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X-ray variability of cool stars: Magnetic activity and accretion

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 Added by Beate Stelzer
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors B. Stelzer

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This article provides a review of X-ray variability from late-type stars with particular focus on the achievements of XMM-Newton and its potential for future studies in this field.

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164 - B. Stelzer 2015
This article represents a short review of the variability characteristics of young stellar objects. Variability is a key property of young stars. Two major origins may be distinguished: a scaled-up version of the magnetic activity seen on main-sequence stars and various processes related to circumstellar disks, accretion and outflows.
142 - Aleks Scholz 2011
FU Tau A is a young very low mass object in the Taurus star forming region which was previously found to have strong X-ray emission and to be anomalously bright for its spectral type. In this study we discuss these characteristics using new information from quasi-simultaneous photometric and spectroscopic monitoring. From photometric time series obtained with the 2.2m telescope on Calar Alto we measure a period of ~4d for FU Tau A, most likely the rotation period. The short-term variations over a few days are consistent with the rotational modulation of the flux by cool, magnetically induced spots. In contrast, the photometric variability on timescales of weeks and years can only be explained by the presence of hot spots, presumably caused by accretion. The hot spot properties are thus variable on timescales exceeding the rotation period, maybe due to long-term changes in the accretion rate or geometry. The new constraints from the analysis of the variability confirm that FU Tau A is affected by magnetically induced spots and excess luminosity from accretion. However, accretion is not sufficient to explain its anomalous position in the HR diagram. In addition, suppressed convection due to magnetic activity and/or an early evolutionary stage need to be invoked to fully account for the observed properties. These factors cause considerable problems in estimating the mass of FU Tau A and other objects in this mass/age regime, to the extent that it appears questionable if it is feasible to derive the Initial Mass Function for young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.
Pre-main sequence stars are variable sources. In diskless stars this variability is mainly due to the rotational modulation of dark photospheric spots and active regions, as in main sequence stars even if associated with a stronger magnetic activity. Aims. We aim at analyzing the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in these stars to unveil how the activity in the photosphere is connected with that in the corona, to identify the dominant surface magnetic activity, and to correlate our results with stellar properties, such as rotation and mass. Methods. We analyzed the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in stars without inner disks (e.g., class III objects and stars with transition disks) in NGC 2264 from observations obtained with Chandra/ACIS-I and CoRoT as part of the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264. We searched for those stars whose optical and X-ray variability is correlated, anti-correlated, or not correlated by sampling their optical and X-ray light curves in suitable time intervals and studying the correlation between the flux observed in optical and in X-rays. We then studied how this classification is related with stellar properties. Results. Starting from a sample of 74 class III/transition disk (TD) stars observed with CoRoT and detected with Chandra with more than 60 counts, we selected 16 stars whose optical and X-ray variability is anti-correlated, 11 correlated, and 17 where there is no correlation. The remaining stars did not fall in any of these groups. We interpreted the anti-correlated optical and X-ray variability as typical of spot-dominated sources, due to the rotational modulation of photospheric spots spatially coincident to coronal active regions, and correlated variability typical of faculae-dominated sources, where the brightening due to faculae is dominant over the darkening due to spots. [Conclusions not shown in the pre-print]
75 - Lin He , Song Wang , Xiaojie Xu 2019
X-ray emission is an important indicator of stellar activity. In this paper, we study stellar X-ray activity using the XMM-Newton and LAMOST data for different types of stars. We provide a sample including 1259 X-ray emitting stars, of which 1090 have accurate stellar parameter estimations. Our sample size is much larger than those in previous works. We find a bimodal distribution of X-ray to optical flux ratio (log(fX/fV)) for G and K stars. We interpret that this bimodality is due to two subpopulations with different coronal heating rates. Furthermore, using the full widths at half maxima calculated from H{alpha} and Hb{eta} lines, we show that these stars in the inactive peaks have smaller rotational velocities. This is consistent with the magnetic dynamo theory that stars with low rotational velocities have low levels of stellar activity. We also examine the correlation between log(fX/fV) and luminosity of the excess emission in the H{alpha} line, and find a tight relation between the coronal and chromospheric activity indicators.
211 - B. Stecklum 2017
Methanol and water masers indicate young stellar objects. They often exhibit flares, and a fraction shows periodic activity. Several mechanisms might explain this behavior but the lack of concurrent infrared (IR) data complicates to identify the cause. Recently, 6.7 GHz methanol maser flares were observed, triggered by accretion bursts of high-mass YSOs which confirmed the IR-pumping of these masers. This suggests that regular IR changes might lead to maser periodicity. Hence, we scrutinized space-based IR imaging of YSOs associated with periodic methanol masers. We succeeded to extract the IR light curve from NEOWISE data for the intermediate mass YSO G107.298+5.639. Thus, for the first time a relationship between the maser and IR variability could be established. While the IR light curve shows the same period of ~34.6 days as the masers, its shape is distinct from that of the maser flares. Possible reasons for the IR periodicity are discussed.
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