We report on current induced domain wall propagation in a patterned GaMnAs microwire with perpendicular magnetization. An unexpected slowing down of the propagation velocity has been found when the moving domain wall extends over only half of the width of the wire. This slowing down is related to the elongation of a longitudinal wall along the axis of the wire. By using an energy balance argument, the expected theoretical dependence of the velocity change has been calculated and compared with the experimental results. According to this, the energy associated to the longitudinal domain wall should change when a current passes through the wire. These results provide possible evidence of transverse spin diffusion along a longitudinal domain wall.
Domain-wall magnetoresistance and low-frequency noise have been studied in epitaxial antiferromagnetically-coupled [Fe/Cr(001)]_10 multilayers and ferromagnetic Co line structures as a function of DC current intensity. In [Fe/Cr(001)]_10 multilayers a transition from excess to suppressed domain-wall induced 1/f noise above current densities of j_c ~ 2*10^5 A/cm^2 has been observed. In ferromagnetic Co line structures the domain wall related noise remains qualitatively unchanged up to current densities exceeding 10^6A/cm^2. Theoretical estimates of the critical current density for a synthetic Fe/Cr antiferromagnet suggest that this effect may be attributed to current-induced domain-wall motion that occurs via spin transfer torques.
Due to the difficulty in detecting and manipulating magnetic states of antiferromagnetic materials, studying their switching dynamics using electrical methods remains a challenging task. In this work, by employing heavy metal/rare earth-transition metal alloy bilayers, we experimentally studied current-induced domain wall dynamics in an antiferromagnetically coupled system. We show that the current-induced domain wall mobility reaches a maximum close to the angular momentum compensation. With experiment and modelling, we further reveal the internal structures of domain walls and the underlying mechanisms for their fast motion. We show that the chirality of the ferrimagnetic domain walls remains the same across the compensation points, suggesting that spin orientations of specific sublattices rather than net magnetization determine Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in heavy metal/ferrimagnet bilayers. The high current-induced domain wall mobility and the robust domain wall chirality in compensated ferrimagnetic material opens new opportunities for high-speed spintronic devices.
We have studied current-driven domain wall motion in modified Ga_0.95Mn_0.05As Hall bar structures with perpendicular anisotropy by using spatially resolved Polar Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Microscopy and micromagnetic simulation. Regardless of the initial magnetic configuration, the domain wall propagates in the opposite direction to the current with critical current of 1~2x10^5A/cm^2. Considering the spin transfer torque term as well as various effective magnetic field terms, the micromagnetic simulation results are consistent with the experimental results. Our simulated and experimental results suggest that the spin-torque rather than Oersted field is the reason for current driven domain wall motion in this material.
In easy-plane ferromagnets, all magnetic dynamics are restricted in a specific plane, and the domain wall becomes massive instead of gyroscopic. Here we show that the interaction between domain wall and spin wave packet in easy-plane ferromagnets takes analogy to two massive particles colliding via attraction. Due to mutual attraction, the penetration of spin wave packet leads to backward displacement of the domain wall, and further the penetration of continuous spin wave leads to constant velocity of domain wall. The underlying temporary exchange of momentum, instead of permanent transfer of linear and angular momenta, provides a new paradigm in magnonically driving domain wall.
We investigate the anisotropy of magnetic reversal and current-driven domain wall motion in annealed Ga_0.95Mn_0.05As thin films and Hall bar devices with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Hall bars with current direction along the [110] and [1-10] crystallographic axes are studied. The [110] device shows larger coercive field than the [1-10] device. Strong anisotropy is observed during magnetic reversal between [110] and [1-10] directions. A power law dependence is found for both devices between the critical current (JC) and the magnetization (M), with J_C is proportional to M^2.6. The domain wall motion is strongly influenced by the presence of local pinning centres.