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Lattice QCD static potentials of the meson-meson and tetraquark systems computed with both quenched and full QCD

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 Added by Pedro Bicudo
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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We revisit the static potential for the $Q Q bar Q bar Q$ system using SU(3) lattice simulations, studying both the colour singlets groundstate and first excited state. We consider geometries where the two static quarks and the two anti-quarks are at the corners of rectangles of different sizes. We analyse the transition between a tetraquark system and a two meson system with a two by two correlator matrix. We compare the potentials computed with quenched QCD and with dynamical quarks. We also compare our simulations with the results of previous studies and analyze quantitatively fits of our results with anzatse inspired in the string flip-flop model and in its possible colour excitations.

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We study tetraquark resonances with lattice QCD potentials computed for two static quarks and two dynamical quarks, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and the emergent wave method of scattering theory. As a proof of concept we focus on systems with isospin $I = 0$, but consider different relative angular momenta $l$ of the heavy $b$ quarks. We compute the phase shifts and search for $mbox{S}$ and $mbox{T}$ matrix poles in the second Riemann sheet. We predict a new tetraquark resonance for $l = 1$, decaying into two $B$ mesons, with quantum numbers $I(J^P) = 0(1^-)$, mass $m = 10576_{-4}^{+4} , textrm{MeV}$ and decay width $Gamma = 112_{-103}^{+90} , textrm{MeV}$.
We extract to high statistical precision an excited spectrum of single-particle isoscalar mesons using lattice QCD, including states of high spin and, for the first time, light exotic JPC isoscalars. The use of a novel quark field construction has enabled us to overcome the long-standing challenge of efficiently including quark-annihilation contributions. Hidden-flavor mixing angles are extracted and while most states are found to be close to ideally flavor mixed, there are examples of large mixing in the pseudoscalar and axial sectors in line with experiment. The exotic JPC isoscalar states appear at a mass scale comparable to the exotic isovector states.
We calculate the bag parameters for neutral $B$-meson mixing in and beyond the Standard Model, in full four-flavour lattice QCD for the first time. We work on gluon field configurations that include the effect of $u$, $d$, $s$ and $c$ sea quarks with the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action at three values of the lattice spacing and with three $u/d$ quark masses going down to the physical value. The valence $b$ quarks use the improved NRQCD action and the valence light quarks, the HISQ action. Our analysis was blinded. Our results for the bag parameters for all five operators are the most accurate to date. For the Standard Model operator between $B_s$ and $B_d$ mesons we find: $hat{B}_{B_s}=1.232(53)$, $hat{B}_{B_d}=1.222(61)$. Combining our results with lattice QCD calculations of the decay constants using HISQ quarks from the Fermilab/MILC collaboration and with experimental values for $B_s$ and $B_d$ oscillation frequencies allows determination of the CKM elements $V_{ts}$ and $V_{td}$. We find $V_{ts} = 0.04189(93)$, $V_{td} = 0.00867(23)$ and $V_{ts}/V_{td} = 0.2071(27)$. Our results agree well (within $2sigma$) with values determined from CKM unitarity constraints based on tree-level processes (only). Using a ratio to $Delta M$ in which CKM elements cancel in the Standard Model, we determine the branching fractions ${text{Br}}(B_srightarrow mu^+mu^-) = 3.81(18) times 10^{-9}$ and ${text{Br}}(B_drightarrow mu^+mu^-) = 1.031(54) times 10^{-10}$. We also give results for matrix elements of the operators $R_0$, $R_1$ and $tilde{R}_1$ that contribute to neutral $B$-meson width differences.
We investigate the $D_{s0}^ast(2317)$ meson using lattice QCD and considering correlation functions of several $bar{c} s$ two-quark and $bar{c} s (bar{u} u + bar{d} d)$ four-quark interpolating fields. These interpolating fields generate different structures in color, spin and position space including quark-antiquark pairs, tetraquarks and two-meson scattering states. For our computation we use an ensemble simulated with pion mass $m_pi approx 0.296 , textrm{GeV}$ and spatial volume of extent $2.90 , textrm{fm}$. We find in addition to the expected spectrum of two-meson scattering states another state around $60 , textrm{MeV}$ below the $D K$ threshold, which we interpret as the $D_{s0}^ast(2317)$ meson. This state couples predominantly to a quark-antiquark interpolating field and only weakly to a $D K$ two-meson interpolating field. The coupling to the tetraquark interpolating fields is essentially zero, rendering a tetraquark interpretation of the $D_{s0}^ast(2317)$ meson rather unlikely. Moreover, we perform a scattering analysis using Luschers method and the effective range approximation to determine the $D_{s0}^ast(2317)$ mass for infinite spatial volume. We find this mass $51 , textrm{MeV}$ below the $D K$ threshold, rather close to both our finite volume result and the experimentally observed value.
We summarize our lattice QCD determinations of the pion-pion, pion-kaon and kaon-kaon s-wave scattering lengths at maximal isospin with a particular focus on the extrapolation to the physical point and the usage of next-to-leading order chiral perturbation theory to do so. We employ data at three values of the lattice spacing and pion masses ranging from around 230 MeV to around 450 MeV, applying Lueschers finite volume method to compute the scattering lengths. We find that leading order chiral perturbation theory is surprisingly close to our data even in the kaon-kaon case for our entire range of pion masses.
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