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The lq Hofstadter butterfly, a plot of the spectrum of an electron in a two-dimensional periodic potential with a uniform magnetic field, contains subsets which resemble small, distorted images of the entire plot. We show how the sizes of these sub-images are determined, and calculate scaling factors describing their self-similar nesting, revealing an un-expected simplicity in the fractal structure of the spectrum. We also characterise semi-infinite chains of sub-images, showing one end of the chain is a result of gap closure, and the other end is at an accumulation point.
We study the Holstein polaron in transverse magnetic field using non-perturbational methods. At strong fields and large coupling, we show that the polaron has a Hofstadter spectrum, however very distorted and of lower symmetry than that of a (heavier) bare particle. For weak magnetic fields, we identify non-perturbational behaviour of the Landau levels not previously known.
We investigate the properties of a two-dimensional quasicrystal in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. In this configuration, the density of states (DOS) displays a Hofstadter butterfly-like structure when it is represented as a function of the magnetic flux per tile. We show that the low-DOS regions of the energy spectrum are associated with chiral edge states, in direct analogy with the Chern insulators realized with periodic lattices. We establish the topological nature of the edge states by computing the topological Chern number associated with the bulk of the quasicrystal. This topological characterization of the non-periodic lattice is achieved through a local (real-space) topological marker. This work opens a route for the exploration of topological insulating materials in a wide range of non-periodic lattice systems, including photonic crystals and cold atoms in optical lattices.
In two and three spatial dimensions, the transverse response experienced by a charged particle on a lattice in a uniform magnetic field is proportional to a topological invariant, the first Chern number, characterizing the energy bands of the underlying Hofstadter Hamiltonian. In four dimensions, the transverse response is also quantized, and controlled by the second Chern number. These remarkable features solely arise from the magnetic translational symmetry. Here we show that the symmetries of the two-, three- and four-dimensional Hofstadter Hamiltonians may be encrypted in optical diffraction gratings, such that simple photonic experiments allow one to extract the first and the second Chern numbers of the whole energy spectra. This result is particularly remarkable in three and four dimensions, where complete topological characterizations have not yet been achieved experimentally. Side-by-side to the theoretical analysis, in this work we present the experimental study of optical gratings analogues of the two- and three-dimensional Hofstadter models.
Topological- and strongly-correlated- materials are exciting frontiers in condensed matter physics, married prominently in studies of the fractional quantum hall effect [1]. There is an active effort to develop synthetic materials where the microscopic dynamics and ordering arising from the interplay of topology and interaction may be directly explored. In this work we demonstrate a novel architecture for exploration of topological matter constructed from tunnel-coupled, time-reversalbroken microwave cavities that are both low loss and compatible with Josephson junction-mediated interactions [2]. Following our proposed protocol [3] we implement a square lattice Hofstadter model at a quarter flux per plaquette ({alpha} = 1/4), with time-reversal symmetry broken through the chiral Wannier-orbital of resonators coupled to Yttrium-Iron-Garnet spheres. We demonstrate site-resolved spectroscopy of the lattice, time-resolved dynamics of its edge channels, and a direct measurement of the dispersion of the edge channels. Finally, we demonstrate the flexibility of the approach by erecting a tunnel barrier investigating dynamics across it. With the introduction of Josephson-junctions to mediate interactions between photons, this platform is poised to explore strongly correlated topological quantum science for the first time in a synthetic system.
We introduce a grating assisted tunneling scheme for tunable synthetic magnetic fields in photonic lattices, which can be implemented at optical frequencies in optically induced one- and two-dimensional dielectric photonic lattices. We demonstrate a conical diffraction pattern in particular realization of these lattices which possess Dirac points in $k$-space, as a signature of the synthetic magnetic fields. The two-dimensional photonic lattice with grating assisted tunneling constitutes the realization of the Harper-Hofstadter Hamiltonian.