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Solar rotation inferred from radial velocities of the sun-as-a-star during the 2012 May 21 eclipse

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 Added by Yoichi Takeda
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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With an aim to examine how much information of solar rotation can be obtained purely spectroscopically by observing the sun-as-a-star during the 2012 May 21 eclipse at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, we studied the variation of radial velocities (V_r), which were derived by using the iodine-cell technique based on a set of 184 high-dispersion spectra consecutively obtained over the time span of ~4 hours. The resulting V_r(t) was confirmed to show the characteristic variation (Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) caused by time-varying visibility of the solar disk. By comparing the observed V_r(t) curve with the theoretical ones, which were simulated with the latitude (psi) dependent solar rotation law omega(psi) = A + B sin^2(psi) (deg/day), we found that the relation B = -5.5 A + 77 gives the best fit, though separate determinations of A and B were not possible. Since this relationship is consistent with the real values known for the sun (A = 14.5, B = -2.8), we may state that our analysis yielded satisfactory results. This consequence may provide a prospect of getting useful information on stellar rotation of eclipsing binaries from radial-velocity studies during eclipse, if many spectra of sufficiently high time-resolution are available.

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Minor bodies of the solar system can be used to measure the spectrum of the Sun as a star by observing sunlight reflected by their surfaces. To perform an accurate measurement of the radial velocity of the Sun as a star by this method, it is necessary to take into account the Doppler shifts introduced by the motion of the reflecting body. Here we discuss the effect of its rotation. It gives a vanishing contribution only when the inclinations of the body rotation axis to the directions of the Sun and of the Earth observer are the same. When this is not the case, the perturbation of the radial velocity does not vanish and can reach up to about 2.4 m/s for an asteroid such as 2 Pallas that has an inclination of the spin axis to the plane of the ecliptic of about 30 degrees. We introduce a geometric model to compute the perturbation in the case of a uniformly reflecting body of spherical or triaxial ellipsoidal shape and provide general results to easily estimate the magnitude of the effect.
The time-variable velocity fields of solar-type stars limit the precision of radial-velocity determinations of their planets masses, obstructing detection of Earth twins. Since 2015 July we have been monitoring disc-integrated sunlight in daytime using a purpose-built solar telescope and fibre feed to the HARPS-N stellar radial-velocity spectrometer. We present and analyse the solar radial-velocity measurements and cross-correlation function (CCF) parameters obtained in the first 3 years of observation, interpreting them in the context of spatially-resolved solar observations. We describe a Bayesian mixture-model approach to automated data-quality monitoring. We provide dynamical and daily differential-extinction corrections to place the radial velocities in the heliocentric reference frame, and the CCF shape parameters in the sidereal frame. We achieve a photon-noise limited radial-velocity precision better than 0.43 m s$^{-1}$ per 5-minute observation. The day-to-day precision is limited by zero-point calibration uncertainty with an RMS scatter of about 0.4 m s$^{-1}$. We find significant signals from granulation and solar activity. Within a day, granulation noise dominates, with an amplitude of about 0.4 m s$^{-1}$ and an autocorrelation half-life of 15 minutes. On longer timescales, activity dominates. Sunspot groups broaden the CCF as they cross the solar disc. Facular regions temporarily reduce the intrinsic asymmetry of the CCF. The radial-velocity increase that accompanies an active-region passage has a typical amplitude of 5 m s$^{-1}$ and is correlated with the line asymmetry, but leads it by 3 days. Spectral line-shape variability thus shows promise as a proxy for recovering the true radial velocity.
Total solar eclipses (TSEs) provide a unique opportunity to quantify the properties of the K-corona (electrons), F-corona (dust) and E-corona (ions) continuously from the solar surface out to a few solar radii. We apply a novel inversion method to separate emission from the K- and F-corona continua using unpolarized total brightness (tB) observations from five 0.5 nm bandpasses acquired during the 2019 July 2 TSE between 529.5 nm and 788.4 nm. The wavelength dependence relative to the photosphere (i.e., color) of the F-corona itself is used to infer the tB of the K- and F-corona for each line-of-sight. We compare our K-corona emission results with the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) K-Cor polarized brightness (pB) observations from the day of the eclipse, and the forward modeled K-corona intensity from the Predictive Science Inc. (PSI) Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model prediction. Our results are generally consistent with previous work and match both the MLSO data and PSI-MHD predictions quite well, supporting the validity of our approach and of the PSI-MHD model. However, we find that the tB of the F-corona is higher than expected in the low corona, perhaps indicating that the F-corona is slightly polarized -- challenging the common assumption that the F-corona is entirely unpolarized.
How much energy do solar active regions (ARs) typically radiate during quiescent periods? This is a fundamental question for storage and release models of flares and ARs, yet it is presently poorly answered by observations. Here we use the Sun-as-a-point-source spectra from the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to provide a novel estimate of radiative energy losses of an evolving active region. Although EVE provides excellent spectral (5-105nm) and temperature (2-25MK) coverage for AR analysis, to our knowledge, these data have not been used for this purpose due to the lack of spatial resolution and the likelihood of source confusion. Here we present a way around this problem. We analyze EVE data time series, when only one large AR 11520 was present on the disk. By subtracting the quiet Sun background, we estimate the radiative contribution in EUV from the AR alone. We estimate the mean AR irradiance and cumulative AR radiative energy losses in the 1-300A and astronomical standard ROSAT-PSPC, 3-124A, passbands and compare these to the magnetic energy injection rate through the photosphere, and to variations of the solar cycle luminosity. We find that while AR radiative energy losses are ~100 times smaller than typical magnetic energy injection rates at the photosphere, they are an order of magnitude larger or similar to the bolometric radiated energies associated with large flares. This study is the first detailed analysis of AR thermal properties using EVE Sun-as-a-star observations, opening doors to AR studies on other stars.
The solar corona is a highly-structured plasma which can reach temperatures of more than ~2 MK. At low frequencies (decimetric and metric wavelengths), scattering and refraction of electromagnetic waves are thought to considerably increase the imaged radio source sizes (up to a few arcminutes). However, exactly how source size relates to scattering due to turbulence is still subject to investigation. The theoretical predictions relating source broadening to propagation effects have not been fully confirmed by observations due to the rarity of high spatial resolution observations of the solar corona at low frequencies. Here, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) was used to observe the solar corona at 120-180 MHz using baselines of up to ~3.5 km (corresponding to a resolution of ~1-2) during the partial solar eclipse of 2015 March 20. A lunar de-occultation technique was used to achieve higher spatial resolution (~0.6) than that attainable via standard interferometric imaging (~2.4). This provides a means of studying the contribution of scattering to apparent source size broadening. It was found that the de-occultation technique reveals a more structured quiet corona that is not resolved from standard imaging, implying scattering may be overestimated in this region when using standard imaging techniques. However, an active region source was measured to be ~4 using both de-occultation and standard imaging. This may be explained by the increased scattering of radio waves by turbulent density fluctuations in active regions, which is more severe than in the quiet Sun.
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