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The SWELLS survey. IV. Precision measurements of the stellar and dark matter distributions in a spiral lens galaxy

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 Added by Matteo Barnabe
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We construct a fully self-consistent mass model for the lens galaxy J2141 at z=0.14, and use it to improve on previous studies by modelling its gravitational lensing effect, gas rotation curve and stellar kinematics simultaneously. We adopt a very flexible axisymmetric mass model constituted by a generalized NFW dark matter halo and a stellar mass distribution obtained by deprojecting the MGE fit to the high-resolution K-band LGSAO imaging data of the galaxy, with the (spatially constant) M/L ratio as a free parameter. We model the stellar kinematics by solving the anisotropic Jeans equations. We find that the inner logarithmic slope of the dark halo is weakly constrained (gamma = 0.82^{+0.65}_{-0.54}), and consistent with an unmodified NFW profile. We infer the galaxy to have (i) a dark matter fraction within 2.2 disk radii of 0.28^{+0.15}_{-0.10}, independent of the galaxy stellar population, implying a maximal disk for J2141; (ii) an apparently uncontracted dark matter halo, with concentration c_{-2} = 7.7_{-2.5}^{+4.2} and virial velocity v_{vir} = 242_{-39}^{+44} km/s, consistent with LCDM predictions; (iii) a slightly oblate halo (q_h = 0.75^{+0.27}_{-0.16}), consistent with predictions from baryon-affected models. Comparing the stellar mass inferred from the combined analysis (log_{10} Mstar/Msun = 11.12_{-0.09}^{+0.05}) with that inferred from SPS modelling of the galaxies colours, and accounting for a cold gas fraction of 20+/-10%, we determine a preference for a Chabrier IMF over Salpeter IMF by a Bayes factor of 5.7 (substantial evidence). We infer a value beta_{z} = 1 - sigma^2_{z}/sigma^2_{R} = 0.43_{-0.11}^{+0.08} for the orbital anisotropy parameter in the meridional plane, in agreement with most studies of local disk galaxies, and ruling out at 99% CL that the dynamics of this system can be described by a two-integral distribution function. [Abridged]

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641 - A. A. Dutton 2011
The degeneracy among the disk, bulge and halo contributions to galaxy rotation curves prevents an understanding of the distribution of baryons and dark matter in disk galaxies. In an attempt to break this degeneracy, we present an analysis of the spiral galaxy strong gravitational lens SDSS J2141-0001, discovered as part of the SLACS survey. We present new Hubble Space Telescope multicolor imaging, gas and stellar kinematics data derived from long-slit spectroscopy, and K-band LGS adaptive optics imaging, both from the Keck telescopes. We model the galaxy as a sum of concentric axisymmetric bulge, disk and halo components and infer the contribution of each component, using information from gravitational lensing and gas kinematics. This analysis yields a best-fitting total (disk plus bulge) stellar mass of log_{10}(Mstar/Msun) = 10.99(+0.11,-0.25). The photometric data combined with stellar population synthesis models yield log_{10}(Mstar/Msun) = 10.97pm0.07, and 11.21pm0.07 for the Chabrier and Salpeter IMFs, respectively. Accounting for the expected gas fraction of simeq 20% reduces the lensing plus kinematics stellar mass by 0.10pm0.05 dex, resulting in a Bayes factor of 11.9 in favor of a Chabrier IMF. The dark matter halo is roughly spherical, with minor to major axis ratio q_{halo}=0.91(+0.15,-0.13). The dark matter halo has a maximum circular velocity of V_{max}=276(+17,-18) km/s, and a central density parameter of log_{10}Delta_{V/2}=5.9(+0.9,-0.5). This is higher than predicted for uncontracted dark matter haloes in LCDM cosmologies, log_{10}Delta_{V/2}=5.2, suggesting that either the halo has contracted in response to galaxy formation, or that the halo has a higher than average concentration. At 2.2 disk scale lengths the dark matter fraction is f_{DM}=0.55(+0.20,-0.15), suggesting that SDSS J2141-0001 is sub-maximal.
728 - A. A. Dutton 2012
Recent work has suggested that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is not universal, but rather is correlated with galaxy stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion, or morphological type. In this paper, we investigate variations of the IMF within individual galaxies. For this purpose, we use strong lensing and gas kinematics to measure independently the normalisation of the IMF of the bulge and disk components of a sample of 5 massive spiral galaxies with substantial bulge components taken from the SWELLS survey. We find that the stellar mass of the bulges are tightly constrained by the lensing and kinematic data. A comparison with masses based on stellar population synthesis models fitted to optical and near infrared photometry favors a Salpeter-like normalisation of the IMF. Conversely, the disk masses are less well constrained due to degeneracies with the dark matter halo, but are consistent with Milky Way type IMFs in agreement with previous studies. The disks are submaximal at 2.2 disk scale lengths, but due to the contribution of the bulges, the galaxies are baryon dominated at 2.2 disk scale lengths. Globally, our inferred IMF normalisation is consistent with that found for early-type galaxies of comparable stellar mass (> 10^11 M_sun). Our results suggest a non-universal IMF within the different components of spiral galaxies, adding to the well-known differences in stellar populations between disks and bulges.
269 - Simona Vegetti 2014
We consider three extensions of the Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) profile and investigate the intrinsic degeneracies among the density profile parameters on the gravitational lensing effect of satellite galaxies on highly magnified Einstein rings. In particular, we find that the gravitational imaging technique can be used to exclude specific regions of the considered parameter space, and therefore, models that predict a large number of satellites in those regions. By comparing the lensing degeneracy with the intrinsic density profile degeneracies, we show that theoretical predictions based on fits that are dominated by the density profile at larger radii may significantly over- or underestimate the number of satellites that are detectable with gravitational lensing. Finally, using the previously reported detection of a satellite in the gravitational lens system JVAS B1938+666 as an example, we derive for this detected satellite values of r_max and v_max that are, for each considered profile, consistent within 1sigma with the parameters found for the luminous dwarf satellites of the Milky Way and with a mass density slope gamma < 1.6. We also find that the mass of the satellite within the Einstein radius as measured using gravitational lensing is stable against assumptions on the substructure profile. In the future thanks to the increased angular resolution of very long baseline interferometry at radio wavelengths and of the E-ELT in the optical we will be able to set tighter constraints on the number of allowed substructure profiles.
We use state-of-art measurements of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) at z=6, 7 and 8 to derive constraints on warm dark matter (WDM), late-forming dark matter (LFDM) and ultra-light axion dark matter (ULADM) models alternative to the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm. To this purpose we have run a suite of high-resolution N-body simulations to accurately characterise the low mass-end of the halo mass function and derive DM model predictions of the high-z luminosity function. In order to convert halo masses into UV-magnitudes we introduce an empirical approach based on halo abundance matching which allows us to model the LF in terms of the amplitude and scatter of the ensemble average star formation rate halo mass relation of each DM model, $langle {rm SFR}({rm M_{ h}},z)rangle$. We find that independent of the DM scenario the average SFR at fixed halo mass increases from z=6 to 8, while the scatter remains constant. At halo mass ${rm M_{h}}gtrsim 10^{12},{rm M}_odot$ h$^{-1}$ the average SFR as function of halo mass follows a double power law trend that is common to all models, while differences occur at smaller masses. In particular, we find that models with a suppressed low-mass halo abundance exhibit higher SFR compared to the CDM results. Using deviance statistics we obtain a lower limit on the WDM thermal relic particle mass, $m_{rm WDM}gtrsim 1.5$ keV at $2sigma$. In the case of LFDM models, the phase transition redshift parameter is bounded to $z_tgtrsim 8cdot 10^5$ at $2sigma$. We find ULADM best-fit models with axion mass $m_agtrsim 1.6cdot 10^{-22}$ eV to be well within $2sigma$ of the deviance statistics. We remark that measurements at $z=6$ slightly favour a flattening of the LF at faint UV-magnitudes. This tends to prefer some of the non-CDM models in our simulation suite, although not at a statistically significant level to distinguish them from CDM.
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