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Universal Spectra of Coherent Atoms in a Recurrent Random Walk

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 Added by Rami Pugatch
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The probability of a random walker to return to its starting point in dimensions one and two is unity, a theorem first proven by G. Polya. The recurrence probability -- the probability to be found at the origin at a time t, is a power law with a critical exponent d/2 in dimensions d=1,2. We report an experiment that directly measures the Laplace transform of the recurrence probability in one dimension using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) of coherent atoms diffusing in a vapor-cell filled with buffer gas. We find a regime where the limiting form of the complex EIT spectrum is universal and only depends on the effective dimensionality in which the random recurrence takes place. In an effective one-dimensional diffusion setting, the measured spectrum exhibits power law dependence over two decades in the frequency domain with a critical exponent of 0.56 close to the expected value 0.5. Possible extensions to more elaborate diffusion schemes are briefly discussed.

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364 - A.V. Plyukhin 2009
In a simple model of a continuous random walk a particle moves in one dimension with the velocity fluctuating between V and -V. If V is associated with the thermal velocity of a Brownian particle and allowed to be position dependent, the model accounts readily for the particles drift along the temperature gradient and recovers basic results of the conventional thermophoresis theory.
85 - Miquel Montero 2019
The random walk with hyperbolic probabilities that we are introducing is an example of stochastic diffusion in a one-dimensional heterogeneous media. Although driven by site-dependent one-step transition probabilities, the process retains some of the features of a simple random walk, shows other traits that one would associate with a biased random walk and, at the same time, presents new properties not related with either of them. In particular, we show how the system is not fully ergodic, as not every statistic can be estimated from a single realization of the process. We further give a geometric interpretation for the origin of these irregular transition probabilities.
We consider a one-dimensional recurrent random walk in random environment (RWRE). We show that the - suitably centered - empirical distributions of the RWRE converge weakly to a certain limit law which describes the stationary distribution of a random walk in an infinite valley. The construction of the infinite valley goes back to Golosov. As a consequence, we show weak convergence for both the maximal local time and the self-intersection local time of the RWRE and also determine the exact constant in the almost sure upper limit of the maximal local time.
Levy walk process is one of the most effective models to describe superdiffusion, which underlies some important movement patterns and has been widely observed in the micro and macro dynamics. From the perspective of random walk theory, here we investigate the dynamics of Levy walks under the influences of the constant force field and the one combined with harmonic potential. Utilizing Hermite polynomial approximation to deal with the spatiotemporally coupled analysis challenges, some striking features are detected, including non Gaussian stationary distribution, faster diffusion, and still strongly anomalous diffusion, etc.
The following question is the subject of our work: could a two-dimensional random path pushed by some constraints to an improbable large deviation regime, possess extreme statistics with one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) fluctuations? The answer is positive, though non-universal, since the fluctuations depend on the underlying geometry. We consider in details two examples of 2D systems for which imposed external constraints force the underlying stationary stochastic process to stay in an atypical regime with anomalous statistics. The first example deals with the fluctuations of a stretched 2D random walk above a semicircle or a triangle. In the second example we consider a 2D biased random walk along a channel with forbidden voids of circular and triangular shapes. In both cases we are interested in the dependence of a typical span $left< d(t) right> sim t^{gamma}$ of the trajectory of $t$ steps above the top of the semicircle or the triangle. We show that $gamma = frac{1}{3}$, i.e. $left< d(t) right>$ shares the KPZ statistics for the semicircle, while $gamma=0$ for the triangle. We propose heuristic derivations of scaling exponents $gamma$ for different geometries, justify them by explicit analytic computations and compare with numeric simulations. For practical purposes, our results demonstrate that the geometry of voids in a channel might have a crucial impact on the width of the boundary layer and, thus, on the heat transfer in the channel.
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