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We present Suzaku observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029, which exploit Suzakus low particle background to probe the ICM to radii beyond those possible with previous observations (reaching out to the virial radius), and with better azimuthal coverage. We find significant anisotropies in the temperature and entropy profiles, with a region of lower temperature and entropy occurring to the south east, possibly the result of accretion activity in this direction. Away from this cold feature, the thermodynamic properties are consistent with an entropy profile which rises, but less steeply than the predictions of purely gravitational hierarchical structure formation. Excess emission in the northern direction can be explained due to the overlap of the emission from the outskirts of Abell 2029 and nearby Abell 2033 (which is at slightly higher redshift). These observations suggest that the assumptions of spherical symmetry and hydrostatic equilibrium break down in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, which poses challenges for modelling cluster masses at large radii and presents opportunities for studying the formation and accretion history of clusters.
We report the first Chandra detection of emission out to the virial radius in the cluster Abell 1835 at z=0.253. Our analysis of the soft X-ray surface brightness shows that emission is present out to a radial distance of 10 arcmin or 2.4 Mpc, and the temperature profile has a factor of ten drop from the peak temperature of 10 keV to the value at the virial radius. We model the Chandra data from the core to the virial radius and show that the steep temperature profile is not compatible with hydrostatic equilibrium of the hot gas, and that the gas is convectively unstable at the outskirts. A possible interpretation of the Chandra data is the presence of a second phase of warm-hot gas near the clusters virial radius that is not in hydrostatic equilibrium with the clusters potential. The observations are also consistent with an alternative scenario in which the gas is significantly clumped at large radii.
We use new Suzaku observations of PKS 0745-191 to measure the thermodynamic properties of its ICM out to and beyond r_{200} (reaching 1.25r_{200}) with better accuracy than previously achieved, owing to a more accurate and better understood background model. We investigate and resolve the tensions between the previous Suzaku and ROSAT results for PKS 0745-191, which are found to be principally caused by incorrect background modelling in the previous Suzaku analysis. We investigate in depth the systematic errors affecting this observation, and present temperature, density, entropy and gas mass fraction profiles reaching out to and beyond the virial radius. We find that the entropy profile flattens in the outskirts as originally observed in the previous Suzaku analysis, but that the flattening starts at larger radius. The flattening of the entropy profile and our mass analysis suggests that outside ~17 (~1.9 Mpc) the ICM is out of hydrostatic equilibrium or the presence of significant non-thermal pressure support.
We present X-ray observations of the northern outskirts of the relaxed galaxy cluster A1413 with Suzaku, whose XIS instrument has the low intrinsic background needed to make measurements of these low surface brightness regions. We excise 15 point sources superimposed on the image above a flux of $1times 10^{-14}$ fluxunit (2--10keV) using XMM-Newton and Suzaku images of the cluster. We quantify all known systematic errors as part of our analysis, and show our statistical errors encompasses them for the most part. Our results extend previous measurements with Chandra and XMM-Newton, and show a significant temperature drop to about 3keV at the virial radius, $r_{200}$. Our entropy profile in the outer region ($> 0.5 r_{200}$) joins smoothly onto that of XMM-Newton, and shows a flatter slope compared with simple models, similar to a few other clusters observed at the virial radius. The integrated mass of the cluster at the virial radius is approximately $7.5times10^{14}M_{odot}$ and varies by about 30% depending on the particular method used to measure it.
We report Chandra X-ray observations and optical weak-lensing measurements from Subaru/Suprime-Cam images of the double galaxy cluster Abell 2465 (z=0.245). The X-ray brightness data are fit to a beta-model to obtain the radial gas density profiles of the northeast (NE) and southwest (SW) sub-components, which are seen to differ in structure. We determine core radii, central temperatures, the gas masses within $r_{500c}$, and the total masses for the broader NE and sharper SW components assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. The central entropy of the NE clump is about two times higher than the SW. Along with its structural properties, this suggests that it has undergone merging on its own. The weak-lensing analysis gives virial masses for each substructure, which compare well with earlier dynamical results. The derived outer mass contours of the SW sub-component from weak lensing are more irregular and extended than those of the NE. Although there is a weak enhancement and small offsets between X-ray gas and mass centers from weak lensing, the lack of large amounts of gas between the two sub-clusters indicates that Abell 2465 is in a pre-merger state. A dynamical model that is consistent with the observed cluster data, based on the FLASH program and the radial infall model, is constructed, where the subclusters currently separated by ~1.2Mpc are approaching each other at ~2000km/s and will meet in ~0.4Gyr.
Galaxy clusters might be sources of TeV gamma rays emitted by high-energy protons and electrons accelerated by large scale structure formation shocks, galactic winds, or active galactic nuclei. Furthermore, gamma rays may be produced in dark matter particle annihilation processes at the cluster cores. We report on observations of the galaxy clusters Perseus and Abell 2029 using the 10 m Whipple Cherenkov telescope during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 observing seasons. We apply a two-dimensional analysis technique to scrutinize the clusters for TeV emission. In this paper we first determine flux upper limits on TeV gamma-ray emission from point sources within the clusters. Second, we derive upper limits on the extended cluster emission. We subsequently compare the flux upper limits with EGRET upper limits at 100 MeV and theoretical models. Assuming that the gamma-ray surface brightness profile mimics that of the thermal X-ray emission and that the spectrum of cluster cosmic rays extends all the way from thermal energies to multi-TeV energies with a differential spectral index of -2.1, our results imply that the cosmic ray proton energy density is less than 7.9% of the thermal energy density for the Perseus cluster.