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Resonant excitations of a Bose Einstein condensate in an optical lattice

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 Added by David Guery-Odelin
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate experimentally a Bose Einstein condensate placed in a 1D optical lattice whose phase or amplitude is modulated in a frequency range resonant with the first bands of the band structure. We study the combined effect of the strength of interactions and external confinement on the 1 and 2-phonon transitions. We identify lines immune or sensitive to atom-atom interactions. Experimental results are in good agreement with numerical simulations. Using the band mapping technique, we get a direct access to the populations that have undergone $n$-phonon transitions for each modulation frequency.

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We report on the efficient design of quantum optimal control protocols to manipulate the motional states of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a one-dimensional optical lattice. Our protocols operate on the momentum comb associated with the lattice. In contrast to previous works also dealing with control in discrete and large Hilbert spaces, our control schemes allow us to reach a wide variety of targets by varying a single parameter, the lattice position. With this technique, we experimentally demonstrate a precise, robust and versatile control: we optimize the transfer of the BEC to a single or multiple quantized momentum states with full control on the relative phase between the different momentum components. This also allows us to prepare the BEC in a given eigenstate of the lattice band structure, or superposition thereof.
We show that the Kapitza stabilization can occur in the context of nonlinear quantum fields. Through this phenomenon, an amplitude-modulated lattice can stabilize a Bose-Einstein condensate with repulsive interactions and prevent the spreading for long times. We present a classical and quantum analysis in the framework of Gross-Pitaevskii equation, specifying the parameter region where stabilization occurs. Effects of nonlinearity lead to a significant increase of the stability domain compared with the classical case. Our proposal can be experimentally implemented with current cold atom settings.
We have measured the effect of dipole-dipole interactions on the frequency of a collective mode of a Bose-Einstein condensate. At relatively large numbers of atoms, the experimental measurements are in good agreement with zero temperature theoretical predictions based on the Thomas Fermi approach. Experimental results obtained for the dipolar shift of a collective mode show a larger dependency to both the trap geometry and the atom number than the ones obtained when measuring the modification of the condensate aspect ratio due to dipolar forces. These findings are in good agreement with simulations based on a gaussian ansatz.
We study the formation of Faraday waves in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate in presence of a one-dimensional optical lattice, where phonons are parametrically excited by modulating the radial confinement of the condensate. For very shallow optical lattices, phonons with a well-defined wave vector propagate along the condensate, as in the absence of the lattice, and we observe the formation of a Faraday pattern. By increasing the potential depth, the local sound velocity decreases and when it equals the condensate local phase velocity, the condensate becomes dynamically unstable and the parametric excitation of Faraday waves is suppressed.
192 - R. N. Bisset , D. Baillie , 2013
We consider the quasi-particle excitations of a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. By mapping these excitations onto radial and angular momentum we show that the roton modes are clearly revealed as discrete fingers in parameter space, whereas the other modes form a smooth surface. We examine the properties of the roton modes and characterize how they change with the dipole interaction strength. We demonstrate how the application of a perturbing potential can be used to engineer angular rotons, i.e. allowing us to controllably select modes of non-zero angular momentum to become the lowest energy rotons.
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