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A vanishing dynamic capillarity limit equation with discontinuous flux

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 Added by Michael Kunzinger
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We prove existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem corresponding to the equation begin{equation*} begin{cases} partial_t u_{varepsilon,delta} +mathrm{div} {mathfrak f}_{varepsilon,delta}({bf x}, u_{varepsilon,delta})=varepsilon Delta u_{varepsilon,delta}+delta(varepsilon) partial_t Delta u_{varepsilon,delta}, {bf x} in M, tgeq 0 u|_{t=0}=u_0({bf x}). end{cases} end{equation*} Here, ${mathfrak f}_{varepsilon,delta}$ and $u_0$ are smooth functions while $varepsilon$ and $delta=delta(varepsilon)$ are fixed constants. Assuming ${mathfrak f}_{varepsilon,delta} to {mathfrak f} in L^p( mathbb{R}^dtimes mathbb{R};mathbb{R}^d)$ for some $1<p<infty$, strongly as $varepsilonto 0$, we prove that, under an appropriate relationship between $varepsilon$ and $delta(varepsilon)$ depending on the regularity of the flux ${mathfrak f}$, the sequence of solutions $(u_{varepsilon,delta})$ strongly converges in $L^1_{loc}(mathbb{R}^+times mathbb{R}^d)$ towards a solution to the conservation law $$ partial_t u +mathrm{div} {mathfrak f}({bf x}, u)=0. $$ The main tools employed in the proof are the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem for the first part and reduction to the kinetic formulation combined with recent results in the velocity averaging theory for the second.

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182 - Cosmin Burtea 2021
In the first main result of this paper we prove that one can approximate discontinious solutions of the 1d Navier Stokes system with solutions of the 1d Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system as the capilarity parameter tends to 0. Moreover, we allow the viscosity coefficients $mu$ = $mu$ ($rho$) to degenerate near vaccum. In order to obtain this result, we propose two main technical novelties. First of all, we provide an upper bound for the density verifing NSK that does not degenerate when the capillarity coefficient tends to 0. Second of all, we are able to show that the positive part of the effective velocity is bounded uniformly w.r.t. the capillary coefficient. This turns out to be crucial in providing a lower bound for the density. The second main result states the existene of unique finite-energy global strong solutions for the 1d Navier-Stokes system assuming only that $rho$0, 1/$rho$0 $in$ L $infty$. This last result finds itself a natural application in the context of the mathematical modeling of multiphase flows.
Invasion phenomena for heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equations are contemporary and challenging questions in applied mathematics. In this paper we are interested in the question of spreading for a reaction-diffusion equation when the subdomain where the reaction term is positive is shifting/contracting at a given speed $c$. This problem arises in particular in the modelling of the impact of climate change on population dynamics. By placing ourselves in the appropriate moving frame, this leads us to consider a reaction-diffusion-advection equation with a heterogeneous in space reaction term, in dimension $Ngeq1$. We investigate the behaviour of the solution $u$ depending on the value of the advection constant~$c$, which typically stands for the velocity of climate change. We find that, when the initial datum is compactly supported, there exists precisely three ranges for $c$ leading to drastically different situations. In the lower speed range the solution always spreads, while in the upper range it always vanishes. More surprisingly, we find that that both spreading and vanishing may occur in an intermediate speed range. The threshold between those two outcomes is always sharp, both with respect to $c$ and to the initial condition. We also briefly consider the case of an exponentially decreasing initial condition, where we relate the decreasing rate of the initial condition with the range of values of~$c$ such that spreading occurs.
In this paper we analyze a nonlinear parabolic equation characterized by a singular diffusion term describing very fast diffusion effects. The equation is settled in a smooth bounded three-dimensional domain and complemented with a general boundary condition of dynamic type. This type of condition prescribes some kind of mass conservation; hence extinction effects are not expected for solutions that emanate from strictly positive initial data. Our main results regard existence of weak solutions, instantaneous regularization properties, long-time behavior, and, under special conditions, uniqueness.
In this article we consider viscous flow in the exterior of an obstacle satisfying the standard no-slip boundary condition at the surface of the obstacle. We seek conditions under which solutions of the Navier-Stokes system in the exterior domain converge to solutions of the Euler system in the full space when both viscosity and the size of the obstacle vanish. We prove that this convergence is true assuming two hypothesis: first, that the initial exterior domain velocity converges strongly in $L^2$ to the full-space initial velocity and second, that the diameter of the obstacle is smaller than a suitable constant times viscosity, or, in other words, that the obstacle is sufficiently small. The convergence holds as long as the solution to the limit problem is known to exist and stays sufficiently smooth. This work complements the study of incompressible flow around small obstacles, which has been carried out in [1,2,3] [1] D. Iftimie and J. Kelliher, {it Remarks on the vanishing obstacle limit for a 3D viscous incompressible fluid.} Preprint available at . [2] D. Iftimie, M. C. Lopes Filho, and H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes. {it Two dimensional incompressible ideal flow around a small obstacle.} Comm. Partial Differential Equations {bf 28} (2003), no. 1-2, 349--379. [3] D. Iftimie, M. C. Lopes Filho, and H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes. {it Two dimensional incompressible viscous flow around a small obstacle.} Math. Ann. {bf 336} (2006), no. 2, 449--489.
We show strong convergence of the vorticities in the vanishing viscosity limit for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the two-dimensional torus, assuming only that the initial vorticity of the limiting Euler equations is in $L^p$ for some $p>1$. This substantially extends a recent result of Constantin, Drivas and Elgindi, who proved strong convergence in the case $p=infty$. Our proof, which relies on the classical renormalization theory of DiPerna-Lions, is surprisingly simple.
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