Quantum Hall edge channels at integer filling factor provide a unique test-bench to understand decoherence and relaxation of single electronic excitations in a ballistic quantum conductor. In this Letter, we obtain a full visualization of the decoherence scenario of energy (Landau) and time (Levitov) resolved single electron excitations at filling factor $ u=2$. We show that the Landau excitation exhibits a fast relaxation followed by spin-charge separation whereas the Levitov excitation only experiences spin-charge separation. We finally suggest to use Hong-Ou-Mandel type experiments to probe specific signatures of these different scenarios.
In this paper, we review recent developments in the emerging field of electron quantum optics, stressing analogies and differences with the usual case of photon quantum optics. Electron quantum optics aims at preparing, manipulating and measuring coherent single electron excitations propagating in ballistic conductors such as the edge channels of a 2DEG in the integer quantum Hall regime. Because of the Fermi statistics and the presence of strong interactions, electron quantum optics exhibits new features compared to the usual case of photon quantum optics. In particular, it provides a natural playground to understand decoherence and relaxation effects in quantum transport.
A large set of recent experiments has been exploring topological transport in bosonic systems, e.g. of photons or phonons. In the vast majority, time-reversal symmetry is preserved, and band structures are engineered by a suitable choice of geometry, to produce topologically nontrivial bandgaps in the vicinity of high-symmetry points. However, this leaves open the possibility of large-quasimomentum backscattering, destroying the topological protection. Up to now, it has been unclear what precisely are the conditions where this effect can be sufficiently suppressed. In the present work, we introduce a comprehensive semiclassical theory of tunneling transitions in momentum space, describing backscattering for one of the most important system classes, based on the valley Hall effect. We predict that even for a smooth domain wall effective scattering centres develop at locations determined by both the local slope of the wall and the energy. Moreover, our theory provides a quantitative analysis of the exponential suppression of the overall reflection amplitude with increasing domain wall smoothness.
A theoretical study of the single electron coherence properties of Lorentzian and rectangular pulses is presented. By combining bosonization and the Floquet scattering approach, the effect of interactions on a periodic source of voltage pulses is computed exactly. When such excitations are injected into one of the channels of a system of two copropagating quantum Hall edge channels, they fractionalize into pulses whose charge and shape reflects the properties of interactions. We show that the dependence of fractionalization induced electron/hole pair production in the pulses amplitude contains clear signatures of the fractionalization of the individual excitations. We propose an experimental setup combining a source of Lorentzian pulses and an Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometer to measure interaction induced electron/hole pair production and more generally to reconstruct single electron coherence of these excitations before and after their fractionalization.
Many intriguing phenomena occur for electrons under strong magnetic fields. Recently, it was proposed that an appropriate strain texture in graphene can induce a synthetic gauge field, in which the electrons behave like in a real magnetic field. This opened the door to control quantum transport by mechanical means and to explore unprecedented physics in high-field regime. Such studies have been achieved in molecular and photonic lattices. Here we report the first experimental realization of giant uniform pseudomagnetic field in acoustics by introducing a simple uniaxial deformation to acoustic graphene. Benefited from the controllability of our macroscopic platform, we observe the acoustic Landau levels in frequency-resolved spectroscopy and their spatial localization in pressure-field distributions. We further visualize the quantum-Hall-like edge states (connected to the zeroth Landau level), which have been elusive before owing to the challenge in creating large-area uniform pseudomagnetic fields. These results, highly consistent with our full-wave simulations, establish a complete framework for artificial structures under constant pseudomagnetic fields. Our findings, conceptually novel in acoustics, may offer new opportunities to manipulate sound.
We determine the energy splitting of the conduction-band valleys in two-dimensional electrons confined to low-disorder Si quantum wells. We probe the valley splitting dependence on both perpendicular magnetic field $B$ and Hall density by performing activation energy measurements in the quantum Hall regime over a large range of filling factors. The mobility gap of the valley-split levels increases linearly with $B$ and is strikingly independent of Hall density. The data are consistent with a transport model in which valley splitting depends on the incremental changes in density $eB/h$ across quantum Hall edge strips, rather than the bulk density. Based on these results, we estimate that the valley splitting increases with density at a rate of 116 $mu$eV/10$^{11}$cm$^{-2}$, consistent with theoretical predictions for near-perfect quantum well top interfaces.
D. Ferraro
,B. Roussel
,C. Cabart
"Real time decoherence of Landau and Levitov quasi-particles in quantum Hall edge channels"
Pascal Degiovanni
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