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Numerical solution of many-body wave scattering problem for small particles

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A numerical approach to the problem of wave scattering by many small particles is developed under the assumptions k<<1, d>>a, where a is the size of the particles and d is the distance between the neighboring particles. On the wavelength one may have many small particles. An impedance boundary conditions are assumed on the boundaries of small particles. The results of numerical simulation show good agreement with the theory. They open a way to numerical simulation of the method for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient.

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A numerical solution to the problem of wave scattering by many small particles is studied under the assumption k<<1, d>>a, where a is the size of the particles and d is the distance between the neighboring particles. Impedance boundary conditions are assumed on the boundaries of small particles. The results of numerical simulation show good agreement with the theory. They open a way to numerical simulation of the method for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient.
Although the convergent close-coupling (CCC) method has achieved unprecedented success in obtaining accurate theoretical cross sections for electron-atom scattering, it generally fails to yield converged energy distributions for ionization. Here we report converged energy distributions for ionization of H(1s) by numerically integrating Schroedingers equation subject to correct asymptotic boundary conditions for the Temkin-Poet model collision problem, which neglects angular momentum. Moreover, since the present method is complete, we obtained convergence for all transitions in a single calculation. Complete results, accurate to 1%, are presented for impact energies of 54.4 and 40.8 eV, where CCC results are available for comparison.
Assigning homogeneous boundary conditions, such as acoustic impedance, to the thermoviscous wave equations (TWE) derived by transforming the linearized Navier-Stokes equations (LNSE) to the frequency domain yields a so-called Helmholtz solver, whose output is a discrete set of complex eigenfunction and eigenvalue pairs. The proposed method -- the inverse Helmholtz solver (iHS) -- reverses such procedure by returning the value of acoustic impedance at one or more unknown impedance boundaries (IBs) of a given domain via spatial integration of the TWE for a given real-valued frequency with assigned conditions on other boundaries. The iHS procedure is applied to a second-order spatial discretization of the TWEs derived on an unstructured grid with staggered grid arrangement. The momentum equation only is extended to the center of each IB face where pressure and velocity components are co-located and treated as unknowns. One closure condition considered for the iHS is the assignment of the surface gradient of pressure phase over the IBs, corresponding to assigning the shape of the acoustic waveform at the IB. The iHS procedure is carried out independently for each frequency in order to return the complete broadband complex impedance distribution at the IBs in any desired frequency range. The iHS approach is first validated against Rotts theory for both inviscid and viscous, rectangular and circular ducts. The impedance of a geometrically complex toy cavity is then reconstructed and verified against companion full compressible unstructured Navier-Stokes simulations resolving the cavity geometry and one-dimensional impedance test tube calculations based on time-domain impedance boundary conditions (TDIBC). The iHS methodology is also shown to capture thermoacoustic effects, with reconstructed impedance values quantitatively in agreement with thermoacoustic growth rates.
We introduce an exact numerical technique to solve the nuclear pairing Hamiltonian and to determine properties such as the even-odd mass differences or spectral functions for any element within the periodic table for any number of nuclear shells. In particular, we show that the nucleus is a system with small entanglement and can thus be described efficiently using a one-dimensional tensor network (matrix-product state) despite the presence of long-range interactions. Our approach is numerically cheap and accurate to essentially machine precision, even for large nuclei. We apply this framework to compute the even-odd mass differences of all known lead isotopes from $^{178}$Pb to $^{220}$Pb in the very large configuration space of 13 shells between the neutron magic numbers 82 and 184 (i.e., two major shells) and find good agreement with the experiment. To go beyond the ground state, we calculate the two-neutron removal spectral function of $^{210}$Pb which relates to a two-neutron pickup experiment that probes neutron-pair excitations across the gap of $^{208}$Pb. Finally, we discuss the capabilities of our method to treat pairing with non-zero angular momentum. This is numerically more demanding, but one can still determine the lowest excited states in the full configuration space of one major shell with modest effort, which we demonstrate for the $N=126$, $Zgeq 82$ isotones.
The size of micromagnetic structures, such as domain walls or vortices, is comparable to the exchange length of the ferromagnet. Both, the exchange length of the stray field $l_s$ and the magnetocrystalline exchange length $l_k$ are material-dependent quantities that usually lie in the nanometer range. This emphasizes the theoretical challenges associated with the mesoscopic nature of micromagnetism: the magnetic structures are much larger than the atomic lattice constant, but at the same time much smaller than the sample size. In computer simulations, the smallest exchange length serves as an estimate for the largest cell size admissible to prevent appreciable discretization errors. This general rule is not valid in special situations where the magnetization becomes particularly inhomogeneous. When such strongly inhomogeneous structures develop, micromagnetic simulations inevitably contain systematic and numerical errors. It is suggested to combine micromagnetic theory with a Heisenberg model to resolve such problems. We analyze cases where strongly inhomogeneous structures pose limits to standard micromagnetic simulations, arising from fundamental aspects as well as from numerical drawbacks.
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