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The Lifecycles of Apps in a Social Ecosystem

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 Added by Isabel Kloumann
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Apps are emerging as an important form of on-line content, and they combine aspects of Web usage in interesting ways --- they exhibit a rich temporal structure of user adoption and long-term engagement, and they exist in a broader social ecosystem that helps drive these patterns of adoption and engagement. It has been difficult, however, to study apps in their natural setting since this requires a simultaneous analysis of a large set of popular apps and the underlying social network they inhabit. In this work we address this challenge through an analysis of the collection of apps on Facebook Login, developing a novel framework for analyzing both temporal and social properties. At the temporal level, we develop a retention model that represents a users tendency to return to an app using a very small parameter set. At the social level, we organize the space of apps along two fundamental axes --- popularity and sociality --- and we show how a users probability of adopting an app depends both on properties of the local network structure and on the match between the users attributes, his or her friends attributes, and the dominant attributes within the apps user population. We also develop models that show the importance of different feature sets with strong performance in predicting app success.

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66 - Dmitry Zinoviev 2020
Kompromat (the Russian word for compromising material) has been efficiently used to harass Russian political and business elites since the days of the USSR. Online crowdsourcing projects such as RuCompromat made it possible to catalog and analyze kompromat using quantitative techniques -- namely, social network analysis. In this paper, we constructed a social network of 11,000 Russian and foreign nationals affected by kompromat in Russia in 1991 -- 2020. The network has an excellent modular structure with 62 dense communities. One community contains prominent American officials, politicians, and entrepreneurs (including President Donald Trump) and appears to concern Russias controversial interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. Various network centrality measures identify seventeen most central kompromat figures, with President Vladimir Putin solidly at the top. We further reveal four types of communities dominated by entrepreneurs, politicians, bankers, and law enforcement officials (siloviks), the latter disjointed from the first three.
How people connect with one another is a fundamental question in the social sciences, and the resulting social networks can have a profound impact on our daily lives. Blau offered a powerful explanation: people connect with one another based on their positions in a social space. Yet a principled measure of social distance, allowing comparison within and between societies, remains elusive. We use the connectivity kernel of conditionally-independent edge models to develop a family of segregation statistics with desirable properties: they offer an intuitive and universal characteristic scale on social space (facilitating comparison across datasets and societies), are applicable to multivariate and mixed node attributes, and capture segregation at the level of individuals, pairs of individuals, and society as a whole. We show that the segregation statistics can induce a metric on Blau space (a space spanned by the attributes of the members of society) and provide maps of two societies. Under a Bayesian paradigm, we infer the parameters of the connectivity kernel from eleven ego-network datasets collected in four surveys in the United Kingdom and United States. The importance of different dimensions of Blau space is similar across time and location, suggesting a macroscopically stable social fabric. Physical separation and age differences have the most significant impact on segregation within friendship networks with implications for intergenerational mixing and isolation in later stages of life.
91 - Abigail Z. Jacobs 2018
In-depth studies of sociotechnical systems are largely limited to single instances. Network surveys are expensive, and platforms vary in important ways, from interface design, to social norms, to historical contingencies. With single examples, we can not in general know how much of observed network structure is explained by historical accidents, random noise, or meaningful social processes, nor can we claim that network structure predicts outcomes, such as organization success or ecosystem health. Here, I show how we can adopt a comparative approach for settings where we have, or can cleverly construct, multiple instances of a network to estimate the natural variability in social systems. The comparative approach makes previously untested theories testable. Drawing on examples from the social networks literature, I discuss emerging directions in the study of populations of sociotechnical systems using insights from organization theory and ecology.
247 - Swapnil Dhamal 2018
We study the effectiveness of using multiple phases for maximizing the extent of information diffusion through a social network, and present insights while considering various aspects. In particular, we focus on the independent cascade model with the possibility of adaptively selecting seed nodes in multiple phases based on the observed diffusion in preceding phases, and conduct a detailed simulation study on real-world network datasets and various values of seeding budgets. We first present a negative result that more phases do not guarantee a better spread, however the adaptability advantage of more phases generally leads to a better spread in practice, as observed on real-world datasets. We study how diffusing in multiple phases affects the mean and standard deviation of the distribution representing the extent of diffusion. We then study how the number of phases impacts the effectiveness of multiphase diffusion, how the diffusion progresses phase-by-phase, and what is an optimal way to split the total seeding budget across phases. Our experiments suggest a significant gain when we move from single phase to two phases, and an appreciable gain when we further move to three phases, but the marginal gain thereafter is usually not very significant. Our main conclusion is that, given the number of phases, an optimal way to split the budget across phases is such that the number of nodes influenced in each phase is almost the same.
Although social neuroscience is concerned with understanding how the brain interacts with its social environment, prevailing research in the field has primarily considered the human brain in isolation, deprived of its rich social context. Emerging work in social neuroscience that leverages tools from network analysis has begun to pursue this issue, advancing knowledge of how the human brain influences and is influenced by the structures of its social environment. In this paper, we provide an overview of key theory and methods in network analysis (especially for social systems) as an introduction for social neuroscientists who are interested in relating individual cognition to the structures of an individuals social environments. We also highlight some exciting new work as examples of how to productively use these tools to investigate questions of relevance to social neuroscientists. We include tutorials to help with practical implementation of the concepts that we discuss. We conclude by highlighting a broad range of exciting research opportunities for social neuroscientists who are interested in using network analysis to study social systems.
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