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A Flexible High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Multi-Port Memory Controller

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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Multi-port memory controllers (MPMCs) have become increasingly important in many modern applications due to the tremendous growth in bandwidth requirement. Many approaches so far have focused on improving either the memory access latency or the bandwidth utilization for specific applications. Moreover, the application systems are likely to require certain adjustments to connect with an MPMC, since the MPMC interface is limited to a single-clock and single data-width domain. In this paper, we propose efficient techniques to improve the flexibility, latency, and bandwidth of an MPMC. Firstly, MPMC interfaces employ a pair of dual-clock dual-port FIFOs at each port, so any multi-clock multi-data-width application system can connect to an MPMC without requiring extra resources. Secondly, memory access latency is significantly reduced because parallel FIFOs temporarily keep the data transfer between the application system and memory. Lastly, a proposed arbitration scheme, namely window-based first-come-first-serve, considerably enhances the bandwidth utilization. Depending on the applications, MPMC can be properly configured by updating several internal configuration registers. The experimental results in an Altera Cyclone FPGA prove that MPMC is fully operational at 150 MHz and supports up to 32 concurrent connections at various clocks and data widths. More significantly, achieved bandwidth utilization is approximately 93.2% of the theoretical bandwidth, and the access latency is minimized as compared to previous designs.

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Even with generational improvements in DRAM technology, memory access latency still remains the major bottleneck for application accelerators, primarily due to limitations in memory interface IPs which cannot fully account for variations in target applications, the algorithms used, and accelerator architectures. Since developing memory controllers for different applications is time-consuming, this paper introduces a modular and programmable memory controller that can be configured for different target applications on available hardware resources. The proposed memory controller efficiently supports cache-line accesses along with bulk memory transfers. The user can configure the controller depending on the available logic resources on the FPGA, memory access pattern, and external memory specifications. The modular design supports various memory access optimization techniques including, request scheduling, internal caching, and direct memory access. These techniques contribute to reducing the overall latency while maintaining high sustained bandwidth. We implement the system on a state-of-the-art FPGA and evaluate its performance using two widely studied domains: graph analytics and deep learning workloads. We show improved overall memory access time up to 58% on CNN and GCN workloads compared with commercial memory controller IPs.
Ongoing climate change calls for fast and accurate weather and climate modeling. However, when solving large-scale weather prediction simulations, state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations suffer from limited performance and high energy consumption. These implementations are dominated by complex irregular memory access patterns and low arithmetic intensity that pose fundamental challenges to acceleration. To overcome these challenges, we propose and evaluate the use of near-memory acceleration using a reconfigurable fabric with high-bandwidth memory (HBM). We focus on compound stencils that are fundamental kernels in weather prediction models. By using high-level synthesis techniques, we develop NERO, an FPGA+HBM-based accelerator connected through IBM CAPI2 (Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface) to an IBM POWER9 host system. Our experimental results show that NERO outperforms a 16-core POWER9 system by 4.2x and 8.3x when running two different compound stencil kernels. NERO reduces the energy consumption by 22x and 29x for the same two kernels over the POWER9 system with an energy efficiency of 1.5 GFLOPS/Watt and 17.3 GFLOPS/Watt. We conclude that employing near-memory acceleration solutions for weather prediction modeling is promising as a means to achieve both high performance and high energy efficiency.
Predictably sharing the network is critical to achieving high utilization in the datacenter. Past work has focussed on providing bandwidth to endpoints, but often we want to allocate resources among multi-node services. In this paper, we present Parley, which provides service-centric minimum bandwidth guarantees, which can be composed hierarchically. Parley also supports service-centric weighted sharing of bandwidth in excess of these guarantees. Further, we show how to configure these policies so services can get low latencies even at high network load. We evaluate Parley on a multi-tiered oversubscribed network connecting 90 machines, each with a 10Gb/s network interface, and demonstrate that Parley is able to meet its goals.
81 - Kevin K. Chang 2017
Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.
Computers continue to diversify with respect to system designs, emerging memory technologies, and application memory demands. Unfortunately, continually adapting the conventional virtual memory framework to each possible system configuration is challenging, and often results in performance loss or requires non-trivial workarounds. To address these challenges, we propose a new virtual memory framework, the Virtual Block Interface (VBI). We design VBI based on the key idea that delegating memory management duties to hardware can reduce the overheads and software complexity associated with virtual memory. VBI introduces a set of variable-sized virtual blocks (VBs) to applications. Each VB is a contiguous region of the globally-visible VBI address space, and an application can allocate each semantically meaningful unit of information (e.g., a data structure) in a separate VB. VBI decouples access protection from memory allocation and address translation. While the OS controls which programs have access to which VBs, dedicated hardware in the memory controller manages the physical memory allocation and address translation of the VBs. This approach enables several architectural optimizations to (1) efficiently and flexibly cater to different and increasingly diverse system configurations, and (2) eliminate key inefficiencies of conventional virtual memory. We demonstrate the benefits of VBI with two important use cases: (1) reducing the overheads of address translation (for both native execution and virtual machine environments), as VBI reduces the number of translation requests and associated memory accesses; and (2) two heterogeneous main memory architectures, where VBI increases the effectiveness of managing fast memory regions. For both cases, VBI significanttly improves performance over conventional virtual memory.
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