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An R-matrix model for three-body final states is presented and applied to a recent measurement of the neutron energy spectrum from the T+T->2n+alpha reaction. The calculation includes the n-alpha and n-n interactions in the final state, angular momentum conservation, antisymmetrization, and the interference between different channels. A good fit to the measured spectrum is obtained, where clear evidence for the 5He ground state is observed. The model is also used to predict the alpha-particle spectrum from T+T as well as particle spectra from 3He+3He. The R-matrix approach presented here is very general, and can be adapted to a wide variety of problems with three-body final states.
We demonstrate, within symmetry unrestricted time-dependent density functional theory, the existence of new effects in low-energy nuclear reactions which originate from superfluidity. The dynamics of the pairing field induces solitonic excitations in the colliding nuclear systems, leading to qualitative changes in the reaction dynamics. The solitonic excitation prevents collective energy dissipation and effectively suppresses fusion cross section. We demonstrate how the variations of the total kinetic energy of the fragments can be traced back to the energy stored in the superfluid junction of colliding nuclei. Both contact time and scattering angle in non-central collisions are significantly affected. The modification of the fusion cross section and possibilities for its experimental detection are discussed.
The formalism that describes radiative-capture reactions at low energies within an extended two-cluster potential model is presented. Construction of the operator of single-photon emission is based on a generalisation of the Siegert theorem with which the amplitude of the electromagnetic process is constructed in an explicitly gauge-independent way. While the starting point for this construction is a microscopic (single-nucleon) current model, the resulting operator of low-energy photon emission by a two-cluster system is expressed in terms of macroscopic quantities for the clusters and does not depend directly on their intrinsic coordinates and momenta. The multichannel algebraic scattering (MCAS) approach has been used to construct the initial- and final-state wave functions. We present a general expression for the scattering wave function obtained from the MCAS T matrix taking into account inelastic channels and Coulomb distortion. The developed formalism has been tested on the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be reaction cross section at astrophysical energies. The energy dependence of the evaluated cross section and S factor agrees well with that extracted from measurement though the calculated quantities slightly overestimate data.
The secondary $gamma$ rays emitted following a nuclear reaction are often relatively straightforward to detect experimentally. Despite the large volume of such data, a practical formalism for describing these $gamma$ rays in terms of partial-wave $T$-matrix elements has never been given. The partial-wave formalism is applicable when $R$-matrix methods are used to describe the reaction in question. This paper supplies the needed framework, and it is demonstrated by the application to the ${}^{15}{rm N}(p,alpha_1gamma){}^{12}{rm C}$ reaction.
We present four infinite series of new quantum theories with super-Poincare symmetry in six dimensions, which are not local quantum field theories. They have string like excitations but the string coupling is of order one. Compactifying these theories on $T^5$ we find a Matrix theory description of M theory on $T^5$ and on $T^5/IZ_2$, which is well defined and is manifestly U-duality invariant.
The $^9$C nucleus and related capture reaction, ${^8mathrm{B}}(p,gamma){^9mathrm{C}}$, have been intensively studied with an astrophysical interest. Due to the weakly-bound nature of $^9$C, its structure is likely to be described as the three-body (${^7mathrm{Be}}+p+p$). Its continuum structure is also important to describe reaction processes of $^9$C, with which the reaction rate of the ${^8mathrm{B}}(p,gamma){^9mathrm{C}}$ process have been extracted indirectly. We perform three-body calculations on $^9$C and discuss properties of its ground and low-lying states via breakup reactions. We employ the three-body model of $^9$C using the Gaussian-expansion method combined with the complex-scaling method. This model is implemented in the four-body version of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method, by which breakup reactions of $^9$C are studied. The intrinsic spin of $^7$Be is disregarded. By tuning a three-body interaction in the Hamiltonian of $^9$C, we obtain the low-lying $2^+$ state with the resonant energy 0.781 MeV and the decay width 0.137 MeV, which is consistent with the available experimental information and a relatively high-lying second $2^+$ wider resonant state. Our calculation predicts also sole $0^+$ and three $1^-$ resonant states. We discuss the role of these resonances in the elastic breakup cross section of $^9$C on $^{208}$Pb at 65 and 160 MeV/A. The low-lying 2$^+$ state is probed as a sharp peak of the breakup cross section, while the 1$^-$ states enhance the cross section around 3 MeV. Our calculations will further support the future and ongoing experimental campaigns for extracting astrophysical information and evaluating the two-proton removal cross-sections.