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We develop a Gaussian variational approach in replica space to investigate the phase diagram of a one-dimensional interacting disordered topological superconducting wire in the strong coupling regime. This method allows for a non-perturbative treatment in the disorder strength, electron- electron interactions and the superconducting pairing amplitude. We find only two stable phases: a topological superconducting phase, and a glassy, non-topological localized phase, characterized by replica symmetry breaking.
Recent experiments have produced mounting evidence of Majorana zero modes in nanowire-superconductor hybrids. Signatures of an expected topological phase transition accompanying the onset of these modes nevertheless remain elusive. We investigate a fundamental question concerning this issue: Do well-formed Majorana modes necessarily entail a sharp phase transition in these setups? Assuming reasonable parameters, we argue that finite-size effects can dramatically smooth this putative transition into a crossover, even in systems large enough to support well-localized Majorana modes. We propose overcoming such finite-size effects by examining the behavior of low-lying excited states through tunneling spectroscopy. In particular, the excited-state energies exhibit characteristic field and density dependence, and scaling with system size, that expose an approaching topological phase transition. We suggest several experiments for extracting the predicted behavior. As a useful byproduct, the protocols also allow one to measure the wires spin-orbit coupling directly in its superconducting environment.
SnTe materials are one of the most flexible material platforms for exploring the interplay of topology and different types of symmetry breaking. We study symmetry-protected topological states in SnTe nanowires in the presence of various combinations of Zeeman field, s-wave superconductivity and inversion-symmetry-breaking field. We uncover the origin of robust corner states and hinge states in the normal state. In the presence of superconductivity, we find inversion-symmetry-protected gapless bulk Majorana modes, which give rise to quantized thermal conductance in ballistic wires. By introducing an inversion-symmetry-breaking field, the bulk Majorana modes become gapped and topologically protected localized Majorana zero modes appear at the ends of the wire.
The idea of topological quantum computation (TQC) is to store and manipulate quantum information in an intrinsically fault-tolerant manner by utilizing the physics of topologically ordered phases of matter. Currently, one of the most promising platforms for a topological qubit is in terms of Majorana fermion zero modes (MZMs) in spin-orbit coupled superconducting nanowires. However, the topologically robust operations that are possible with MZMs can be efficiently simulated on a classical computer and are therefore not sufficient for realizing a universal gate set for TQC. Here, we show that an array of coupled semiconductor-superconductor nanowires with MZM edge states can be used to realize a more sophisticated type of non-Abelian defect: a genon in an Ising $times$ Ising topological state. This leads to a possible implementation of the missing topologically protected $pi/8$ phase gate and thus universal TQC based on semiconductor-superconductor nanowire technology. We provide detailed numerical estimates of the relevant energy scales, which we show to lie within accessible ranges.
We focus on inducing topological state from regular, or irregular scattering in (i) p-wave superconducting wires and (ii) Rashba wires proximity coupled to an s-wave superconductor. We find that contrary to common expectations the topological properties of both systems are fundamentally different: In p-wave wires, disorder generally has a detrimental effect on the topological order and the topological state is destroyed beyond a critical disorder strength. In contrast, in Rashba wires, which are relevant for recent experiments, disorder can {it induce} topological order, reducing the need for quasiballistic samples to obtain Majorana fermions. Moreover, we find that the total phase space area of the topological state is conserved for long disordered Rashba wires, and can even be increased in an appropriately engineered superlattice potential.
Motivated by recent experiments we consider transport across an interacting magnetic impurity coupled to the Majorana zero mode (MZM) observed at the boundary of a topological superconductor (SC). In the presence of a finite tunneling amplitude we observe hybridization of the MZM with the quantum dot, which is manifested by a half-integer zero-bias conductance $G_0=e^2/2h$ measured on the metallic contacts. The low-energy feature in the conductance drops abruptly by crossing the transition line from the topological to the non-topological superconducting regime. Differently from the in-gap Yu-Shiba-Rosinov-like bound states, which are strongly affected by the on-site impurity Coulomb repulsion, we show that the MZM signature in the conductance is robust and persists even at large values of the interaction. Interestingly, the topological regime is characterized by a vanishing Fano factor, $F=0$, induced by the MZM. Combined measurements of the conductance and the shot noise in the experimental set-up presented in the manuscript allow to detect the topological properties of the superconducting wire and to distinguish the low-energy contribution of a MZM from other possible sources of zero-bias anomaly. Despite being interacting the model is exactly solvable, which allows to have an exact characterization of the charge transport properties of the junction.