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Simulations of quantum double models

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 Added by Gavin K. Brennen
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We demonstrate how to build a simulation of two dimensional physical theories describing topologically ordered systems whose excitations are in one to one correspondence with irreducible representations of a Hopf algebra, D(G), the quantum double of a finite group G. Our simulation uses a digital sequence of operations on a spin lattice to prepare a ground vacuum state and to create, braid and fuse anyonic excitations. The simulation works with or without the presence of a background Hamiltonian though only in the latter case is the system topologically protected. We describe a physical realization of a simulation of the simplest non-Abelian model, D(S_3), using trapped neutral atoms in a two dimensional optical lattice and provide a sequence of steps to perform universal quantum computation with anyons. The use of ancillary spin degrees of freedom figures prominently in our construction and provides a novel technique to prepare and probe these systems.

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Quantum simulations are becoming an essential tool for studying complex phenomena, e.g. quantum topology, quantum information transfer, and relativistic wave equations, beyond the limitations of analytical computations and experimental observations. To date, the primary resources used in proof-of-principle experiments are collections of qubits, coherent states or multiple single-particle Fock states. Here we show the first quantum simulation performed using genuine higher-order Fock states, with two or more indistinguishable particles occupying the same bosonic mode. This was implemented by interfering pairs of Fock states with up to five photons on an interferometer, and measuring the output states with photon-number-resolving detectors. Already this resource-efficient demonstration reveals new topological matter, simulates non-linear systems and elucidates a perfect quantum transfer mechanism which can be used to transport Majorana fermions.
Recently developed quantum algorithms suggest that in principle, quantum computers can solve problems such as simulation of physical systems more efficiently than classical computers. Much remains to be done to implement these conceptual ideas into actual quantum computers. As a small-scale demonstration of their capability, we simulate a simple many-fermion problem, the Fano-Anderson model, using liquid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). We carefully designed our experiment so that the resource requirement would scale up polynomially with the size of the quantum system to be simulated. The experimental results allow us to assess the limits of the degree of quantum control attained in these kinds of experiments. The simulation of other physical systems, with different particle statistics, is also discussed.
We investigate the limits of effectiveness of classical spin simulations for predicting free induction decays (FIDs) measured by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) on systems of quantum nuclear spins. The specific limits considered are associated with the range of interaction, the size of individual quantum spins and the long-time behavior of the FID signals. We compare FIDs measured or computed for lattices of quantum spins (mainly spins 1/2) with the FIDs computed for the corresponding lattices of classical spins. Several cases of excellent quantitative agreement between quantum and classical FIDs are reported along with the cases of gradually decreasing quality of the agreement. We formulate semi-empirical criteria defining the situations, when classical simulations are expected to accurately reproduce quantum FIDs. Our findings indicate that classical simulations may be a quantitatively accurate tool of first principles calculations for a broad class of macroscopic systems, where individual quantum microscopic degrees of freedom are far from the classical limit.
The exploration of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms and programming models on noisy near-term quantum hardware has begun. As hybrid programs scale towards classical intractability, validation and benchmarking are critical to understanding the utility of the hybrid computational model. In this paper, we demonstrate a newly developed quantum circuit simulator based on tensor network theory that enables intermediate-scale verification and validation of hybrid quantum-classical computing frameworks and programming models. We present our tensor-network quantum virtual machine (TNQVM) simulator which stores a multi-qubit wavefunction in a compressed (factorized) form as a matrix product state, thus enabling single-node simulations of larger qubit registers, as compared to brute-force state-vector simulators. Our simulator is designed to be extensible in both the tensor network form and the classical hardware used to run the simulation (multicore, GPU, distributed). The extensibility of the TNQVM simulator with respect to the simulation hardware type is achieved via a pluggable interface for different numerical backends (e.g., ITensor and ExaTENSOR numerical libraries). We demonstrate the utility of our TNQVM quantum circuit simulator through the verification of randomized quantum circuits and the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm, both expressed within the eXtreme-scale ACCelerator (XACC) programming model.
We review a recent theoretical proposal for a universal quantum computing platform based on tunable nonlinear electromechanical nano-oscillators, in which qubits are encoded in the anharmonic vibrational modes of mechanical resonators coupled to a superconducting circuitry. The digital quantum simulation of spin-type model Hamiltonians, such as the Ising model in a transverse field, could be performed with very high fidelities on such a prospective platform. Here we challenge our proposed simulator with the actual IBM-Q quantum processor available on cloud. We show that such state-of-art implementation of a quantum computer, based on transmon qubits and superconducting technology, is able to perform digital quantum simulations. However, encoding the qubits in mechanical degrees of freedom would allow to outperform the current implementations in terms of fidelity and scalability of the quantum simulation.
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