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General Reynolds Analogy for Blunt-nosed Bodies in Hypersonic Flows

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 Added by Yongliang Yu
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper, the relation between skin friction and heat transfer along windward sides of blunt-nosed bodies in hypersonic flows is investigated. The self-similar boundary layer analysis is accepted to figure out the distribution of the ratio of skin friction to heat transfer coefficients along the wall. It is theoretically obtained that the ratio depends linearly on the local slope angle of the wall surface, and an explicit analogy expression is presented for circular cylinders, although the linear distribution is also found for other nose shapes and even in gas flows with chemical reactions. Furthermore, based on the theoretical modelling of the second order shear and heat transfer terms in Burnett equations, a modified analogy is derived in the near continuum regime by considering the rarefied gas effects. And a bridge function is also constructed to describe the nonlinear analogy in the transition flow regime. At last, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method is used to validate the theoretical results. The general analogy, beyond the classical Reynolds analogy, is applicable to both flat plates and blunt-nosed bodies, in either continuous or rarefied hypersonic flows.

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The bistable states and separation hysteresis in curved compression ramp (CCR) flows, and the corresponding aerothermal characteristics (including wall friction, pressure and heat flux), are studied numerically and theoretically. Direct numerical simulations of separation hysteresis induced by variation of turning angle, as well as the influence of inflow Mach number and wall temperature on hysteresis loops, are carried out. Distributions of wall friction, pressure and heat flux are analyzed. Further, emergence of wall frictions first and second minima in the separation bubble is interpreted, revealing it is dominated by the adverse pressure gradient induced by separation and reattachment shocks. The present results and analysis indicate that the reversed-flow singularity of Smith (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1988, 420: 21-52) is less likely to occur in CCR flows. The prediction of peak pressure of separation states confirms the model based on the minimum viscous dissipation theorem (Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(10):101702). While the pressure overshoot can be analyzed by shock-polars with pressure match of compression and expansion process. The correlation between peak heat flux and peak pressure rise of both separation and attachment states is also discussed in terms of the classical power relations.
A new scaling is derived that yields a Reynolds number independent profile for all components of the Reynolds stress in the near-wall region of wall bounded flows, including channel, pipe and boundary layer flows. The scaling demonstrates the important role played by the wall shear stress fluctuations and how the large eddies determine the Reynolds number dependence of the near-wall turbulence behavior.
Soft hydraulics, which addresses the interaction between an internal flow and a compliant conduit, is a central problem in microfluidics. We analyze Newtonian fluid flow in a rectangular duct with a soft top wall at steady state. The resulting fluid--structure interaction (FSI) is formulated for both vanishing and finite flow inertia. At the leading-order in the small aspect ratio, the lubrication approximation implies that the pressure only varies in the streamwise direction. Meanwhile, the compliant walls slenderness makes the fluid--solid interface behave like a Winkler foundation, with the displacement fully determined by the local pressure. Coupling flow and deformation and averaging across the cross-section leads to a one-dimensional reduced model. In the case of vanishing flow inertia, an effective deformed channel height is defined rigorously to eliminate the spanwise dependence of the deformation. It is shown that a previously-used averaged height concept is an acceptable approximation. From the one-dimensional model, a friction factor and the corresponding Poiseuille number are derived. Unlike the rigid duct case, the Poiseuille number for a compliant duct is not constant but varies in the streamwise direction. Compliance can increase the Poiseuille number by a factor of up to four. The model for finite flow inertia is obtained by assuming a parabolic vertical variation of the streamwise velocity. To satisfy the displacement constraints along the edges of the channel, weak tension is introduced in the streamwise direction to regularize the Winkler-foundation-like model. Matched asymptotic solutions of the regularized model are derived.
In view of new experimental data the instability against adiabatic nonaxisymmetric perturbations of a Taylor-Couette flow with an axial density stratification is considered in dependence of the Reynolds number Re of rotation and the Brunt-Vaisala number Rn of the stratification. The flows at and beyond the Rayleigh limit become unstable between a lower and an upper Reynolds number (for fixed Rn). The rotation can thus be too slow or too fast for the stratorotational instability. The upper Reynolds number above which the instability decays, has its maximum value for the potential flow (driven by cylinders rotating according to the Rayleigh limit) and decreases strongly for flatter rotation profiles finally leaving only isolated islands of instability in the (Rn/Re) map. The maximal possible rotation ratio $mu_{rm max}$ only slightly exceeds the shear value of the quasi-uniform flow with $U_phisimeq$const. Along and between the lines of neutral stability the wave numbers of the instability patterns for all rotation laws beyond the Rayleigh limit are mainly determined by the Froude number Fr which is defined by the ratio between Re and Rn. The cells are highly prolate for Fr>1 so that measurements for too high Reynolds numbers become difficult for axially bounded containers. The instability patterns migrate azimuthally slightly faster than the outer cylinder rotates.
The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are widely used in turbulence applications. They require accurately modeling the anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor, for which traditional Reynolds stress closure models only yield reliable results in some flow configurations. In the last few years, there has been a surge of work aiming at using data-driven approaches to tackle this problem. The majority of previous work has focused on the development of fully-connected networks for modeling the anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor. In this paper, we expand upon recent work for turbulent channel flow and develop new convolutional neural network (CNN) models that are able to accurately predict the normalized anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor. We apply the new CNN model to a number of one-dimensional turbulent flows. Additionally, we present interpretability techniques that help drive the model design and provide guidance on the model behavior in relation to the underlying physics.
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