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Full Numerical Simulations of Catastrophic Small Body Collisions

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 Added by Zoe Leinhardt
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The outcome of collisions between small icy bodies, such as Kuiper belt objects, is poorly understood and yet a critical component of the evolution of the trans-Neptunian region. The expected physical properties of outer solar system materials (high porosity, mixed ice-rock composition, and low material strength) pose significant computational challenges. We present results from catastrophic small body collisions using a new hybrid hydrocode to $N$-body code computational technique. This method allows detailed modeling of shock propagation and material modification as well as gravitational reaccumulation. Here, we consider a wide range of material strengths to span the possible range of Kuiper belt objects. We find that the shear strength of the target is important in determining the collision outcome for 2 to 50-km radius bodies, which are traditionally thought to be in a pure gravity regime. The catastrophic disruption and dispersal criteria, $Q_D^*$, can vary by up to a factor of three between strong crystalline and weak aggregate materials. The material within the largest reaccumulated remnants experiences a wide range of shock pressures. The dispersal and reaccumulation process results in the material on the surfaces of the largest remnants having experienced a wider range of shock pressures compared to material in the interior. Hence, depending on the initial structure and composition, the surface materials on large, reaccumulated bodies in the outer solar system may exhibit complex spectral and albedo variations. Finally, we present revised catastrophic disruption criteria for a range of impact velocities and material strengths for outer solar system bodies.

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There is increasing evidence that many km-sized bodies in the Solar System are piles of rubble bound together by gravity. We present results from a project to map the parameter space of collisions between km-sized spherical rubble piles. The results will assist in parameterization of collision outcomes for Solar System formation models and give insight into fragmentation scaling laws. We use a direct numerical method to evolve the positions and velocities of the rubble pile particles under the constraints of gravity and physical collisions. We test the dependence of the collision outcomes on impact parameter and speed, impactor spin, mass ratio, and coefficient of restitution. Speeds are kept low (< 10 m/s, appropriate for dynamically cool systems such as the primordial disk during early planet formation) so that the maximum strain on the component material does not exceed the crushing strength. We compare our results with analytic estimates and hydrocode simulations. Off-axis collisions can result in fast-spinning elongated remnants or contact binaries while fast collisions result in smaller fragments overall. Clumping of debris escaping from the remnant can occur, leading to the formation of smaller rubble piles. In the cases we tested, less than 2% of the system mass ends up orbiting the remnant. Initial spin can reduce or enhance collision outcomes, depending on the relative orientation of the spin and orbital angular momenta. We derive a relationship between impact speed and angle for critical dispersal of mass in the system. We find that our rubble piles are relatively easy to disperse, even at low impact speed, suggesting that greater dissipation is required if rubble piles are the true progenitors of protoplanets.
A numerical approach to the problem of wave scattering by many small particles is developed under the assumptions k<<1, d>>a, where a is the size of the particles and d is the distance between the neighboring particles. On the wavelength one may have many small particles. An impedance boundary conditions are assumed on the boundaries of small particles. The results of numerical simulation show good agreement with the theory. They open a way to numerical simulation of the method for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient.
Using direct $N$-body simulations of self-gravitating systems we study the dependence of dynamical chaos on the system size $N$. We find that the $N$-body chaos quantified in terms of the largest Lyapunov exponent $Lambda_{rm max}$ decreases with $N$. The values of its inverse (the so-called Lyapunov time $t_lambda$) are found to be smaller than the two-body collisional relaxation time but larger than the typical violent relaxation time, thus suggesting the existence of another collective time scale connected to many-body chaos.
142 - I. Berentzen 2003
We investigate the dynamical effects of an interaction between an initially barred galaxy and a small spherical companion using an N-body/SPH algorithm. In the models described here the small companion passes through the disc of the larger galaxy near-perpendicular to its plane. The impact positions and times are varied with respect to the phase of the bar and the dynamical evolution of the disc. The interactions produce expanding ring structures, offset bars, spokes,and other asymmetries in the stars and gas. These characteristic signatures of the interaction are present in the disc for about 1 Gyr. We find that in some cases it is possible to destroy the bar while keeping the disc structure. In general the central impacts cause larger damage to the bar and the disc than the peripheral ones. The interaction tends to accelerate the transition from a strongly barred galaxy to a weakly or non-barred galaxy. The final disc morphology is determined more by the impact position relative to the bar rather than the impact time.
The observed velocities of the gas in barred galaxies are a combination of the azimuthally-averaged circular velocity and non-circular motions, primarily caused by gas streaming along the bar. These non-circular flows must be accounted for before the observed velocities can be used in mass modeling. In this work, we examine the performance of the tilted-ring method and the DiskFit algorithm for transforming velocity maps of barred spiral galaxies into rotation curves (RCs) using simulated data. We find that the tilted-ring method, which does not account for streaming motions, under/over-estimates the circular motions when the bar is parallel/perpendicular to the projected major axis. DiskFit, which does include streaming motions, is limited to orientations where the bar is not-aligned with either the major or minor axis of the image. Therefore, we propose a method of correcting RCs based on numerical simulations of galaxies. We correct the RC derived from the tilted-ring method based on a numerical simulation of a galaxy with similar properties and projections as the observed galaxy. Using observations of NGC 3319, which has a bar aligned with the major axis, as a test case, we show that the inferred mass models from the uncorrected and corrected RCs are significantly different. These results show the importance of correcting for the non-circular motions and demonstrate that new methods of accounting for these motions are necessary as current methods fail for specific bar alignments.
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