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Photon propagation in noncommutative QED with constant external field

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 Added by Rodrigo Fresneda
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We find dispersion laws for the photon propagating in the presence of mutually orthogonal constant external electric and magnetic fields in the context of the $theta $-expanded noncommutative QED. We show that there is no birefringence to the first order in the noncommutativity parameter $% theta .$ By analyzing the group velocities of the photon eigenmodes we show that there occurs superluminal propagation for any direction. This phenomenon depends on the mutual orientation of the external electromagnetic fields and the noncommutativity vector. We argue that the propagation of signals with superluminal group velocity violates causality in spite of the fact that the noncommutative theory is not Lorentz-invariant and speculate about possible workarounds.

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An exact representation of the causal QED fermion Greens function, in an arbritrary external electromagnetic field, derived by Fried, Gabellini and McKellar, and which naturally allows for non-perturbative approximations, is here used to calculate non-perturbative approximations to the Greens function in the simple case of a constant external field. Schwingers famous exact result is obtained as the limit as the order of the approximation approaches infinity.
292 - B. Mirza , M. Zarei 2006
In this paper, we investigate the behavior of non-commutative IR divergences and will also discuss their cancellation in the physical cross sections. The commutative IR (soft) divergences existing in the non-planar diagrams will be examined in order to prove an all order cancellation of these divergences using the Weinbergs method. In non-commutative QED, collinear divergences due to triple photon splitting vertex, were encountered, which are shown to be canceled out by the non-commutative version of KLN theorem. This guarantees that there is no mixing between the Collinear, soft and non-commutative IR divergences.
The photon behavior in an arbitrary superposition of constant magnetic and electric fields is considered on most general grounds basing on the first principles like Lorentz- gauge- charge- and parity-invariance. We make model- and approximation-independent, but still rather informative, statements about the behavior that the requirement of causal propagation prescribes to massive and massless branches of dispersion curves, and describe the way the eigenmodes are polarized. We find, as a consequence of Hermiticity in the transparency domain, that adding a smaller electric field to a strong magnetic field in parallel to the latter causes enhancement of birefringence. We find the magnetic field produced by a point electric charge far from it (a manifestation of magneto-electric phenomenon). We establish degeneracies of the polarization tensor that (under special kinematic conditions) occur due to space-time symmetries of the vacuum left after the external field is imposed.
We discuss a two-fold extension of QED assuming the presence of strong external fields provided by an ultra-intense laser and noncommutativity of spacetime. While noncommutative effects leave the electrons intensity induced mass shift unchanged, the photons change significantly in character: they acquire a quasi-momentum that is no longer light-like. We study the consequences of this combined noncommutative strong-field effect for basic lepton-photon interactions.
54 - Xue-Peng Hu , Yi Liao 2007
The recent PVLAS experiment observed the rotation of polarization and the ellipticity when a linearly polarized laser beam passes through a transverse magnetic field. The phenomenon cannot be explained in the conventional QED. We attempt to accommodate the result by employing an effective theory for the electromagnetic field alone. No new particles with a mass of order the laser frequency or below are assumed. To quartic terms in the field strength, a parity-violating term appears besides the two ordinary terms. The rotation of polarization and ellipticity are computed for parity asymmetric and symmetric experimental set-ups. While rotation occurs in an ideal asymmetric case and has the same magnitude as the ellipticity, it disappears in a symmetric set-up like PVLAS. This would mean that we have to appeal to some low-mass new particles with nontrivial interactions with photons to understand the PVLAS result.
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