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Dirac edges of fractal magnetic minibands in graphene with hexagonal moire superlattices

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 Added by John Wallbank
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We find a systematic reappearance of massive Dirac features at the edges of consecutive minibands formed at magnetic fields B_{p/q}= pphi_0/(qS) providing rational magnetic flux through a unit cell of the moire superlattice created by a hexagonal substrate for electrons in graphene. The Dirac-type features in the minibands at B=B_{p/q} determine a hierarchy of gaps in the surrounding fractal spectrum, and show that these minibands have topological insulator properties. Using the additional $q$-fold degeneracy of magnetic minibands at B_{p/q}, we trace the hierarchy of the gaps to their manifestation in the form of incompressible states upon variation of the carrier density and magnetic field.

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We present a phenomenological theory of the low energy moire minibands of Dirac electrons in graphene placed on an almost commensurate hexagonal underlay with a unit cell pproximately three times larger than that of graphene.A slight incommensurability results in a periodically modulated intervalley scattering for electrons in graphene. In contrast to the perfectly commensurate Kekule distortion of graphene, such supperlattice perturbation leaves the zero energy Dirac cones intact, but is able to open a band gap at the edge of the first moire subbband, asymmetrically in the conduction and valence bands.
The electronic structure of a crystalline solid is largely determined by its lattice structure. Recent advances in van der Waals solids, artificial crystals with controlled stacking of two-dimensional (2D) atomic films, have enabled the creation of materials with novel electronic structures. In particular, stacking graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) introduces moire superlattice that fundamentally modifies graphenes band structure and gives rise to secondary Dirac points (SDPs). Here we find that the formation of a moire superlattice in graphene on hBN yields new, unexpected consequences: a set of tertiary Dirac points (TDPs) emerge, which give rise to additional sets of Landau levels when the sample is subjected to an external magnetic field. Our observations hint at the formation of a hidden Kekule superstructure on top of the moire superlattice under appropriate carrier doping and magnetic fields.
Moire superlattices comprised of stacked two-dimensional materials present a versatile platform for engineering and investigating new emergent quantum states of matter. At present, the vast majority of investigated systems have long moire wavelengths, but investigating these effects at shorter, incommensurate wavelengths, and at higher energy scales, remains a challenge. Here, we employ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with sub-micron spatial resolution to investigate a series of different moire superlattices which span a wide range of wavelengths, from a short moire wavelength of 0.5 nm for a graphene/WSe2 (g/WSe2) heterostructure, to a much longer wavelength of 8 nm for a WS2/WSe2 heterostructure. We observe the formation of minibands with distinct dispersions formed by the moire potential in both systems. Finally, we discover that the WS2/WSe2 heterostructure can imprint a surprisingly large moire potential on a third, separate layer of graphene (g/WS2/WSe2), suggesting a new avenue for engineering moire superlattices in two-dimensional materials.
442 - C. R. Dean , L. Wang , P. Maher 2012
Electrons moving through a spatially periodic lattice potential develop a quantized energy spectrum consisting of discrete Bloch bands. In two dimensions, electrons moving through a magnetic field also develop a quantized energy spectrum, consisting of highly degenerate Landau energy levels. In 1976 Douglas Hofstadter theoretically considered the intersection of these two problems and discovered that 2D electrons subjected to both a magnetic field and a periodic electrostatic potential exhibit a self-similar recursive energy spectrum. Known as Hofstadters butterfly, this complex spectrum results from a delicate interplay between the characteristic lengths associated with the two quantizing fields, and represents one of the first quantum fractals discovered in physics. In the decades since, experimental attempts to study this effect have been limited by difficulties in reconciling the two length scales. Typical crystalline systems (<1 nm periodicity) require impossibly large magnetic fields to reach the commensurability condition, while in artificially engineered structures (>100 nm), the corresponding fields are too small to completely overcome disorder. Here we demonstrate that moire superlattices arising in bilayer graphene coupled to hexagonal boron nitride provide a nearly ideal-sized periodic modulation, enabling unprecedented experimental access to the fractal spectrum. We confirm that quantum Hall effect features associated with the fractal gaps are described by two integer topological quantum numbers, and report evidence of their recursive structure. Observation of Hofstadters spectrum in graphene provides the further opportunity to investigate emergent behaviour within a fractal energy landscape in a system with tunable internal degrees of freedom.
Graphene superlattices were shown to exhibit high-temperature quantum oscillations due to periodic emergence of delocalized Bloch states in high magnetic fields such that unit fractions of the flux quantum pierce a superlattice unit cell. Under these conditions, semiclassical electron trajectories become straight again, similar to the case of zero magnetic field. Here we report magnetotransport measurements that reveal second, third and fourth order magnetic Bloch states at high electron densities and temperatures above 100 K. The recurrence of these states creates a fractal pattern intimately related to the origin of Hofstadter butterflies. The hierarchy of the fractal states is determined by the width of magnetic minibands, in qualitative agreement with our band structure calculations.
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