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We study the Holstein polaron in transverse magnetic field using non-perturbational methods. At strong fields and large coupling, we show that the polaron has a Hofstadter spectrum, however very distorted and of lower symmetry than that of a (heavier) bare particle. For weak magnetic fields, we identify non-perturbational behaviour of the Landau levels not previously known.
The polaron formation is investigated in the intermediate regime of the Holstein model by using an exact diagonalization technique for the one-dimensional infinite lattice. The numerical results for the electron and phonon propagators are compared with the nonadiabatic weak- and strong-coupling perturbation theories, as well as with the harmonic adiabatic approximation. A qualitative explanation of the crossover regime between the self-trapped and free-particle-like behaviors, not well-understood previously, is proposed. It is shown that a fine balance of nonadiabatic and adiabatic contributions determines the motion of small polarons, making them light. A comprehensive analysis of spatially and temporally resolved low-frequency lattice correlations that characterize the translationally invariant polaron states is derived. Various behaviors of the polaronic deformation field, ranging from classical adiabatic for strong couplings to quantum nonadiabatic for weak couplings, are discussed.
We review numerical results for ground-state and spectral properties of the single-electron Holstein model.
The lq Hofstadter butterfly, a plot of the spectrum of an electron in a two-dimensional periodic potential with a uniform magnetic field, contains subsets which resemble small, distorted images of the entire plot. We show how the sizes of these sub-images are determined, and calculate scaling factors describing their self-similar nesting, revealing an un-expected simplicity in the fractal structure of the spectrum. We also characterise semi-infinite chains of sub-images, showing one end of the chain is a result of gap closure, and the other end is at an accumulation point.
Fractons are a type of emergent quasiparticle which cannot move freely in isolation, but can easily move in bound pairs. Similar phenomenology is found in boson-affected hopping models, encountered in the study of polaron systems and hole-doped Ising antiferromagnets, in which motion of a particle requires the creation or absorption of bosonic excitations. We show that boson-affected hopping models can provide a natural realization of fractons, either approximately or exactly, depending on the details of the system. We first consider a generic one-dimensional boson-affected hopping model, in which we show that single particles move only at sixth order in perturbation theory, while motion of bound states occurs at second order, allowing for a broad parameter regime exhibiting approximate fracton phenomenology. We explicitly map the model onto a fracton Hamiltonian featuring conservation of dipole moment via integrating out the mediating bosons. We then consider a special type of boson-affected hopping models with mutual hard-core repulsion between particles and bosons, accessible in hole-doped mixed-dimensional Ising antiferromagnets, in which the hole motion is one dimensional in an otherwise two-dimensional antiferromagnetic background. We show that this system, which is within the current reach of ultracold-atom experiments, exhibits perfect fracton behavior to all orders in perturbation theory, thereby enabling the experimental study of dipole-conserving field theories. We further discuss diagnostic signatures of fractonic behavior in these systems. In studying these models, we also identify simple effective one-dimensional microscopic Hamiltonians featuring perfect fractonic behavior, paving the way to future studies on fracton physics in lower dimensions.
We study multielectron bubble phases in the $N=2$ and $N=3$ Landau levels in a high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs sample. We found that the longitudinal magnetoresistance versus temperature curves in the multielectron bubble region exhibit sharp peaks, irrespective of the Landau level index. We associate these peaks with an enhanced scattering caused by thermally fluctuating domains of a bubble phase and a uniform uncorrelated electron liquid at the onset of the bubble phases. Within the $N=3$ Landau level, onset temperatures of three-electron and two-electron bubbles exhibit linear trends with respect to the filling factor; the onset temperatures of three-electron bubbles are systematically higher than those of two-electron bubbles. Furthermore, onset temperatures of the two-electron bubble phases across $N=2$ and $N=3$ Landau levels are similar, but exhibit an offset. This offset and the dominant nature of the three-electron bubbles in the $N=3$ Landau level reveals the role of the short-range part of the electron-electron interaction in the formation of the bubbles.