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Curved detectors developments and characterization: application to astronomical instruments

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 Added by Simona Lombardo
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Many astronomical optical systems have the disadvantage of generating curved focal planes requiring flattening optical elements to project the corrected image on flat detectors. The use of these designs in combination with a classical flat sensor implies an overall degradation of throughput and system performances to obtain the proper corrected image. With the recent development of curved sensor this can be avoided. This new technology has been gathering more and more attention from a very broad community, as the potential applications are multiple: from low-cost commercial to high impact scientific systems, to mass-market and on board cameras, defense and security, and astronomical community. We describe here the first concave curved CMOS detector developed within a collaboration between CNRS- LAM and CEA-LETI. This fully-functional detector 20 Mpix (CMOSIS CMV20000) has been curved down to a radius of Rc = 150 mm over a size of 24x32 mm^2 . We present here the methodology adopted for its characterization and describe in detail all the results obtained. We also discuss the main components of noise, such as the readout noise, the fixed pattern noise and the dark current. Finally we provide a comparison with the flat version of the same sensor in order to establish the impact of the curving process on the main characteristics of the sensor.

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We present a technique-led review of the progression of precise radio astrometry, from the first demonstrations, half a century ago, until to date and into the future. We cover the developments that have been fundamental to allow high accuracy and precision astrometry to be regularly achieved. We review the opportunities provided by the next-generation of instruments coming online, which are primarily: SKA, ngVLA and pathfinders, along with EHT and other (sub)mm-wavelength arrays, Space-VLBI, Geodetic arrays and optical astrometry from GAIA. From the historical development we predict the future potential astrometric performance, and therefore the instrumental requirements that must be provided to deliver these. The next-generation of methods will allow ultra-precise astrometry to be performed at a much wider range of frequencies (hundreds of MHz to hundreds of GHz). One of the key potentials is that astrometry will become generally applicable, and therefore unbiased large surveys can be performed. The next-generation methods are fundamental in allowing this. We review the small but growing number of major astrometric surveys in the radio, to highlight the scientific impact that such projects can provide. Based on these perspectives, the future of radio astrometry is bright. We foresee a revolution coming from: ultra-high precision radio astrometry, large surveys of many objects, improved sky coverage and at new frequency bands other than those available today. These will enable the addressing of a host of innovative open scientific questions in astrophysics.
Since its emergence two decades ago, astrophotonics has found broad application in scientific instruments at many institutions worldwide. The case for astrophotonics becomes more compelling as telescopes push for AO-assisted, diffraction-limited performance, a mode of observing that is central to the next-generation of extremely large telescopes (ELTs). Even AO systems are beginning to incorporate advanced photonic principles as the community pushes for higher performance and more complex guide-star configurations. Photonic instruments like Gravity on the Very Large Telescope achieve milliarcsec resolution at 2000 nm which would be very difficult to achieve with conventional optics. While space photonics is not reviewed here, we foresee that remote sensing platforms will become a major beneficiary of astrophotonic components in the years ahead. The field has given back with the development of new technologies (e.g. photonic lantern, large area multi-core fibres) already finding widespread use in other fields; Google Scholar lists more than 400 research papers making reference to this technology. This short review covers representative key developments since the 2009 Focus issue on Astrophotonics.
We developed several pieces of software to enable the tracking of provenance information for the large-scale complex astronomical observatory CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Such major facilities produce data that will be publicly released to a large community of scientists. There are thus strong requirements to ensure data quality, reliability and trustworthiness. Among those requirements, traceability and reproducibility of the data products have to be included in the development of large projects. Those requirements can be answered by structuring and storing the provenance information for each data product. We followed the Provenance data model, currently discussed at the IVOA, and implemented solutions to collect provenance information during the CTA data processing and the execution of jobs on a work cluster.
Mid-infrared (IR) array detectors have been used for astronomical observations in space. However, the uniformities of their spectral response curves have not been investigated in detail, the understanding of which is important for spectroscopic observations using large array formats. We characterize the spectral responses of all the pixels in IR array detectors using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and cryogenic optics for measurements at high signal-to-noise ratios. We measured the spectral responses of the Si:As impurity band conduction (IBC) array, a flight back-up detector for AKARI/IRC. As a result, we find that the Si:As array has intrinsic variations in the spectral response along the row and column directions of the array. We also find that the cutoff wavelength of the Si:As IBC array depends on the intensity of the incident light.
295 - A. Smette , H. Sana , S. Noll 2015
Context: The interaction of the light from astronomical objects with the constituents of the Earths atmosphere leads to the formation of telluric absorption lines in ground-based collected spectra. Correcting for these lines, mostly affecting the red and infrared region of the spectrum, usually relies on observations of specific stars obtained close in time and airmass to the science targets, therefore using precious observing time. Aims: We present molecfit, a tool for correcting for telluric absorption lines based on synthetic modelling of the Earths atmospheric transmission. Molecfit is versatile and can be used with data obtained with various ground-based telescopes and instruments. Methods: Molecfit combines a publicly available radiative transfer code, a molecular line database, atmospheric profiles, and various kernels to model the instrument line spread function. The atmospheric profiles are created by merging a standard atmospheric profile representative of a given observatorys climate, of local meteorological data, and of dynamically retrieved altitude profiles for temperature, pressure, and humidity. We discuss the various ingredients of the method, its applicability, and its limitations. We also show examples of telluric line correction on spectra obtained with a suite of ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) instruments. Results: Compared to previous similar tools, molecfit takes the best results for temperature, pressure, and humidity in the atmosphere above the observatory into account. As a result, the standard deviation of the residuals after correction of unsaturated telluric lines is frequently better than 2% of the continuum. Conclusion: Molecfit is able to accurately model and correct for telluric lines over a broad range of wavelengths and spectral resolutions. (Abridged)
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