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A unified matrix model including both CCA and F matrices in multivariate analysis: the largest eigenvalue and its applications

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 Added by Guangming Pan
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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Let $bbZ_{M_1times N}=bbT^{frac{1}{2}}bbX$ where $(bbT^{frac{1}{2}})^2=bbT$ is a positive definite matrix and $bbX$ consists of independent random variables with mean zero and variance one. This paper proposes a unified matrix model $$bold{bbom}=(bbZbbU_2bbU_2^TbbZ^T)^{-1}bbZbbU_1bbU_1^TbbZ^T,$$ where $bbU_1$ and $bbU_2$ are isometric with dimensions $Ntimes N_1$ and $Ntimes (N-N_2)$ respectively such that $bbU_1^TbbU_1=bbI_{N_1}$, $bbU_2^TbbU_2=bbI_{N-N_2}$ and $bbU_1^TbbU_2=0$. Moreover, $bbU_1$ and $bbU_2$ (random or non-random) are independent of $bbZ_{M_1times N}$ and with probability tending to one, $rank(bbU_1)=N_1$ and $rank(bbU_2)=N-N_2$. We establish the asymptotic Tracy-Widom distribution for its largest eigenvalue under moment assumptions on $bbX$ when $N_1,N_2$ and $M_1$ are comparable. By selecting appropriate matrices $bbU_1$ and $bbU_2$, the asymptotic distributions of the maximum eigenvalues of the matrices used in Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) and of F matrices (including centered and non-center

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We study the asymptotic distributions of the spiked eigenvalues and the largest nonspiked eigenvalue of the sample covariance matrix under a general covariance matrix model with divergent spiked eigenvalues, while the other eigenvalues are bounded but otherwise arbitrary. The limiting normal distribution for the spiked sample eigenvalues is established. It has distinct features that the asymptotic mean relies on not only the population spikes but also the nonspikes and that the asymptotic variance in general depends on the population eigenvectors. In addition, the limiting Tracy-Widom law for the largest nonspiked sample eigenvalue is obtained. Estimation of the number of spikes and the convergence of the leading eigenvectors are also considered. The results hold even when the number of the spikes diverges. As a key technical tool, we develop a Central Limit Theorem for a type of random quadratic forms where the random vectors and random matrices involved are dependent. This result can be of independent interest.
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In this article we provide some nonnegative and positive estimators of the mean squared errors(MSEs) for shrinkage estimators of multivariate normal means. Proposed estimators are shown to improve on the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator(UMVUE) under a quadratic loss criterion. A similar improvement is also obtained for the estimators of the MSE matrices for shrinkage estimators. We also apply the proposed estimators of the MSE matrix to form confidence sets centered at shrinkage estimators and show their usefulness through numerical experiments.
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This paper examines the properties of real symmetric square matrices with a constant value for the main diagonal elements and another constant value for all off-diagonal elements. This matrix form is a simple subclass of circulant matrices, which is a subclass of Toeplitz matrices. It encompasses other useful matrices such as the centering matrix and the equicorrelation matrix, which arise in statistical applications. We examine the general form of this class of matrices and derive its eigendecomposition and other important properties. We use this as a basis to look at the properties of the centering matrix and the equicorrelation matrix, and various statistics that use these matrices.
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