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Bondi accretion in early-type galaxies

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 Added by Luca Ciotti
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors V. Korol

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Accretion onto central massive black holes in galaxies is often modelled with the Bondi solution. In this paper we study a generalization of the classical Bondi accretion theory, considering the additional effects of the gravitational potential of the host galaxy, and of electron scattering in the optically thin limit. We provide a general analysis of the bias in the estimates of the Bondi radius and mass accretion rate, when adopting as fiducial values for the density and temperature at infinity the values of these quantities measured at finite distance from the central black hole. We also give general formulae to compute the correction terms of the critical accretion parameter in relevant asymptotic regimes. A full analytical discussion is presented in the case of an Hernquist galaxy, when the problem reduces to the discussion of a cubic equation, therefore allowing for more than one critical point in the accretion structure. The results are useful for observational works (especially in the case of low-luminosity systems), as well as for numerical simulations, where accretion rates are usually defined in terms of the gas properties near the

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The late assembly of massive galaxies is thought to be dominated by stellar accretion in their outskirts (beyond 2 effective radii Re) due to dry, minor galaxy mergers. We use observations of 1010 passive early-type galaxies (ETGs) within z<0.15 from SDSS IV MaNGA to search for evidence of this accretion. The outputs from the stellar population fitting codes FIREFLY, pPXF, and Prospector are compared to control for systematic errors in stellar metallicity (Z) estimation. We find that the average radial logZ/Zsun profiles of ETGs in various stellar mass (M) bins are not linear. As a result, these profiles are poorly characterized by a single gradient value, explaining why weak trends reported in previous work can be difficult to interpret. Instead, we examine the full radial extent of stellar metallicity profiles and find them to flatten in the outskirts of M>10^{11}Msun ETGs. This is a signature of stellar accretion. Based on a toy model for stellar metallicity profiles, we infer the ex-situ stellar mass fraction in ETGs as a function of M and galactocentric radius. We find that ex-situ stars at 2Re make up 20% of the projected stellar mass of M<10^{10.5}Msun ETGs, rising up to 80% for M>10^{11.5}Msun ETGs.
Using the data products of the Chandra Galaxy Atlas (Kim et al. 2019a), we have investigated the radial profiles of the hot gas temperature in 60 early type galaxies. Considering the characteristic temperature and radius of the peak, dip, and break (when scaled by the gas temperature and virial radius of each galaxy), we propose a universal temperature profile of the hot halo in ETGs. In this scheme, the hot gas temperature peaks at RMAX = 35 +/- 25 kpc (or ~0.04 RVIR) and declines both inward and outward. The temperature dips (or breaks) at RMIN (or RBREAK) = 3 - 5 kpc (or ~0.006 RVIR). The mean slope between RMIN (RBREAK) and RMAX is 0.3 +/- 0.1. Allowing for selection effects and observational limits, we find that the universal temperature profile can describe the temperature profiles of 72% (possibly up to 82%) of our ETG sample. The remaining ETGs (18%) with irregular or monotonically declining profiles do not fit the universal profile and require another explanation. The temperature gradient inside RMIN (RBREAK) varies widely, indicating different degrees of additional heating at small radii. Investigating the nature of the hot core (HC with a negative gradient inside RMIN), we find that HC is most clearly visible in small galaxies. Searching for potential clues associated with stellar, AGN feedback, and gravitational heating, we find that HC may be related to recent star formation. But we see no clear evidence that AGN feedback and gravitational heating play any significant role for HC.
177 - S. Pellegrini 2010
Nuclear hard X-ray luminosities (Lx,nuc) for a sample of 112 early type galaxies within a distance of 67 Mpc are used to investigate their relationship with the central galactic black hole mass Mbh, the inner galactic structure (using the parameters describing its cuspiness), the age of the stellar population in the central galactic region, the hot gas content and the core radio luminosity. Lx,nuc ranges from 10^{38} to 10^{42} erg/s, and the Eddington ratio Lx,nuc/Ledd from 10^{-9} to 10^{-4}. Lx,nuc increases on average with the galactic luminosity Lb and Mbh, with a wide variation by up to 4 orders of magnitude at any fixed Lb>6x10^9 Lb,sun or Mbh>10^7 Msun. This large range should reflect a large variation of the mass accretion rate dotMbh. On the circumnuclear scale, dotMbh at fixed Lb (or Mbh) could vary due to differences in the fuel production rate from the stellar mass return linked to the inner galactic structure; however, dotMbh should vary with cuspiness by a factor exceeding a few only in hot gas poor galaxies and for large differences in the core radius. Lx,nuc does not depend on age, but less luminous nuclei are found among galaxies with a younger stellar component. Lx,nuc is detected both in gas poor and gas rich galaxies, on average increases with the total galactic hot gas cooling rate L_{X,ISM}, but again with a large variation. The lack of a tight relationship between Lx,nuc and the circumnuclear and total gas content can be explained if the gas is heated by black hole feedback, and/or the mass effectively accreted can be largely reduced with respect to that entering the circumnuclear region. Differently from Lx,nuc, the 5 GHz VLA luminosity shows a trend with the inner galactic structure similar to that of the total soft X-ray emission; therefore they could both be produced by the hot gas.
We use Chandra observations to estimate the accretion rate of hot gas onto the central supermassive black hole in four giant (of stellar mass 10E11 - 10E12 solar masses) early-type galaxies located in the Virgo cluster. They are characterized by an extremely low radio luminosity, in the range L < 3E25 - 10E27 erg/s/Hz. We find that, accordingly, accretion in these objects occurs at an extremely low rate, 0.2 - 3.7 10E-3 solar masses per year, and that they smoothly extend the relation accretion - jet power found for more powerful radio-galaxies. This confirms the dominant role of hot gas and of the galactic coronae in powering radio-loud active galactic nuclei across ~ 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity. A suggestive trend between jet power and location within the cluster also emerges.
We analyze $Chandra$ observations of the hot atmospheres of 40 early spiral and elliptical galaxies. Using new temperature, density, cooling time, and mass profiles, we explore relationships between their hot atmospheres and cold molecular gas. Molecular gas mass correlates with atmospheric gas mass and density over four decades from central galaxies in clusters to normal giant ellipticals and early spirals. The mass and density relations follow power laws: $M_{rm mol} propto M_{rm X}^{1.4pm0.1}$ and $M_{rm mol} propto n_{rm e}^{1.8pm0.3}$, respectively, at 10 kpc. The ratio of molecular gas to atmospheric gas within a 10 kpc radius lies between $3%$ and $10%$ for early-type galaxies and between $3%$ and $50%$ for central galaxies in clusters. Early-type galaxies have detectable levels of molecular gas when their atmospheric cooling times falls below $sim rm Gyr$ at a radius of 10 kpc. A similar trend is found in central cluster galaxies. We find no relationship between the ratio of the cooling time to free fall time, $t_{rm c}/t_{rm ff}$, and the presence or absence of molecular clouds in early-type galaxies. The data are consistent with much of the molecular gas in early-type galaxies having condensed from their hot atmospheres.
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