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We use adaptive-mesh magnetohydrodynamic simulations to study the effect of magnetic fields on ram pressure stripping of galaxies in the intracluster medium (ICM). Although the magnetic pressure in typical clusters is not strong enough to affect the gas mass loss rate from galaxies, magnetic fields can affect the morphology of stripped galaxies. ICM magnetic fields are draped around orbiting galaxies and aligned with their stripped tails. Magnetic fields suppress shear instabilities at the galaxy-ICM interface, and magnetized tails are smoother and narrower than tails in comparable hydrodynamic simulations in Vijayaraghavan & Ricker (2015). Orbiting galaxies stretch and amplify ICM magnetic fields, amplifying magnetic power spectra on $10 - 100$ kpc scales. Galaxies inject turbulent kinetic energy into the ICM via their turbulent wakes and $g$-waves. The magnetic energy and kinetic energy in the ICM increase up to $1.5 - 2$ Gyr of evolution, after which galaxies are stripped of most of their gas, and do not have sufficiently large gaseous cross sections to further amplify magnetic fields and inject turbulent kinetic energy. The increase in turbulent pressure due to galaxy stripping and generation of $g$-waves results in an increase in the turbulent volume fraction of the ICM. This turbulent kinetic energy is not a significant contributor to the overall ICM energy budget, but greatly impacts the evolution of the ICM magnetic field. Additionally, the effect of galaxies on magnetic fields can potentially be observed in high resolution Faraday rotation measure (RM) maps as small scale fluctuations in the RM structure.
We have performed magnetohydrodynamical simulations to study the amplification of magnetic fields in the precursors of shock waves. Strong magnetic fields are required in the precursors of the strong shocks that occur in supernova remnants. Observations also suggest that magnetic field amplification takes place in the weak shocks that occur in galaxy clusters and that produce so-called radio relics. Here, we extend the study of magnetic field amplification by cosmic-ray driven turbulence to weak shocks. The amplification is driven by turbulence that is produced by the cosmic-ray pressure acting on the density inhomogeneities in the upstream fluid. The clumping that has been inferred from X-ray data for the outskirts of galaxy clusters could provide some of the seed inhomogeneities. Magnetic field power spectra and Faraday maps are produced. Furthermore, we investigate how the synchrotron emission in the shock precursor can be used to verify the existence of this instability and constrain essential plasma parameters.
Turbulent dynamo field amplification has often been invoked to explain the strong field strengths in thin rims in supernova shocks ($sim 100 , mu$G) and in radio relics in galaxy clusters ($sim mu$G). We present high resolution MHD simulations of the interaction between pre-shock turbulence, clumping and shocks, to quantify the conditions under which turbulent dynamo amplification can be significant. We demonstrate numerically converged field amplification which scales with Alfven Mach number, $B/B_0 propto {mathcal M}_{rm A}$, up to ${mathcal M}_{rm A} sim 150$. This implies that the post-shock field strength is relatively independent of the seed field. Amplification is dominated by compression at low ${mathcal M}_{rm A}$, and stretching (turbulent amplification) at high ${mathcal M}_{rm A}$. For high $mathcal{M}_{rm A}$, the $B$-field grows exponentially and saturates at equipartition with turbulence, while the vorticity jumps sharply at the shock and subsequently decays; the resulting field is orientated predominately along the shock normal (an effect only apparent in 3D and not 2D). This agrees with the radial field bias seen in supernova remnants. By contrast, for low $mathcal{M}_{rm A}$, field amplification is mostly compressional, relatively modest, and results in a predominantly perpendicular field. The latter is consistent with the polarization seen in radio relics. Our results are relatively robust to the assumed level of gas clumping. Our results imply that the turbulent dynamo may be important for supernovae, but is only consistent with the field strength, and not geometry, for cluster radio relics. For the latter, this implies strong pre-existing $B$-fields in the ambient cluster outskirts.
Understanding the thermodynamic state of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) in a galaxy cluster requires a knowledge of the plasma transport processes, especially thermal conduction. The basic physics of thermal conduction in plasmas with ICM-like conditions has yet to be elucidated, however. We use particle-in-cell simulations and analytic models to explore the dynamics of an ICM-like plasma (with small gyroradius, large mean-free-path, and strongly sub-dominant magnetic pressure) driven by the diffusive heat flux associated with thermal conduction. Lin- ear theory reveals that whistler waves are driven unstable electron heat flux, even when the heat flux is weak. The resonant interaction of electrons with these waves then plays a critical role in scattering electrons and suppressing the heat flux. In a 1D model where only whistler modes that are parallel to the magnetic field are captured, the only resonant electrons are moving in the opposite direction to the heat flux and the electron heat flux suppression is small. In 2D or more, oblique whistler modes also resonate with electrons moving in the direction of the heat flux. The overlap of resonances leads to effective symmetrization of the electron distribution function and a strong suppression of heat flux. The results suggest that thermal conduction in the ICM might be strongly suppressed, possibly to negligible levels.
We compare DNS calculations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence with the statistical properties of intra-cluster turbulence from the Matryoshka Run (Miniati 2014) and find remarkable similarities between their inertial ranges. This allowed us to use the time dependent statistical properties of intra-cluster turbulence to evaluate dynamo action in the intra-cluster medium, based on earlier results from numerically resolved nonlinear magneto-hydrodynamic turbulent dynamo (Beresnyak 2012). We argue that this approach is necessary (a) to properly normalize dynamo action to the available intra-cluster turbulent energy and (b) to overcome the limitations of low Re affecting current numerical models of the intra-cluster medium. We find that while the properties of intra-cluster magnetic field are largely insensitive to the value and origin of the seed field, the resulting values for the Alfven speed and the outer scale of the magnetic field are consistent with current observational estimates, basically confirming the idea that magnetic field in todays galaxy clusters is a record of its past turbulent activity.
We present a deep Suzaku observation of H1821+643, an extremely rare example of a powerful quasar hosted by the central massive galaxy of a rich cooling-core cluster of galaxies. Informed by previous Chandra studies of the cluster, we achieve a spectral separation of emission from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) and the intracluster medium (ICM). With a high degree of confidence, we identify the signatures of X-ray reflection/reprocessing by cold and slowly moving material in the AGNs immediate environment. The iron abundance of this matter is found to be significantly sub-solar (Z~0.4Zsun), an unusual finding for powerful AGN but in line with the idea that this quasar is feeding from the ICM via a Compton-induced cooling flow. We also find a subtle soft excess that can be described phenomenologically (with an additional black body component) or as ionized X-ray reflection from the inner regions of a high inclination (i=57 degrees) accretion disk around a spinning (a>0.4) black hole. We describe how the ionization state of the accretion disk can be used to constrain the Eddington fraction of the source. Applying these arguments to our spectrum implies an Eddington fraction of 0.25-0.5, with an associated black hole mass of 3-6x10^9Msun.