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Poisson brackets, quasi-states and symplectic integrators

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 Added by Michael Entov
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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This paper is a fusion of a survey and a research article. We focus on certain rigidity phenomena in function spaces associated to a symplectic manifold. Our starting point is a lower bound obtained in an earlier paper with Zapolsky for the uniform norm of the Poisson bracket of a pair of functions in terms of symplectic quasi-states. After a short review of the theory of symplectic quasi-states, we extend this bound to the case of iterated Poisson brackets. A new technical ingredient is the use of symplectic integrators. In addition, we discuss some applications to symplectic approximation theory and present a number of open problems.

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We introduce new invariants associated to collections of compact subsets of a symplectic manifold. They are defined through an elementary-looking variational problem involving Poisson brackets. The proof of the non-triviality of these invariants involves various flavors of Floer theory. We present applications to approximation theory on symplectic manifolds and to Hamiltonian dynamics.
195 - Brent Pym 2015
A log symplectic manifold is a complex manifold equipped with a complex symplectic form that has simple poles on a hypersurface. The possible singularities of such a hypersurface are heavily constrained. We introduce the notion of an elliptic point of a log symplectic structure, which is a singular point at which a natural transversality condition involving the modular vector field is satisfied, and we prove a local normal form for such points that involves the simple elliptic surface singularities $tilde{E}_6,tilde{E}_7$ and $tilde{E}_8$. Our main application is to the classification of Poisson brackets on Fano fourfolds. For example, we show that Feigin and Odesskiis Poisson structures of type $q_{5,1}$ are the only log symplectic structures on projective four-space whose singular points are all elliptic.
For a compact Poisson-Lie group $K$, the homogeneous space $K/T$ carries a family of symplectic forms $omega_xi^s$, where $xi in mathfrak{t}^*_+$ is in the positive Weyl chamber and $s in mathbb{R}$. The symplectic form $omega_xi^0$ is identified with the natural $K$-invariant symplectic form on the $K$ coadjoint orbit corresponding to $xi$. The cohomology class of $omega_xi^s$ is independent of $s$ for a fixed value of $xi$. In this paper, we show that as $sto -infty$, the symplectic volume of $omega_xi^s$ concentrates in arbitrarily small neighbourhoods of the smallest Schubert cell in $K/T cong G/B$. This strengthens earlier results [9,10] and is a step towards a conjectured construction of global action-angle coordinates on $Lie(K)^*$ [4, Conjecture 1.1].
We discuss how the integrators used for the Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm not only approximately conserve some Hamiltonian $H$ but exactly conserve a nearby shadow Hamiltonian (tilde H), and how the difference $Delta H equiv tilde H - H $ may be expressed as an expansion in Poisson brackets. By measuring average values of these Poisson brackets over the equilibrium distribution $propto e^{-H}$ generated by HMC we can find the optimal integrator parameters from a single simulation. We show that a good way of doing this in practice is to minimize the variance of $Delta H$ rather than its magnitude, as has been previously suggested. Some details of how to compute Poisson brackets for gauge and fermion fields, and for nested and force gradient integrators are also presented.
78 - K. Bering 1999
We find a new d-parameter family of ultra-local boundary Poisson brackets that satisfy the Jacobi identity. The two already known cases (hep-th/9305133, hep-th/9806249 and hep-th/9901112) of ultra-local boundary Poisson brackets are included in this new continuous family as special cases.
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