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Another look at the optimal Bayes cost in the binary decision problem

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 Added by Bernhard Meister
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The problem of quantum state discrimination between two wave functions of a particle in a square well potential is considered. The optimal minimum-error probability for the state discrimination is known to be given by the Helstrom bound. A new strategy is introduced here whereby the square well is compressed isoenergetically, modifying the wave-functions. The new contracted chamber is then probed using the conventional optimal strategy, and the error probability is calculated. It is shown that in some cases the Helstrom bound can be violated, i.e. the state discrimination can be realized with a smaller error probability.

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475 - Bernhard K. Meister 2011
The problem of quantum state discrimination between two wave functions of a particle in a square well potential is considered. The optimal minimum-error probability is known to be given by the Helstrom bound. A new strategy is introduced by inserting an impenetrable barrier in the middle of the square well, which is either a nodal or non-nodal point of the wave function. The energy required to insert the barrier is dependent on the initial state. This enables the experimenter to gain additional information beyond the standard probing of the state envisaged by Helstrom and to improve the distinguishability of the states. It is shown that under some conditions the Helstrom bound can be violated, i.e. the state discrimination can be realized with a smaller error probability.
114 - Bernhard K. Meister 2011
The problem of quantum state discrimination between two wave functions on a ring is considered. The optimal minimum-error probability is known to be given by the Helstrom bound. A new strategy is introduced by inserting either adiabatically or instantaneously an impenetrable barrier. The insertion point, independent of the shape of the initial wave function, becomes a node. The resulting modified wave functions can be, if the initial functions are judiciously chosen, distinguished with a smaller error probability, and as a consequence the Helstrom bound can be violated under idealised conditions.
We show how the separability problem is dual to that of decomposing any given matrix into a conic combination of rank-one partial isometries, thus offering a duality approach different to the positive maps characterization problem. Several inmediate consequences are analyzed: (i) a sufficient criterion for separability for bipartite quantum systems, (ii) a complete solution to the separability problem for pure states also of bipartite systems independent of the classical Schmidt decomposition method and (iii) a natural generalization of these results to multipartite systems.
169 - Bernhard K. Meister 2014
State discrimination with the aim to minimize the error probability is a well studied problem. Instead, here the binary decision problem for operators with a given prior is investigated. A black box containing the unknown operator is probed by selected wave functions. The output is analyzed with conventional methods developed for state discrimination. An error probability bound for all binary operator choices is provided, and it is shown how probe entanglement enhances the result.
84 - S. Satheesh 2003
The drawbacks in the formulations of random infinite divisibility in Sandhya (1991, 1996), Gnedenko and Korelev (1996), Klebanov and Rachev (1996), Bunge (1996) and Kozubowski and Panorska (1996) are pointed out. For any given Laplace transform, we conceive random (N) infinite divisibility w.r.t a class of probability generating functions derived from the Laplace transform itself. This formulation overcomes the said drawbacks, and the class of probability generating functions is useful in transfer theorems for sums and maximums in general. Generalizing the concepts of attraction (and partial attraction) in the classical and the geometric summation setup to our formulation we show that the domains of attraction (and partial attraction)in all these setups are same. We also establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence to infinitely divisible laws from that of an N-sum and conversely, that is an analogue of Theorem.4.6.5 in Gnedenko and Korelev (1996, p.149). The role of the divisibiltiy of N and the Laplace transform on that of this formulation is also discussed.
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