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Quasi-positivity and recognition of products of conjugacy classes in free groups

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 Added by Robert W Bell
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Given a group $G$ and a subset $X subset G$, an element $g in G$ is called quasi-positive if it is equal to a product of conjugates of elements in the semigroup generated by $X$. This notion is important in the context of braid groups, where it has been shown that the closure of quasi-positive braids coincides with the geometrically defined class of $mathbb{C}$-transverse links. We describe an algorithm that recognizes whether or not an element of a free group is quasi-positive with respect to a basis. Spherical cancellation diagrams over free groups are used to establish the validity of the algorithm and to determine the worst-case runtime.

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191 - Tushar Kanta Naik , Neha Nanda , 2019
The twin group $T_n$ is a right angled Coxeter group generated by $n-1$ involutions and the pure twin group $PT_n$ is the kernel of the natural surjection from $T_n$ onto the symmetric group on $n$ symbols. In this paper, we investigate some structural aspects of these groups. We derive a formula for the number of conjugacy classes of involutions in $T_n$, which quite interestingly, is related to the well-known Fibonacci sequence. We also derive a recursive formula for the number of $z$-classes of involutions in $T_n$. We give a new proof of the structure of $Aut(T_n)$ for $n ge 3$, and show that $T_n$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $Aut(PT_n)$ for $n geq 4$. Finally, we construct a representation of $T_n$ to $Aut(F_n)$ for $n ge 2$.
In various classes of infinite groups, we identify groups that are presentable by products, i.e. groups having finite index subgroups which are quotients of products of two commuting infinite subgroups. The classes we discuss here include groups of small virtual cohomological dimension and irreducible Zariski dense subgroups of appropriate algebraic groups. This leads to applications to groups of positive deficiency, to fundamental groups of three-manifolds and to Coxeter groups. For finitely generated groups presentable by products we discuss the problem of whether the factors in a presentation by products may be chosen to be finitely generated.
We say that a group has property $R_{infty}$ if any group automorphism has an infinite number of twisted conjugacy classes. Felshtyn and Goncalves prove that the solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups BS(1,m) have property $R_{infty}$. We define a solvable generalization $Gamma(S)$ of these groups which we show to have property $R_{infty}$. We then show that property $R_{infty}$ is geometric for these groups, that is, any group quasi-isometric to $Gamma(S)$ has property $R_{infty}$ as well.
161 - John Crisp 2008
We prove that the conjugacy problem in right-angled Artin groups (RAAGs), as well as in a large and natural class of subgroups of RAAGs, can be solved in linear-time. This class of subgroups contains, for instance, all graph braid groups (i.e. fundamental groups of configuration spaces of points in graphs), many hyperbolic groups, and it coincides with the class of fundamental groups of ``special cube complexes studied independently by Haglund and Wise.
194 - Ashot Minasyan 2007
We combine classical methods of combinatorial group theory with the theory of small cancellations over relatively hyperbolic groups to construct finitely generated torsion-free groups that have only finitely many classes of conjugate elements. Moreov er, we present several results concerning embeddings into such groups. As another application of these techniques, we prove that every countable group $C$ can be realized as a group of outer automorphisms of a group $N$, where $N$ is a finitely generated group having Kazhdans property (T) and containing exactly two conjugacy classes.
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