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Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) is a software exploit for system compromise. By chaining short instruction sequences from existing code pieces, ROP can bypass static code-integrity checking approaches and non-executable page protections. Existing defenses either require access to source code or binary, a customized compiler or hardware modifications, or suffer from high performance and storage overhead. In this work, we propose SIGDROP, a low-cost approach for ROP detection which uses low-level properties inherent to ROP attacks. Specifically, we observe special patterns of certain hardware events when a ROP attack occurs during program execution. Such hardware event-based patterns form signatures to flag ROP attacks at runtime. SIGDROP leverages Hardware Performance Counters, which are already present in commodity processors, to efficiently capture and extract the signatures. Our evaluation demonstrates that SIGDROP can effectively detect ROP attacks with acceptable performance overhead and negligible storage overhead.
In recent years, deep learning gained proliferating popularity in the cybersecurity application domain, since when being compared to traditional machine learning, it usually involves less human effort, produces better results, and provides better generalizability. However, the imbalanced data issue is very common in cybersecurity, which can substantially deteriorate the performance of the deep learning models. This paper introduces a transfer learning based method to tackle the imbalanced data issue in cybersecurity using Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) payload detection as a case study. We achieved 0.033 average false positive rate, 0.9718 average F1 score and 0.9418 average detection rate on 3 different target domain programs using 2 different source domain programs, with 0 benign training data samples in the target domain. The performance improvement compared to the baseline is a trade-off between false positive rate and detection rate. Using our approach, the number of false positives is reduced by 23.20%, and as a trade-off, the number of detected malicious samples is reduced by 0.50%.
An experiment to study the entropy method for an anomaly detection system has been performed. The study has been conducted using real data generated from the distributed sensor networks at the Intel Berkeley Research Laboratory. The experimental results were compared with the elliptical method and has been analyzed in two dimensional data sets acquired from temperature and humidity sensors across 52 micro controllers. Using the binary classification to determine the upper and lower boundaries for each series of sensors, it has been shown that the entropy method are able to detect more number of out ranging sensor nodes than the elliptical methods. It can be argued that the better result was mainly due to the lack of elliptical approach which is requiring certain correlation between two sensor series, while in the entropy approach each sensor series is treated independently. This is very important in the current case where both sensor series are not correlated each other.
Currently, Android malware detection is mostly performed on server side against the increasing number of malware. Powerful computing resource provides more exhaustive protection for app markets than maintaining detection by a single user. However, apart from the applications provided by the official market, apps from unofficial markets and third-party resources are always causing serious security threats to end-users. Meanwhile, it is a time-consuming task if the app is downloaded first and then uploaded to the server side for detection, because the network transmission has a lot of overhead. In addition, the uploading process also suffers from the security threats of attackers. Consequently, a last line of defense on mobile devices is necessary and much-needed. In this paper, we propose an effective Android malware detection system, MobiTive, leveraging customized deep neural networks to provide a real-time and responsive detection environment on mobile devices. MobiTive is a preinstalled solution rather than an app scanning and monitoring engine using after installation, which is more practical and secure. Original deep learning models cannot be directly deployed and executed on mobile devices due to various performance limitations, such as computation power, memory size, and energy. Therefore, we evaluate and investigate the following key points:(1) the performance of different feature extraction methods based on source code or binary code;(2) the performance of different feature type selections for deep learning on mobile devices;(3) the detection accuracy of different deep neural networks on mobile devices;(4) the real-time detection performance and accuracy on different mobile devices;(5) the potential based on the evolution trend of mobile devices specifications; and finally we further propose a practical solution (MobiTive) to detect Android malware on mobile devices.
Privacy and security-related concerns are growing as machine learning reaches diverse application domains. The data holders want to train with private data while exploiting accelerators, such as GPUs, that are hosted in the cloud. However, Cloud systems are vulnerable to attackers that compromise the privacy of data and integrity of computations. This work presents DarKnight, a framework for large DNN training while protecting input privacy and computation integrity. DarKnight relies on cooperative execution between trusted execution environments (TEE) and accelerators, where the TEE provides privacy and integrity verification, while accelerators perform the computation heavy linear algebraic operations.
Recently, cyber-attacks have been extensively seen due to the everlasting increase of malware in the cyber world. These attacks cause irreversible damage not only to end-users but also to corporate computer systems. Ransomware attacks such as WannaCry and Petya specifically targets to make critical infrastructures such as airports and rendered operational processes inoperable. Hence, it has attracted increasing attention in terms of volume, versatility, and intricacy. The most important feature of this type of malware is that they change shape as they propagate from one computer to another. Since standard signature-based detection software fails to identify this type of malware because they have different characteristics on each contaminated computer. This paper aims at providing an image augmentation enhanced deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models for the detection of malware families in a metamorphic malware environment. The main contributions of the papers model structure consist of three components, including image generation from malware samples, image augmentation, and the last one is classifying the malware families by using a convolutional neural network model. In the first component, the collected malware samples are converted binary representation to 3-channel images using windowing technique. The second component of the system create the augmented version of the images, and the last component builds a classification model. In this study, five different deep convolutional neural network model for malware family detection is used.