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A Study of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries in the Low-Luminosity Regime

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 Added by Eda Sonbas
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A recent study of a small sample of X-ray binaries (XRBs) suggests a significant softening of spectra of neutron star (NS) binaries as compared to black hole (BH) binaries in the luminosity range 10$^{34}$ - 10$^{37}$ erg/s. This softening is quantified as an anticorrelation between the spectral index and the 0.5 - 10 keV X-ray luminosity. We extend the study to significantly lower luminosities (i.e., $sim$ a few $times$ $10^{30}$ erg/s) for a larger sample of XRBs. We find evidence for a significant anticorrelation between the spectral index and the luminosity for a group of NS binaries in the luminosity range 10$^{32}$ to 10$^{33}$ erg/s. Our analysis suggests a steep slope for the correlation i.e., -2.12 $pm$ 0.63. In contrast, BH binaries do not exhibit the same behavior. We examine the possible dichotomy between NS and BH binaries in terms of a Comptonization model that assumes a feedback mechanism between an optically thin hot corona and an optically thick cool source of soft photons. We gauge the NS-BH dichotomy by comparing the extracted corona temperatures, Compton-y parameters and the Comptonization amplification factors: The mean temperature of the NS group is found to be significantly lower than the equivalent temperature for the BH group. The extracted Compton-y parameters and the amplification factors follow the theoretically predicted relation with the spectral index.

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321 - N. La Palombara 2013
We report on the main results obtained thanks to an observation campaign with XMM-Newton of four persistent, low-luminosity (Lx ~ 10^34 erg/s) and long-period (P > 200 s) Be accreting pulsars. We found that all sources considered here are characterized by a spectral excess that can be described with a blackbody component of high temperature (kTbb > 1 keV) and small area (Rbb < 0.5 km). We show that: 1) this feature is a common property of several low-luminosity X-ray binaries; 2) for most sources the blackbody parameters (radius and temperature) are within a narrow range of values; 3) it can be interpreted as emission from the NS polar caps.
We have carried out radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of thermally-driven accretion disc winds in low-mass X-ray binaries. Our main goal is to study the luminosity dependence of these outflows and compare with observations. The simulations span the range $rm{0.04 leq L_{acc}/L_{Edd} leq 1.0}$ and therefore cover most of the parameter space in which disc winds have been observed. Using a detailed Monte Carlo treatment of ionization and radiative transfer, we confirm two key results found in earlier simulations that were carried out in the optically thin limit: (i) the wind velocity -- and hence the maximum blueshift seen in wind-formed absorption lines -- increases with luminosity; (ii) the large-scale wind geometry is quasi-spherical, but observable absorption features are preferentially produced along high-column equatorial sightlines. In addition, we find that (iii) the wind efficiency always remains approximately constant at $rm{dot{M}_{wind}/dot{M}_{acc} simeq 2}$, a behaviour that is consistent with observations. We also present synthetic Fe XXV and Fe XXVI absorption line profiles for our simulated disc winds in order to illustrate the observational implications of our results.
We present a systematic coherent X-ray pulsation search in eleven low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). We select a relatively broad variety of LMXBs, including persistent and transient sources and spanning orbital periods between 0.3 and 17 hours. We use about 3.6 Ms of data collected by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and XMM-Newton and apply a semi-coherent search strategy to look for weak and persistent pulses in a wide spin frequency range. We find no evidence for X-ray pulsations in these systems and consequently set upper limits on the pulsed sinusoidal semi-amplitude between 0.14% and 0.78% for ten outbursting/persistent LMXBs and 2.9% for a quiescent system. These results suggest that weak pulsations might not form in (most) non-pulsating LMXBs.
147 - M.Revnivtsev 2010
We analyze a flux-limited sample of persistent and bright (with 2-10 keV fluxes exceeding 1.4e-10 erg/s/cm2) low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) in our Galaxy. It is demonstrated that the majority of binary systems with X-ray luminosities below logL(erg/sec)~37.3 have unevolved secondary companions (except for those with white dwarf donors), while systems with higher X-ray luminosity predominantly harbor giant donors. Mass transfer in binary systems with giants significantly shortens their life time thus steepening the X-ray luminosity function of LMXBs at high luminosity. We argue that this is the reason why the LMXB luminosity function constructed in the last years from observations of sources in our and distant galaxies demonstrates a break at logL(erg/sec)~37.3.
There is still 10-20% uncertainty on the neutron star (NS) mass-radius relation. These uncertainties could be reduced by an order of magnitude through an unambiguous measure of M/R from the surface redshift of a narrow line, greatly constraining the Equation of State for ultra-dense material. It is possible that the SXS on ASTRO-H can detect this from an accreting neutron star with low surface velocity in the line of sight i.e. either low inclination or low spin. Currently there is only one known low inclination LMXB, Ser X-1, and one known slow spin LMXB, J17480-2446 in Terzan 5. Ser X-1 is a persistent source which is always in the soft state (banana branch), where the accreting material should form a equatorial belt around the neutron star. A pole-on view should then allow the NS surface to be seen directly. A 100 ks observation should allow us to measure M/R if there are any heavy elements in the photosphere at the poles. Conversely, J17480-2446 in Terzan 5 is a transient accretion powered millisecond pulsar, where the accreting material is collimated onto the magnetic pole in the hard (island) state (L_x < 0.1 L_Edd). The hotspot where the shock illuminates the NS surface is clearly seen in this state. A 100 ks ToO observation of this (or any other similarly slow spin system) in this state, may again allow the surface redshift to be directly measured. (abstract continues)
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