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The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Optical Counterparts to the X-ray Sources in the Galactic Bulge

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 Added by Andrzej Udalski
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a sample of 209 variable objects - very likely optical counterparts to the X-ray sources detected in the direction of the Galactic center by the Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS) carried out with the Chandra satellite. The variable sources were found in the databases of the OGLE long term survey monitoring regularly the Galactic bulge since 1992. The counterpart candidates were searched based on the X-ray source position in the radius of 3.9. Optical light curves of the candidates comprise a full variety of variability types: spotted stars, pulsating red giants (potentially secondary stars of symbiotic variables), cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary systems, irregular non-periodic objects including an AGN (GRS 1734-292). Additionally, we find that positions of 19 non-variable stars brighter than 16.5 mag in the OGLE databases are so well aligned with the X-ray positions (<0.75) that these objects are also likely optical counterparts to the GBS X-ray sources. We provide the OGLE astrometric and photometric information for all selected objects and their preliminary classifications. Photometry of the candidates is available from the OGLE Internet archive,

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As part of the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS), we present a catalogue of optical sources in the GBS footprint. This consists of two regions centered at Galactic latitude b = 1.5 degrees above and below the Galactic Centre, spanning (l x b) = (6x1) degrees. The catalogue consists of 2 or more epochs of observations for each line of sight in r, i and H{alpha} filters. It is complete down to r = 20.2 and i = 19.2 mag; the mean 5{sigma} depth is r = 22.5 and i = 21.1 mag. The mean root-mean-square residuals of the astrometric solutions is 0.04 arcsec. We cross-correlate this optical catalogue with the 1640 unique X-ray sources detected in Chandra observations of the GBS area, and find candidate optical counterparts to 1480 X-ray sources. We use a false alarm probability analysis to estimate the contamination by interlopers, and expect ~ 10 per cent of optical counterparts to be chance alignments. To determine the most likely counterpart for each X-ray source, we compute the likelihood ratio for all optical sources within the 4{sigma} X-ray error circle. This analysis yields 1480 potential counterparts (~ 90 per cent of the sample). 584 counterparts have saturated photometry (r<17, i<16), indicating these objects are likely foreground sources and the real counterparts. 171 candidate counterparts are detected only in the i-band. These sources are good qLMXB and CV candidates as they are X-ray bright and likely located in the Bulge.
257 - M. K. Szymanski 2011
We present OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic bulge fields observed during the third phase of the OGLE project. This paper describes the last, concluding set of maps based on OGLE-III data. The maps contain precise, calibrated VI photometry of about 340 million stars from 267 fields in the Galactic bulge observed during entire OGLE-III phase (2002-2009), covering about 92 square degrees in the sky. Precise astrometry of these objects is also provided. We briefly discuss the photometry procedures and the quality of the data. We also present sample data and color-magnitude diagrams of the observed fields. All photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.
120 - L.Wyrzykowski , A.Udalski , S.Mao 2006
We present the first systematic search for microlensing events with variability in their baselines using data from the third phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-III). A total of 137 candidates (88 new) was discovered toward the Galactic bulge. Among these, 21 have periodic oscillations in their baselines, 111 are irregular variables and 5 are potential long period detached eclipsing binaries. This is about 10% of the total number of constant baseline events. They are hence quite common and can be regarded as a new type of exotic events, which allow the determination of extra parameters of the events. We show that microlensing of variable stars may allow us to break the degeneracy between the blending parameter and magnification. We note that in some cases variability hidden in the baseline due to strong blending may be revealed in highly magnified events and resemble other exotic microlensing behavior, including planetary deviation. A new system (VEWS) for detecting ongoing variable baseline microlensing events is presented.
We present a photometric survey of the optical counterparts of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in nearby (< 5 Mpc) galaxies. Of the 33 ULXs with Hubble & Chandra data, 9 have no visible counterpart, placing limits on their M_V of ~ -4 to -9, enabling us to rule out O-type companions in 4 cases. The refined positions of two ULXs place them in the nucleus of their host galaxy. They are removed from our sample. Of the 22 remaining ULXs, 13 have one possible optical counterpart, while multiple are visible within the error regions of other ULXs. By calculating the number of chance coincidences, we estimate that 13 +/- 5 are the true counterparts. We attempt to constrain the nature of the companions by fitting the SED and M_V to obtain candidate spectral types. We can rule out O-type companions in 20 cases, while we find that one ULX (NGC 253 ULX2) excludes all OB-type companions. Fitting with X-ray irradiated models provides constraints on the donor star mass and radius. For 7 ULXs, we are able to impose inclination-dependent upper and/or lower limits on the black holes mass, if the extinction to the assumed companion star is not larger than the Galactic column. These are NGC 55 ULX1, NGC 253 ULX1, NGC 253 ULX2, NGC 253 XMM6, Ho IX X-1, IC342 X-1 & NGC 5204 X-1. This suggests that 10 ULXs do not have O companions, while none of the 18 fitted rule out B-type companions.
We present OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic disk fields observed during the OGLE-III campaigns for low luminosity transiting objects that led to the discovery of the first transiting exoplanets. The maps contain precise, calibrated VI photometry of about 9 million stars from 21 OGLE-III fields in the Galactic disk observed in the years 2002-2009 and covering more than 7 square degrees in the sky. Precise astrometry of these objects is also provided. We discuss quality of the data and present a few color-magnitude diagrams of the observed fields. All photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.
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