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Magnetic polarization of Ir in underdoped, non-superconducting Eu(Fe$_{0.94}$Ir$_{0.06}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$

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 Added by Wentao Jin
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using polarized neutron diffraction and x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) techniques, multiple phase transitions were revealed in an underdoped, non-superconducting Eu(Fe$_{1-x}$Ir$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ ($mathit{x}$ = 0.06) single crystal. Compared with the parent compound EuFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$, the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural phase transition and the antiferromagnetic order of the Fe$^{2+}$ moments are significantly suppressed to $mathit{T_{S}}$ = 111 (2) K and $mathit{T_{N,Fe}}$= 85 (2) K by 6% Ir doping, respectively. In addition, the Eu$^{2+}$ spins order within the $mathit{ab}$ plane in the A-type antiferromagnetic structure similar to the parent compound. However, the order temperature is evidently suppressed to $mathit{T_{N,Eu}}$= 16.0 (5) K by Ir doping. Most strikingly, the XRMS measurements at the Ir $mathit{L_{3}}$ edge demonstrates that the Ir 5$mathit{d}$ states are also magnetically polarized, with the same propagation vector as the magnetic order of Fe. With $mathit{T_{N,Ir}}$ = 12.0 (5) K, they feature a much lower onset temperature compared with $mathit{T_{N,Fe}}$. Our observation suggests that the magnetism of the Eu sublattice has a considerable effect on the magnetic nature of the 5$mathit{d}$ Ir dopant atoms and there exists a possible interplay between the localized Eu$^{2+}$ moments and the conduction $mathit{d}$-electrons on the FeAs layers.

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86 - W. T. Jin , Y. Xiao , Z. Bukowski 2016
The magnetic ground state of the Eu$^{2+}$ moments in a series of Eu(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ single crystals grown from the Sn flux has been investigated in detail by neutron diffraction measurements. Combined with the results from the macroscopic properties (resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat) measurements, a phase diagram describing how the Eu magnetic order evolves with Co doping in Eu(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ is established. The ground-state magnetic structure of the Eu$^{2+}$ spins is found to develop from the A-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) order in the parent compound, via the A-type canted AFM structure with some net ferromagnetic (FM) moment component along the crystallographic $mathit{c}$ direction at intermediate Co doping levels, finally to the pure FM order at relatively high Co doping levels. The ordering temperature of Eu declines linearly at first, reaches the minimum value of 16.5(2) K around $mathit{x}$ = 0.100(4), and then reverses upwards with further Co doping. The doping-induced modification of the indirect Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between the Eu$^{2+}$ moments, which is mediated by the conduction $mathit{d}$ electrons on the (Fe,Co)As layers, as well as the change of the strength of the direct interaction between the Eu$^{2+}$ and Fe$^{2+}$ moments, might be responsible for the change of the magnetic ground state and the ordering temperature of the Eu sublattice. In addition, for Eu(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ single crystals with 0.10 $leqslant$ $mathit{x}$ $leqslant$ 0.18, strong ferromagnetism from the Eu sublattice is well developed in the superconducting state, where a spontaneous vortex state is expected to account for the compromise between the two competing phenomena.
100 - W. T. Jin , J. -P. Sun , G. Z. Ye 2017
The effects of hydrostatic pressure on the static magnetism in Eu(Fe$_{0.925}$Co$_{0.075}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ are investigated by complementary electrical resistivity, ac magnetic susceptibility and single-crystal neutron diffraction measurements. A specific pressure-temperature phase diagram of Eu(Fe$_{0.925}$Co$_{0.075}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ is established. The structural phase transition, as well as the spin-density-wave order of Fe sublattice, is suppressed gradually with increasing pressure and disappears completely above 2.0 GPa. In contrast, the magnetic order of Eu sublattice persists over the whole investigated pressure range up to 14 GPa, yet displaying a non-monotonic variation with pressure. With the increase of the hydrostatic pressure, the magnetic state of Eu evolves from the canted antiferromagnetic structure in the ground state, via a pure ferromagnetic structure under the intermediate pressure, finally to a possible novel antiferromagnetic structure under the high pressure. The strong ferromagnetism of Eu coexists with the pressure-induced superconductivity around 2 GPa. The change of the magnetic state of Eu in Eu(Fe$_{0.925}$Co$_{0.075}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ upon the application of hydrostatic pressure probably arises from the modification of the indirect Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between the Eu$^{2+}$ moments tuned by external pressure.
Magnetic fluctuations induced by geometric frustration of local Ir-spins disturb the formation of long range magnetic order in the family of pyrochlore iridates, R$_{2}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ (R = lanthanide)$^{1}$. As a consequence, Pr$_{2}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ lies at a tuning-free antiferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic quantum critical point and exhibits a diverse array of complex phenomena including Kondo effect, biquadratic band structure, metallic spin-liquid (MSL), and anomalous Hall effect$^{2-5}$. Using spectroscopic imaging with the scanning tunneling microscope, complemented with machine learning K-means clustering analysis, density functional theory, and theoretical modeling, we probe the local electronic states in single crystal of Pr$_{2}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ and discover an electronic phase separation. Nanoscale regions with a well-defined Kondo resonance are interweaved with a non-magnetic metallic phase with Kondo-destruction. Remarkably, the spatial nanoscale patterns display a correlation-driven fractal geometry with power-law behavior extended over two and a half decades, consistent with being in proximity to a critical point. Our discovery reveals a new nanoscale tuning route, viz. using a spatial variation of the electronic potential as a means of adjusting the balance between Kondo entanglement and geometric frustration.
We report Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) study of the magnetic excitation spectrum in a highly insulating Eu$_{2}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ single crystal that exhibits a metal-insulator transition at $T_{MI}$ = 111(7) K. A propagating magnon mode with 20 meV bandwidth and 28 meV magnon gap is found in the excitation spectrum at 7 K, which is expected in the all-in-all-out (AIAO) magnetically ordered state. This magnetic excitation exhibits substantial softening as temperature is raised towards $T_{MI}$, and turns into highly damped excitation in the paramagnetic phase. Remarkably, the softening occurs throughout the whole Brillouin zone including the zone boundary. This observation is inconsistent with magnon renormalization expected in a local moment system, and indicates that the strength of electron correlation in Eu$_{2}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ is only moderate, so that electron itinerancy should be taken into account in describing its magnetism.
178 - Y. Tokiwa , S.-H. Hubner , O. Beck 2012
The interplay between superconductivity and Eu$ ^{2+}$ magnetic moments in EuFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ is studied by electrical resistivity measurements under hydrostatic pressure on $x=0.13$ and $x=0.18$ single crystals. We can map hydrostatic pressure to chemical pressure $x$ and show, that superconductivity is confined to a very narrow range $0.18leq x leq 0.23$ in the phase diagram, beyond which ferromagnetic (FM) Eu ordering suppresses superconductivity. The change from antiferro- to FM Eu ordering at the latter concentration coincides with a Lifshitz transition and the complete depression of iron magnetic order.
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