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Average-Value Tverberg Partitions via Finite Fourier Analysis

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 Added by Steven Simon
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English
 Authors Steven Simon

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The long-standing topological Tverberg conjecture claimed, for any continuous map from the boundary of an $N(q,d):=(q-1)(d+1)$-simplex to $d$-dimensional Euclidian space, the existence of $q$ pairwise disjoint subfaces whose images have non-empty $q$-fold intersection. The affine cases, true for all $q$, constitute Tverbergs famous 1966 generalization of the classical Radons Theorem. Although established for all prime powers in 1987 by Ozaydin, counterexamples to the conjecture, relying on 2014 work of Mabillard and Wagner, were first shown to exist for all non-prime-powers in 2015 by Frick. Starting with a reformulation of the topological Tverberg conjecture in terms of harmonic analysis on finite groups, we show that despite the failure of the conjecture, continuous maps textit{below} the tight dimension $N(q,d)$ are nonetheless guaranteed $q$ pairwise disjoint subfaces -- including when $q$ is not a prime power -- which satisfy a variety of average value coincidences, the latter obtained as the vanishing of prescribed Fourier transforms.

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181 - Leah Leiner , Steven Simon 2019
A seminal theorem of Tverberg states that any set of $T(r,d)=(r-1)(d+1)+1$ points in $mathbb{R}^d$ can be partitioned into $r$ subsets whose convex hulls have non-empty $r$-fold intersection. Almost any collection of fewer points in $mathbb{R}^d$ cannot be so divided, and in these cases we ask if the set can nonetheless be $P(r,d)$--partitioned, i.e., split into $r$ subsets so that there exist $r$ points, one from each resulting convex hull, which form the vertex set of a prescribed convex $d$--polytope $P(r,d)$. Our main theorem shows that this is the case for any generic $T(r,2)-2$ points in the plane and any $rgeq 3$ when $P(r,2)=P_r$ is a regular $r$--gon, and moreover that $T(r,2)-2$ is tight. For higher dimensional polytopes and $r=r_1cdots r_k$, $r_i geq 3$, this generalizes to $T(r,2k)-2k$ generic points in $mathbb{R}^{2k}$ and orthogonal products $P(r,2k)=P_{r_1}times cdots times P_{r_k}$ of regular polygons, and likewise to $T(2r,2k+1)-(2k+1)$ points in $mathbb{R}^{2k+1}$ and the product polytopes $P(2r,2k+1)=P_{r_1}times cdots times P_{r_k} times P_2$. As with Tverbergs original theorem, our results admit topological generalizations when $r$ is a prime power, and, using the constraint method of Blagojevic, Frick, and Ziegler, allow for dimensionally restrict
Let $T(d,r) = (r-1)(d+1)+1$ be the parameter in Tverbergs theorem, and call a partition $mathcal I$ of ${1,2,ldots,T(d,r)}$ into $r$ parts a Tverberg type. We say that $mathcal I$ occurs in an ordered point sequence $P$ if $P$ contains a subsequence $P$ of $T(d,r)$ points such that the partition of $P$ that is order-isomorphic to $mathcal I$ is a Tverberg partition. We say that $mathcal I$ is unavoidable if it occurs in every sufficiently long point sequence. In this paper we study the problem of determining which Tverberg types are unavoidable. We conjecture a complete characterization of the unavoidable Tverberg types, and we prove some cases of our conjecture for $dle 4$. Along the way, we study the avoidability of many other geometric predicates. Our techniques also yield a large family of $T(d,r)$-point sets for which the number of Tverberg partitions is exactly $(r-1)!^d$. This lends further support for Sierksmas conjecture on the number of Tverberg partitions.
For a graph whose vertex set is a finite set of points in $mathbb R^d$, consider the closed (open) balls with diameters induced by its edges. The graph is called a (an open) Tverberg graph if these closed (open) balls intersect. Using the idea of halving lines, we show that (i) for any finite set of points in the plane, there exists a Hamiltonian cycle that is a Tverberg graph; (ii) for any $n$ red and $n$ blue points in the plane, there exists a perfect red-blue matching that is a Tverberg graph. Using the idea of infinite descent, we prove that (iii) for any even set of points in $mathbb R^d$, there exists a perfect matching that is an open Tverberg graph; (iv) for any $n$ red and $n$ blue points in $ mathbb R^d $, there exists a perfect red-blue matching that is a Tverberg graph.
Given a finite irreducible Coxeter group $W$, a positive integer $d$, and types $T_1,T_2,...,T_d$ (in the sense of the classification of finite Coxeter groups), we compute the number of decompositions $c=si_1si_2 cdotssi_d$ of a Coxeter element $c$ of $W$, such that $si_i$ is a Coxeter element in a subgroup of type $T_i$ in $W$, $i=1,2,...,d$, and such that the factorisation is minimal in the sense that the sum of the ranks of the $T_i$s, $i=1,2,...,d$, equals the rank of $W$. For the exceptional types, these decomposition numbers have been computed by the first author. The type $A_n$ decomposition numbers have been computed by Goulden and Jackson, albeit using a somewhat different language. We explain how to extract the type $B_n$ decomposition numbers from results of Bona, Bousquet, Labelle and Leroux on map enumeration. Our formula for the type $D_n$ decomposition numbers is new. These results are then used to determine, for a fixed positive integer $l$ and fixed integers $r_1le r_2le ...le r_l$, the number of multi-chains $pi_1le pi_2le ...le pi_l$ in Armstrongs generalised non-crossing partitions poset, where the poset rank of $pi_i$ equals $r_i$, and where the block structure of $pi_1$ is prescribed. We demonstrate that this result implies all known enumerative results on ordinary and generalised non-crossing partitions via appropriate summations. Surprisingly, this result on multi-chain enumeration is new even for the original non-crossing partitions of Kreweras. Moreover, the result allows one to solve the problem of rank-selected chain enumeration in the type $D_n$ generalised non-crossing partitions poset, which, in turn, leads to a proof of Armstrongs $F=M$ Conjecture in type $D_n$.
Tverberg-type theory aims to establish sufficient conditions for a simplicial complex $Sigma$ such that every continuous map $fcolon Sigma to mathbb{R}^d$ maps $q$ points from pairwise disjoint faces to the same point in $mathbb{R}^d$. Such results are plentiful for $q$ a power of a prime. However, for $q$ with at least two distinct prime divisors, results that guarantee the existence of $q$-fold points of coincidence are non-existent---aside from immediate corollaries of the prime power case. Here we present a general method that yields such results beyond the case of prime powers. In particular, we prove previously conjectured upper bounds for the topological Tverberg problem for all $q$.
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