We consider the vector space of $n times n$ matrices over $mathbb C$, Fermi operators and operators constructed from these matrices and Fermi operators. The properties of these operators are studied with respect to the underlying matrices. The commutators, anticommutators, and the eigenvalue problem of such operators are also discussed. Other matrix functions such as the exponential functions are studied. Density operators and Kraus operators are also discussed.
In a quantum system with d-dimensional Hilbert space, the Q-function of a Hermitian positive semidefinite operator ?, is defined in terms of the d2 coherent states in this system. The Choquet integral CQ of the Q-function, is introduced using a ranking of the values of the Q-function, and Mobius transforms which remove the overlaps between coherent states. It is a figure of merit of the quantum properties of Hermitian operators, and it provides upper and lower bounds to various physical quantities in terms of the Q-function. Comonotonicity is an important concept in the formalism, which is used to formalize the vague concept of physically similar operators. Comonotonic operators are shown to be bounded, with respect to an order based on Choquet integrals. Applications of the formalism to the study of the ground state of a physical system, are discussed. Bounds for partition functions, are also derived.
We have proposed and demonstrated a general and scalable scheme for programmable unitary gates. Our method is based on matrix decomposition into diagonal and Fourier factors. Thus, we are able to construct arbitrary matrix operators only by diagonal matrices alternately acting on two photonic encoding bases that belong to a Fourier transform pair. Thus, the technical difficulties to implement arbitrary unitary operators are significantly reduced. As examples, two protocols for optical OAM and path domain are considered to verify our proposal and evaluate the performance. For OAM domain, unitary matrices with dimensionality up to 6*6 are achieved and discussed with the numerical simulations. For path domain, an average fidelity of 0.98 is evaluated through 80 experimental results with dimensionality of 3*3. Furthermore, our proposal is also potential to provide a quantum operation protocol for any other photonic domain, if there exists the corresponding transformed domain.
In a recent work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240401 (2016)], a framework known by the name of assemblage moment matrices (AMMs) has been introduced for the device-independent quantification of quantum steerability and measurement incompatibility. In other words, even with no assumption made on the preparation device nor the measurement devices, one can make use of this framework to certify, directly from the observed data, the aforementioned quantum features. Here, we further explore the framework of AMM and provide improved device-independent bounds on the generalized robustness of entanglement, the incompatibility robustness and the incompatibility weight. We compare the tightness of our device-independent bounds against those obtained from other approaches. Along the way, we also provide an analytic form for the generalized robustness of entanglement for an arbitrary two-qudit isotropic state. When considering a Bell-type experiment in a tri- or more-partite scenario, we further show that the framework of AMM provides a natural way to characterize a superset to the set of quantum correlations, namely, one which also allows post-quantum steering.
Noise sequences of infinite matrices associated with covariant phase and box localization observables are defined and determined. The canonical observables are characterized within the relevant classes of observables as those with asymptotically minimal or minimal noise, i.e., the noise tending to 0 or having the value 0.