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We study theoretically spin transport through a single-molecule magnet (SMM) in the sequential and cotunneling regimes, where the SMM is weakly coupled to one ferromagnetic and one normalmetallic leads. By a master-equation approach, it is found that the spin polarization injected from the ferromagnetic lead is amplified and highly polarized spin-current can be generated, due to the exchange coupling between the transport electron and the anisotropic spin of the SMM. Moreover, the spin-current polarization can be tuned by the gate or bias voltage, and thus an efficient spin injection device based on the SMM is proposed in molecular spintronics.
We theoretically investigate quantum transport through single-molecule magnet (SMM) junctions with ferromagnetic and normal-metal leads in the sequential regime. The current obtained by means of the rate-equation gives rise to the tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance (TAMR), which varies with the angle between the magnetization direction of ferromagnetic lead and the easy axis of SMM. The angular dependence of TAMR can serve as a probe to determine experimentally the easy axis of SMM. Moreover, it is demonstrated that both the magnitude and sign of TAMR are tunable by the bias voltage, suggesting a promising TAMR based spintronic molecule-device.
Coherence peak effects in a superconductor induced by a thermal spin current are reported. We measured inverse spin Hall effects induced by spin injection from a ferrimagnetic insulator Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ into a superconductor NbN using longitudinal spin Seebeck effects. In the vicinity of the superconducting transition temperature of the NbN, a large enhancement of the spin Seebeck voltage is observed, whose sign is opposite to that for the vortex Nernst effect, but is consistent with a calculation for a coherence peak effect in the superconductor NbN.
We theoretically study the spin-polarized transport through a single-molecule magnet, which is weakly coupled to ferromagnetic leads, by means of the rate-equation approach. We consider both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange-couplings between the molecular magnet and transported electron-spin in the nonlinear tunneling regime. For the ferromagnetic exchangecoupling, spin current exhibits step- and basin-like behaviors in the parallel and antiparallel configurations respectively. An interesting observation is that the polarization reversal of spin-current can be realized and manipulated by the variation of bias voltage in the case of antiferromagnetic exchange-coupling with antiparallel lead-configuration, which may be useful in the development of spintronic devices, while the bias voltage can only affect the magnitude of spin-polarization in the ferromagnetic coupling.
Single-molecule memory device based on a single-molecule magnet (SMM) is one of the ultimate goals of semiconductor nanofabrication technologies. Here, we study how to manipulate and readout the SMMs two spin-state of stored information that characterized by the maximum and minimum average value of the $Z$-component of the total spin of the SMM and the conduction-electron, which are recognized as the information bits $1$ and $0$. We demonstrate that the switching time depends on both the sequential tunneling gap $varepsilon_{se}$ and the spin-selection-rule allowed transition-energy $varepsilon_{trans}$, which can be tuned by the gate voltage. In particular, when the external bias voltage is turned off, in the cases of the unoccupied and doubly-occupied ground eigenstates, the time derivative of the transport current can be used to read out the SMMs two spin-state of stored information. Moreover, the tunneling strength of and the asymmetry of the SMM-electrode coupling have a strong influence on the switching time, but that have a slight influence on the readout time that being on the order of nanoseconds. Our results suggest a SMM-based memory device, and provide fundamental insight into the electrical controllable manipulation and readout of the SMMs two spin-state of stored information.
The influence of multiple vibrational modes on current fluctuations in electron transport through single-molecule junctions is investigated. Our analysis is based on a generic model of a molecular junction, which comprises a single electronic state on the molecular bridge coupled to multiple vibrational modes and fermionic leads, and employs a master equation approach. The results reveal that in molecular junctions with multiple vibrational modes already weak to moderate electronic-vibrational coupling may result in high noise levels, especially at the onset of resonant transport, in accordance with experimental findings of Secker et al..[1] The underlying mechanisms are analyzed in some detail. [1] D. Secker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 136807 (2011).