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Capability of Cherenkov Telescopes to Observe Ultra-fast Optical Flares

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 Added by Christoph Deil
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors C. Deil

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The large optical reflector (~ 100 m^2) of a H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescope was used to search for very fast optical transients of astrophysical origin. 43 hours of observations targeting stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars were obtained using a dedicated photometer with microsecond time resolution. The photometer consists of seven photomultiplier tube pixels: a central one to monitor the target and a surrounding ring of six pixels to veto background events. The light curves of all pixels were recorded continuously and were searched offline with a matched-filtering technique for flares with a duration of 2 us to 100 ms. As expected, many unresolved (<3 us) and many long (>500 us) background events originating in the earths atmosphere were detected. In the time range 3 to 500 us the measurement is essentially background-free, with only eight events detected in 43 h; five from lightning and three presumably from a piece of space debris. The detection of flashes of brightness ~ 0.1 Jy and only 20 us duration from the space debris shows the potential of this setup to find rare optical flares on timescales of tens of microseconds. This timescale corresponds to the light crossing time of stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars.

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THESEUS is an ESA space based project, aiming to explore the early universe by unveiling a complete census of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) population in the first billion years. This goal is expected to be achieved by combined observations of its three instruments: the Soft X-ray Imager (SXI), the X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer (XGIS) and the InfraRed Telescope (IRT). In particular, the IRT instrument will help to identify, localise and study the afterglow of the GRBs detected by SXI and XGIS, and about $40%$ of its time will be devoted to an all-sky photometric survey, which will certainly detect a relevant number of extragalactic sources, including Quasars. In this paper, we focus on the capability of IRT-THESEUS Telescope to observe Quasars and, in particular, those objects lensed by foreground galaxies. In our analysis, we consider the Quasar Luminosity Function (QLF) in the infrared band based obtained by the Spitzer Space Telescope imaging survey. Furthermore, by using the mass-luminosity distribution function of galaxies and the galaxy/Quasar redshift distributions, we preformed Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the number of lensed Quasars. We predict that up to $2.14 times 10^5$ Quasars can be observed during gthe IRT-Theseus sky survey, and about $140$ of them could be lensed by foreground galaxies. Detailed studies of these events would provide a powerful probe of the physical properties of Quasars and the mass distribution models of the galaxies.
Solar observations at sub-THz frequencies detected a new flare spectral component peaking in the THz range, simultaneously with the well known microwaves component, bringing challenging constraints for interpretation. Higher THz frequencies observations are needed to understand the nature of the mechanisms occurring in flares. A THz photometer system was developed to observe outside the terrestrial atmosphere on stratospheric balloons or satellites, or at exceptionally transparent ground stations. The telescope was designed to observe the whole solar disk detecting small relative changes in input temperature caused by flares at localized positions. A Golay cell detector is preceded by low-pass filters to suppress visible and near IR radiation, a band-pass filter, and a chopper. A prototype was assembled to demonstrate the new concept and the system performance. It can detect temperature variations smaller than 1 K for data sampled at a rate of 10/second, smoothed for intervals larger than 4 seconds. For a 76 mm aperture, this corresponds to small solar burst intensities at THz frequencies. A system with 3 and 7 THz photometers is being built for solar flare observations on board of stratospheric balloon missions.
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) currently in operation feature large mirrors and order of 1 ns time response to signals of a few photo-electrons produced by optical photons. This means that they are ideally suited for optical interferometry observations. Thanks to their sensitivity to visible wavelengths and long baselines optical intensity interferometry with IACTs allows reaching angular resolutions of tens to microarcsec. We have installed a simple optical setup on top of the cameras of the two 17 m diameter MAGIC IACTs and observed coherent fluctuations in the photon intensity measured at the two telescopes for three different stars. The sensitivity is roughly 10 times better than that achieved in the 1970s with the Narrabri interferometer.
129 - Jamie Holder 2015
The stereoscopic imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique, developed in the 1980s and 1990s, is now used by a number of existing and planned gamma-ray observatories around the world. It provides the most sensitive view of the very high energy gamma-ray sky (above 30 GeV), coupled with relatively good angular and spectral resolution over a wide field-of-view. This Chapter summarizes the details of the technique, including descriptions of the telescope optical systems and cameras, as well as the most common approaches to data analysis and gamma-ray reconstruction.
Despite theoretical predictions for a Cherenkov-type radiation of spin waves (magnons) by various propagating magnetic perturbations, fast-enough moving magnetic field stimuli have not been available so far. Here, we experimentally realize the Cherenkov radiation of spin waves in a Co-Fe magnonic conduit by fast-moving (>1 km/s) magnetic flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices) in an adjacent Nb-C superconducting strip. The radiation is evidenced by the microwave detection of spin waves propagating a distance of 2 micrometers from the superconductor and it is accompanied by a magnon Shapiro step in its current-voltage curve. The spin-wave excitation is unidirectional and monochromatic, with sub-40 nm wavelengths determined by the period of the vortex lattice. The phase-locking of the vortex lattice with the excited spin wave limits the vortex velocity and reduces the dissipation in the superconductor.
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