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Pure spin currents in magnetically ordered insulator/normal metal heterostructures

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 Added by Matthias Althammer
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Pure spin currents, i.e. the transport of angular momentum without an accompanying charge current, represent a new, promising avenue in modern spintronics from both a fundamental and an application point of view. Such pure spin currents can not only flow in electrical conductors via mobile charge carriers, but also in magnetically ordered electrical insulators as a flow of spin excitation quanta. Over the course of the last years remarkable results have been obtained in heterostructures consisting of magnetically ordered insulators interfaced with a normal metal, where a pure spin current flows across the interface. This topical review article deals with the fundamental principles, experimental findings and recent developments in the field of pure spin currents in magnetically ordered insulators. We here put our focus onto four different manifestations of pure spin currents in such heterostructures: The spin pumping effect, the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect, the spin Hall magnetoresistance and the all-electrical detection of magnon transport in non-local device concepts. In this article, we utilize a common theoretical framework to explain all four effects and explain important material systems (especially rare-earth iron garnets) used in the experiments. For each effect we introduce basic measurement techniques and detection schemes and discuss their application in the experiment. We account for the remarkable progress achieved in each field by reporting the recent progress in each field and by discussing research highlights obtained in our group. Finally, we conclude the review article with an outlook on future challenges and obstacles in the field of pure spin currents in magnetically ordered insulator / normal metal heterostructures.

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We propose and demonstrate spin manipulation by magnetically controlled modulation of pure spin currents in cobalt/copper lateral spin valves, fabricated on top of the magnetic insulator Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ (YIG). The direction of the YIG magnetization can be controlled by a small magnetic field. We observe a clear modulation of the non-local resistance as a function of the orientation of the YIG magnetization with respect to the polarization of the spin current. Such a modulation can only be explained by assuming a finite spin-mixing conductance at the Cu/YIG interface, as it follows from the solution of the spin-diffusion equation. These results open a new path towards the development of spin logics.
At the interface between a nonmagnetic metal (NM) and a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) spin current can interact with the magnetization, leading to a modulation of the spin current. The interfacial exchange field at these FI-NM interfaces can be probed by placing the interface in contact with the spin transport channel of a lateral spin valve (LSV) device and observing additional spin relaxation processes. We study interfacial exchange field in lateral spin valve devices where Cu spin transport channel is in proximity with ferromagnetic insulator EuS (EuS-LSV) and yttrium iron garnet Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ (YIG-LSV). The spin signals were compared with reference lateral spin valve devices fabricated on nonmagnetic Si/SiO$_2$ substrate with MgO or AlO$_x$ capping. The nonlocal spin valve signal is about 4 and 6 times lower in the EuS-LSV and YIG-LSV, respectively. The suppression in the spin signal has been attributed to enhanced surface spin-flip probability at the Cu-EuS (or Cu-YIG) interface due to interfacial spin-orbit field. Besides spin signal suppression we also found widely observed low temperature peak in the spin signal at $T sim$30 K is shifted to higher temperature in the case of devices in contact with EuS or YIG. Temperature dependence of spin signal for different injector-detector distances reveal fluctuating exchange field at these interfaces cause additional spin decoherence which limit spin relaxation time in addition to conventional sources of spin relaxation. Our results show that temperature dependent measurement with pure spin current can be used to probe interfacial exchange field at the ferromagnetic insulator-nonmagnetic metal interface.
We experimentally investigate and quantitatively analyze the spin Hall magnetoresistance effect in ferromagnetic insulator/platinum and ferromagnetic insulator/nonferromagnetic metal/platinum hybrid structures. For the ferromagnetic insulator we use either yttrium iron garnet, nickel ferrite or magnetite and for the nonferromagnet copper or gold. The spin Hall magnetoresistance effect is theoretically ascribed to the combined action of spin Hall and inverse spin Hall effect in the platinum metal top layer. It therefore should characteristically depend upon the orientation of the magnetization in the adjacent ferromagnet, and prevail even if an additional, nonferromagnetic metal layer is inserted between Pt and the ferromagnet. Our experimental data corroborate these theoretical conjectures. Using the spin Hall magnetoresistance theory to analyze our data, we extract the spin Hall angle and the spin diffusion length in platinum. For a spin mixing conductance of $4times10^{14};mathrm{Omega^{-1}m^{-2}}$ we obtain a spin Hall angle of $0.11pm0.08$ and a spin diffusion length of $(1.5pm0.5);mathrm{nm}$ for Pt in our thin film samples.
Using one of the methods of quantum nonequilibrium statistical physics we have investigated the spin transport transverse to the normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator interface in hybrid nanostructures. An approximation of the effective parameters, when each of the interacting subsystems (electron spin, magnon, and phonon) is characterized by its own effective temperature have been considered. The generalized Bloch equations which describe the spin-wave current propagation in the dielectric have been derived. Finally, two sides of the spin transport coin have been revealed: the diffusive nature of the magnon motion and magnon relaxation processes, responsible for the spin pumping and the spin-torque effect.
We study the depinning of domain walls by pure diffusive spin currents in a nonlocal spin valve structure based on two ferromagnetic permalloy elements with copper as the nonmagnetic spin conduit. The injected spin current is absorbed by the second permalloy structure with a domain wall and from the dependence of the wall depinning field on the spin current density we find an efficiency of 6*10^{-14}T/(A/m^2), which is more than an order of magnitude larger than for conventional current induced domain wall motion. Theoretically we reproduce this high efficiency, which arises from the surface torques exerted by the absorbed spin current that lead to efficient depinning.
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