/2 XX models of various system sizes. We also discuss the physics of the non-integrable subspaces, where we show evidence for weak Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) restricted to each non-integrable Krylov subspace. Further, we show that constraints in some of the thermal Krylov subspaces cause the long-time expectation values of local operators to deviate from behavior typically expected from translation-invariant systems. Finally, we show using a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation that such models naturally appear as effective Hamiltonians in the large electric field limit of the interacting Wannier-Stark problem, and comment on connections of our work with the phenomenon of Bloch many-body localization.
A quantum many-body scar system usually contains a special non-thermal subspace (approximately) decoupled from the rest of the Hilbert space. In this work, we propose a general structure called deformed symmetric spaces for the decoupled subspaces hosting quantum many-body scars, which are irreducible sectors of simple Lie groups transformed by matrix-product operators (or projected entangled pair operators), of which the entanglement entropies are proved to obey sub-volume-law scaling and thus violate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. A deformed symmetric space, in general, is required to have at least a U(1) sub-Lie-group symmetry to allow coherent periodic dynamics from certain low-entangled initial states. We enumerate several possible deforming transformations based on the sub-group symmetry requirement and recover many existing models whose scar states are not connected by symmetry. In particular, a two-dimensional scar model is proposed, which hosts a periodic dynamical trajectory on which all states are topologically ordered.
Integrable Floquet spin chains are known to host strong zero and $pi$ modes which are boundary operators that respectively commute and anticommute with the Floquet unitary generating stroboscopic time-evolution, in addition to anticommuting with a discrete symmetry of the Floquet unitary. Thus the existence of strong modes imply a characteristic pairing structure of the full spectrum. Weak interactions modify the strong modes to almost strong modes that almost commute or anticommute with the Floquet unitary. Manifestations of strong and almost strong modes are presented in two different Krylov subspaces. One is a Krylov subspace obtained from a Lanczos iteration that maps the Heisenberg time-evolution generated by the Floquet Hamiltonian onto dynamics of a single particle on a fictitious chain with nearest neighbor hopping. The second is a Krylov subspace obtained from the Arnoldi iteration that maps the Heisenberg time-evolution generated directly by the Floquet unitary onto dynamics of a single particle on a fictitious chain with longer range hopping. While the former Krylov subspace is sensitive to the branch of the logarithm of the Floquet unitary, the latter obtained from the Arnoldi scheme is not. The effective single particle models obtained in the two Krylov subspaces are discussed, and the topological properties of the Krylov chain that ensure stable $0$ and $pi$ modes at the boundaries are highlighted. The role of interactions is discussed. Expressions for the lifetime of the almost strong modes are derived in terms of the parameters of the Krylov subspace, and are compared with exact diagonalization.
There is a dichotomy in the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum many body systems. In the presence of integrability, expectation values of local operators equilibrate to values described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble, which retains extensive memory about the initial state of the system. On the other hand, in generic systems such expectation values relax to stationary values described by the thermal ensemble, fixed solely by the energy of the state. At the heart of understanding this dichotomy is the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH): individual eigenstates in nonintegrable systems are thermal, in the sense that expectation values agree with the thermal prediction at a temperature set by the energy of the eigenstate. In systems where ETH is violated, thermalization can be avoided. Thus establishing the range of validity of ETH is crucial in understanding whether a given quantum system thermalizes. Here we study a simple model with confinement, the quantum Ising chain with a longitudinal field, in which ETH is violated. Despite an absence of integrability, there exist rare (nonthermal) states that persist far into the spectrum. These arise as a direct consequence of confinement: pairs of particles are confined, forming new `meson excitations whose energy can be extensive in the system size. We show that such states are nonthermal in both the continuum and in the low-energy spectrum of the corresponding lattice model. We highlight that the presence of such states within the spectrum has important consequences, with certain quenches leading to an absence of thermalization and local observables evolving anomalously.
We study the complex quantum dynamics of a system of many interacting atoms in an elongated anharmonic trap. The system is initially in a Bose-Einstein condensed state, well described by Thomas-Fermi profile in the elongated direction and the ground state in the transverse directions. After a sudden quench to a coherent superposition of the ground and lowest energy transverse modes, quantum dynamics starts. We describe this process employing a three-mode many-body model. The experimental realization of this system displays decaying oscillations of the atomic density distribution. While a mean-field description predicts perpetual oscillations of the atomic density distribution, our quantum many-body model exhibits a decay of the oscillations for sufficiently strong atomic interactions. We associate this decay with the fragmentation of the condensate during the evolution. The decay and fragmentation are also linked with the approach of the many-body model to the chaotic regime. The approach to chaos lifts degeneracies and increases the complexity of the eigenstates, enabling the relaxation to equilibrium and the onset of thermalization. We verify that the damping time and quantum signatures of chaos show similar dependences on the interaction strength and on the number of atoms.
Antiferromagnets and ferromagnets are archetypes of the two distinct (type-A and type-B) ways of spontaneously breaking a continuous symmetry. Although type-B Nambu--Goldstone modes arise in various systems, the ferromagnet was considered pathological due to the stability and symmetry-breaking nature of its exact ground state. However, here we show that symmetry-breaking in ferrimagnets closely resembles the ferromagnet. In particular, there is an extensive ground state degeneracy, there is no Anderson tower of states, and the maximally polarized ground state is thermodynamically stable. Our results are derived analytically for the Lieb--Mattis ferrimagnet and numerically for the Heisenberg ferrimagnet. We argue that these properties are generic for type-B symmetry-broken systems, where the order parameter operator is a symmetry generator.