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Regularity results for pluriclosed flow

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 Added by Jeffrey Streets
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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In prior work the authors introduced a parabolic flow of pluriclosed metrics. Here we give improved regularity results for solutions to this equation. Furthermore, we exhibit this equation as the gradient flow of the lowest eigenvalue of a certain Schrodinger operator, and show the existence of an expanding entropy functional for this flow. Finally, we motivate a conjectural picture of the optimal regularity results for this flow, and discuss some of the consequences.

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82 - Jeffrey Streets 2018
We recall fundamental aspects of the pluriclosed flow equation and survey various existence and convergence results, and the various analytic techniques used to establish them. Building on this, we formulate a precise conjectural description of the long time behavior of the flow on complex surfaces. This suggests an attendant geometrization conjecture which has implications for the topology of complex surfaces and the classification of generalized Kahler structures.
74 - Jeffrey Streets 2018
We give a classification of compact solitons for the pluriclosed flow on complex surfaces. First, by exploiting results from the Kodaira classification of surfaces, we show that the complex surface underlying a soliton must be Kahler except for the possibility of steady solitons on minimal Hopf surfaces. Then, we construct steady solitons on all class $1$ Hopf surfaces by exploiting a natural symmetry ansatz.
We show that the existence of a left-invariant pluriclosed Hermitian metric on a unimodular Lie group with a left-invariant abelian complex structure forces the group to be $2$-step nilpotent. Moreover, we prove that the pluriclosed flow starting from a left-invariant Hermitian metric on a $2$-step nilpotent Lie group preserves the Strominger Kahler-like condition.
Hermitian, pluriclosed metrics with vanishing Bismut-Ricci form give a natural extension of Calabi-Yau metrics to the setting of complex, non-Kahler manifolds, and arise independently in mathematical physics. We reinterpret this condition in terms of the Hermitian-Einstein equation on an associated holomorphic Courant algebroid, and thus refer to solutions as Bismut Hermitian-Einstein. This implies Mumford-Takemoto slope stability obstructions, and using these we exhibit infinitely many topologically distinct complex manifolds in every dimension with vanishing first Chern class which do not admit Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metrics. This reformulation also leads to a new description of pluriclosed flow in terms of Hermitian metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids, implying new global existence results, in particular on all complex non-Kahler surfaces of nonnegative Kodaira dimension. On complex manifolds which admit Bismut-flat metrics we show global existence and convergence of pluriclosed flow to a Bismut-flat metric, which in turn gives a classification of generalized Kahler structures on these spaces.
122 - Jeffrey Streets 2021
We give a complete description of the global existence and convergence for the Ricci-Yang-Mills flow on $T^k$ bundles over Riemann surfaces. These results equivalently describe solutions to generalized Ricci flow and pluriclosed flow with symmetry.
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